#0580 Ducklett
Gen VII Dex

| Dash | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Dash's Ducklett

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
53 Hatenna and the Otherworldly Hatenna and the Unworldly! Pics
66 Infiltrating the System! Naranja Academy in Danger! System Intrusion! Crisis at Naranja Academy! Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Ducklett

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
718 The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue! Swift Hero A☆celgor VS Cryogonal Man!! Pics
730 Climbing the Tower of Success! Obstacle Breakthrough! Climb The Tower of the Sky!! Pics
788 The Island of Illusions! Illusion Island! Zoroark in the Fog! Pics
799 Go, Go Gogoat! Go Go Gogoat! Pics
808 A Blustery Santalune Gym Battle! Santalune Gym Match! The Vivillon's Elegant Dance Battle! Pics
819 A Jolting Switcheroo! Dedenne is Pichu and Pichu is Dedenne...!? Pics
883 Performing with Fiery Charm! Braixen and Pancham! An Entrancing Fire Performance!! Pics
887 Adventures in Running Errands! Chespin! Its First Errand!! Pics
904 A Dancing Debut! Dance, Eevee! Its Pokémon Showcase Debut!! Pics
912 Master Class Choices! The Master Class Trial! What Will You Do, Serena!? Pics
1170 Mad About Blue A Clash?! Blue Pokémaniacs! Pics
1230 A Squad Worth of Passion! Enter the Squirtle Fire Brigade! Pics
57 The Terapagos I Don't Know A Terapagos I Don't Know! Pics

Wild Ducklett

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
679 Dancing With the Ducklett Trio! Pikachu VS Sandile VS Ducklett! Pics
M14 Black: Victini & Reshiram Victini & The White Hero: Reshiram Pics
M14 White: Victini & Zekrom Victini & The Black Hero: Zekrom Pics
717 The Lonely Deino! Iris & Deino! Training at the Day Care!! Pics
720 Stopping the Rage of Legends! (Part 1) Tornadus VS Thundurus VS Landorus!! (Part One) Pics
762 Drayden Versus Iris: Past, Present, and Future! Opelucid Gym! Iris VS Drayden!! Pics
772 There's a New Gym Leader in Town! The New Gym Leader, Cheren!!! Pics
788 The Island of Illusions! Illusion Island! Zoroark in the Fog! Pics
790 The Pirates of Decolore! The Pirate King of the Decolore Archipelago! Pics
799 Go, Go Gogoat! Go Go Gogoat! Pics
M17 Diancie & The Cocoon of Destruction The Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie Pics
S40 Hoopa’s Surprise Ring Adventures Hoopa's Appear Operation Pics
87 TBC The Guidance of the Black Rayquaza Pics

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