As the technological market has become more mainstream, various Pokémon-related Apps have been released for smartphones and tablets across the globe. Many of these apps have been free while others have cost.
App Name: Pokémon Say Tap? (ポケモン言えTAP?) Release Date: July 15th 2011 Region: Japan Developer: Creatures Inc. Platforms: iPhone, iPad, Android, PC Price: Free The first ever Pokémon app was released for a limited time from July 15th 2011 to September 30th on iOS, and August 11th 2011 to October 28th 2011 on Android platforms. This app was a simple rhythm game that tied in with the ending to the Pokémon anime at the time, Can You Say the Pokémon? BW, which was essentially a song naming all the new Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Black & White. This app had you tap the screen which displayed a TCG card featuring the Pokémon at the time of the name in the music. At the top an icon indicating the type of Pokémon appears and, if you tap at the correct time, you will get a perfect score. It also has a mode which is done based solely upon the sound of the music, rather than using the Pokémon's images After the song ends and you have tapped all the Pokémon, you will be ranked based upon your timing. The game holds a high score table, which you can customise with an icon, in order to see how well you did. |
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App Name: Pokédex for iOS (ポケモン図鑑 for iOS) Release Date: November 16th 2012 (Japan), December 10th 2012 (International) Region: Japan, North America, Europe, Australia Developer: Creatures Inc. Platforms: iPhone, iPad Price: Starting at 200¥, $1.99, €1.99, Ł1.49. Free Pokédex for iOS was an app that was a simple database utility. This database provided an in-depth Pokédex focused on Pokémon Black 2 & White 2, giving full details of the level up moves, Egg Moves, TM moves and locations of the Pokémon. It also featured imagery of the Pokémon's 3D model, the same image used in the 3DS counterpart app, Pokédex 3D Pro. It also provided a platform for displaying QR codes which Pokédex 3D Pro could use for its Augmented Reality features. The initial app just contains the Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Black & White, from Snivy to Genesect, but allowed for the purchase of extra packs that included the rest of the Pokémon, separated by the generation. Once the pack was purchased, the Pokémon would appear in the Pokédex.
The app went through two updates, to include the Pokémon Meloetta and Genesect respectively. Click here for the main section Support for this app ended on November 31st 2015 where it was no longer downloadable, and the additional downloads were not able to be redownloaded. |
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App Name: Complete Story, Strategy Guide & National Pokédex - Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 Official Guide Book (完全ストーリー攻略ガイド+完全ポケモン全国ずかん 〜ポケットモンスターブラック2・ホワイト2 公式ガイドブック〜) Release Date: January 25th 2013 Region: Japan Developer: OVERLAP, Inc. Platforms: iPhone, iPad Price: 1500¥ In the months that followed its launch, there were several Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 guides released in Japan. Following on from this, a special app was released which included all of these guides in one single app. This app acts as a book with various navigational options and the ability to zoom in. This guide also came with a special serial code that could be used on the Pokémon Global Link to receive a Level 33 Gothorita with its Hidden Ability of Shadow Tag and the rare move Imprison. It also came with a Serial Code that allowed for the download of a Focus Band into your Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 games. |
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App Name: Pokémon TV Release Date: February 8th 2013 (iOS & Android), April 23rd 2014 (Kindle Fire) Region: North America, Europe, Australia Developer: The Pokémon Company International Platforms: iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle Fire Price: Free After several years being accessed on the website, The Pokémon Company released a special app called Pokémon TV for iOS and Android platforms. This app provides various episodes for the user to watch absolutely free. The episodes that are on the app vary depending upon region, and rotate weekly. Typically they rotate in order, with around a dozen from each saga being available at any one time. However, there are occassions where special events or promotions cause new episodes or specifically focused episodes to appear. The app runs the English dub, as well as French, German, Italian and Spanish, depending upon the region store it was downloaded from. From Version 3, released in February 2019, users can now log in with their Pokémon Trainer Club account and can use the account system to stop watching on one device and start watching from the paused point on another device. |
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App Name: Pokémon X & Y Official Guide Book (ポケットモンスター X・Y 公式完全攻略ガイド) Release Date: February 4th 2014 Region: Japan Developer: OVERLAP, Inc. Platforms: iPhone, iPad Price: Free In the months that followed its launch, there were several Pokémon X & Y guides released in Japan. Following on from this, a special app was released which included all of these guides in one single app. This app acts as a book with various navigational options and the ability to zoom in This app is different to the previous one in that it begins being a barebones free version with decent information about the game, but has two in-app purchases that add to the guide, giving more information. Each of these expansions correspond to a specific guide book that was released in bookstores.
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App Name: Pokémon TCG Online Release Date: September 26th 2014 (Canada), September 29th 2014 (Europe), September 30th 2014 (USA) Region: North America, Europe, Australia Developer: The Pokémon Company International Platforms: iPad, PC, Mac Price: Free The Pokémon TCG Online app is an off-shoot of the Pokémon TCG Online game and provides an alternative to play the game using iPads. This game gives you the ability to play the Pokémon Trading Card Game online with other players. This includes matches as well as the ability to trade cards. There is also a single player option which allows you to play practice matches or play through the Trainer Challenge where you face off several Trading Card Game leagues and battle against numerous NPCs. The game has various levels of customisation for your own specific character, allowing for full personalisation. To get more cards in the game, you have to either earn Trainer Tokens in the game to purchase new booster packs and theme decks. Alternatively, you can use special codes that are given within the booster packs and theme decks in real life. Finally, exclusive to the iPad app, you can purchase gems using real money in order to exchange them for booster packs and theme decks.
The game can be played in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian. |
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App Name: Camp Pokémon Release Date: October 21st 2014 (iOS), April 13th 2016 (Android) Region: North America, Europe Developer: The Pokémon Company International Platforms: iOS, Android Price: Free The Camp Pokémon app is a unique free app that includes several mini-games & quizzes within it aimed at children aged 6 to 8. These games test the knowledge of Pokémon that the player has and help build the knowledge. In the game, you can collect various pins based on Pokémon, which can be checked out at base camp in your Pin Book. Each pin acts as a sticker that can be used in various photo editing throughout the app. These pins are obtained by capturing Pokémon in certain games
If you get a specific full evolution chain in pins, then the Mystery Cave will unlock. Enter the cave and you'll get a special pin for the Mega Evolution. This exists for Mega Venusaur, Mega Blastoise, Mega Gengar, Mega Aggron, Mega Metagross, Mega Sceptile, Mega Swampert and Mega Blaziken. The game also has various other features within it for gameplay. These don't add to your Pin count, but provide knowledge for Pokémon. On August 6th 2015, an update came to the game which added another game where you matched TCG cards together by the same card, evolution chain and so forth, as well as addiing more pins to collect. The game then updated again on July 27th 2017. This time, it added Pokémon from Alola into the game, causing a massive reset to all save files, removing old Pokémon that were in it and adding the new Pokémon. It introduced a new mode where you go through a maze to catch Pokémon as well as Day/Night mode which made certain Pokémon appear in certain times
The game also provides access to the Pokémon TV app, Pokémon Trading Card Game Online app, and the Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire site, but recommends a parent take oveer then by providing a lock where you have to answer a large multiplication problem. This game comes in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian. |
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App Name: Pokémon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Official Full Strategy Guide (ポケモン オメガルビー・アルファサファイア 公式完全攻略ガイド) Release Date: November 22nd 2014 Region: Japan Developer: OVERLAP, Inc. Platforms: iPhone, iPad Price: 1200¥ In the months that followed its launch, there were several Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha guides released in Japan. Coinciding with this on from this, a special app was released which included all of these guides in one single app. This app acts as a book with various navigational options and the ability to zoom in. |
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App Name:Pokémon Daisuki Club (ポケモンだいすきクラブ公式アプリ) Release Date: February 4th 2015 Region: Japan Developer: The Pokémon Company Platforms: iPhone, iPad, Android Price: Free This app allows for syncing with the Pokémon Daisuki Club website, acting as a portal, and provides news feeds of the latest Pokémon news as well as access to games and your own trainer card using your Daisuki Club account. |
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App Name:Pokémon Style (ポケモンスタイル) Release Date: February 16th 2015 Region: Japan Developer: The Pokémon Company Platforms: Android Price: Free - Styles cost Free to 200¥ This free app gives you special wallpapers and icons for your phone and comes with updates on the second and fourth week of each month on Thursdays. The designs it gives range from Free to 200¥. It currently has a Pikachu design available for free and has designs based on merchandise at the Pokémon Center. The app was removed on February 29th 2016, and all purchased styles were no longer downloadable. |
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App Name:Learn Real English With Pokemon: Bilingual XY Scope (ポケモンで学ぶリアル英語 XY対訳スコープ) Release Date: April 22nd2015 Region: Japan Developer: The Pokémon Company Platforms: iPhone Price: Free - Add-ons for quizzes at 480¥ This app lets you translate from English to Japanese. It contains many simple Pokémon phrases for you to check but also has a feature that lets you take a photo of a Nintendo 3DS screen playing Pokémon X & Y in English and will give you the translation from English to Japanese. It does not work with Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. Support for this app ended on November 31st 2015. |
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App Name: Pokémon Jukebox Pokémon Music Pokédex (ポケモン音楽図鑑) Release Date: May 7th 2015 (Japan), June 23rd (US) Region: International Developer: The Pokémon Company Platforms: Google Play Price: Free - Additional songs at 120¥/Ł0.79/€0.89/$0.89 This app allows for you to purchase Pokémon music from the games from Pokémon Red & Green onwards. This app is free with three tracks but can have additional tracks purchased for 120¥ a piece. You can play them as much as you want, loop them and it has its own interface that looks like a classic Pokédex. It also allows you to put in sound effects of PokéBalls, Pokémon cries or item use during the play of music. You can also have the music run endlessly and purchase special medleys of various tracks. It has two language options of English (Pokémon Jukebox), or Japanese (Pokémon Music Pokédex). As of May 7th 2015, it only has access to the Pokémon Red & Green, FireRed & LeafGreen and HeartGold & SoulSilver tracks, but more will be added each month. The app was removed from the Google Play Store on May 31st 2016, and redownloads of purchased content was no longer possible after June 30th 2016. |
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App Name: Dance? Pokémon Band! (おどる?ポケモンおんがくたい) Release Date: June 30th 2015 (Japan) Region: Japan Developer: Creatures Inc. Platforms: iOS, Android Price: Free To coincide with the release of the movie, Hoopa & The Clash of Ages, a free app is being released in Japan on iOS and Android. This app is called Dance? Pokémon Band!. This app is a rhythm game and has you play using various Pokémon dancing to the beat of the main theme to the upcoming movie and current ending theme, Gaogao All Stars by Little Glee Monster. To play, you tap the notes as and when they come over a Pokémon's head. There are multiple modes to this game and as you go through and collect berries by hitting the buttons in perfect rhythm, and then you can use them to call Hoopa. Hoopa will then use a portal to unlock more Pokémon. It starts with Hawlucha, Pancham, Pikachu & Chespin, but more will be added as time goes by. On July 23rd, a new update came which added the song Getto Banban, the opening to the anime, to the game.
This app was no longer downloadable from September 30th 2015 and was no longer able to be played after October 29th 2015. |
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App Name: Pokémon Mega Stone Plus+ List Online (ポケモンメガストーンPlusリスト -ONLINE-) Release Date: July 13th 2015 (Japan) Region: Japan Developer: Takara Tomy Platforms: iOS, Android Price: Free This app ties in with the Mega Ring/Mega Bracelet and Mega Stone toys released by Takara Tomy in Japan and contains a list of all 47 Mega Evolutions with their Mega Stones. If you scan in a Mega Stone using the NFC in the stone and Mega Ring, it will be added to the list where you get information on the Mega Evolution in question |
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App Name: Pokémon Shuffle Mobile (ポケとる スマホ版) Release Date: August 24th 2015 - Japan August 31st 2015 - North America & Europe Region: International Developer: Genius Sonority, The Pokémon Company, Nintendo Platforms: iOS, Android Price: Free After the 3DS title was downloaded 4.5 million times, a port of the game was created for both iOS and Android devices. This game is a straight port of the 3DS title, with all the stages and mechanics matching that of the Nintendo 3DS version |
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App Name: 99 Quest - Elementary School App - Pokémon Version (九九クエスト~小学生算数アプリ ポケットモンスターバージョン~) Release Date: October 6th 2015 Region: Japan Developer: Benesse Corporation Platforms: iOS, Android Price: Free This app is a Pokémon version of the popular 99 Quest app series in Japan. In it, you play as Ash and face off against various trainers, battling them by solving mathematics problems. In it, you face off against various unique trainers to the app, as well as Team Rocket |
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App Name: Pokémon EXPO Gym Gear (ポケモンEXPOジムギア) Release Date: November 18th 2015 Region: Japan Developer: Sanoyas Interactions Corporation Platforms: iOS, Android Price: Free This app was released for people who are going to visit the Pokémon EXPO Gym event in Yokohama. This app provides various resources for participating in and keeping track of the progress the player has with the various ammenities within the Expo Gym event |
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App Name: Pokémon Photo Booth (Pokémeme on iOS) Release Date: February 24th 2016 Region: International (not Japan) Developer: The Pokémon Company International Platforms: iOS, Android Price: Free Pokémon Photo Booth allows you to take and edit photos to add various Pokémon images, captions and overlays to your photos. These overlays and captions are all set, but can be altered to include your name and various other captions. |
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App Name: Pokémon Duel / Pokémon Comaster (ポケモンコマスター) Japanese Release Date: April 12th 2016 International Release Date: January 24th 2017 Region: International Developer: HEROZ Platforms: iOS, Android Price: Free - with In-App Purchases Pokémon Duek is a board game loosely based on the Pokémon Trading Figure Game. With this game, you have to collect various figures in order to create an offence and defence in matches against the computer or even other players locally. To attack, you spin a wheel and if your attack is more powerful then you attack the opponent and move their piece. The Pokémon Duel service discontinued on October 31st 2019. |
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App Name: Pokémon GO (ポケモンGO) Release Date: July 6th 2016 onwards Region: International Developer: Niantic, The Pokémon Company, Nintendo Platforms: iOS, Android Price: Free - with In-App Purchases Pokémon GO is an augmented reality app coming in 2016. This game uses geographic location for you to find and capture Pokémon. You can then battle other players, trade with other players and even participate in raids against Pokémon. It interacts with a special Pokémon Go Plus accessory, which connects to your device via bluetooth which alerts you to nearby Pokémon. |
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App Name: Pokémon Pixel Art Part 1 Release Date: July 12th 2016 Region: International Developer: The Pokémon Company Platforms: iOS Price: Ł1.79/€1.99/$1.99/249¥ This app on the App Store is not entirely a standalone app but in fact is an add-on to Apple's iMessage app. This app provides various stickers that can be sent to other people over iMessage. They can even be attached to the text for cute poses. There are two variations of the app; One is in English with English captions, the other is in Japanese with Japanese captions. They are sold separately.
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App Name: Pokémon Chat Pals Release Date: December 15th 2016 Region: International Developer: The Pokémon Company Platforms: iOS Price: Ł1.49/€1.99/$1.99/249¥ This app on the App Store is not entirely a standalone app but in fact is an add-on to Apple's iMessage app. This app provides various stickers that can be sent to other people over iMessage. They can even be attached to the text for cute poses.
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App Name: Pokémon: Magikarp Jump (はねろ!コイキング Splash! Magikarp) Release Date: May 17th 2017 Region: International Developer: Select Button Inc. Platforms: iOS/Android Price: Free with microtransactions Pokémon: Magikarp Jump is a small game where you capture various Magikarp, raise them, and then send them out into leagues to face off against other Magikarp to see which Magikarp can jump the highest. There are many levels to complete and many different Magikarp styles to collect |
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App Name: Pokémon Playhouse Release Date: September 21sth 2017 Region: North America/Europe Developer: The Pokémon Company Internation Platforms: iOS/Android/Kindle Price: Free Pokémon Playhouse is an app aimed towards children aged 3 to 5 with limited or no reading skills. This game has you select some Pokémon Friends and then receive eggs to hatch more. There are over 50 Pokémon to collect through this manner. To hatch eggs, you need to participate in a variety of activities in various areas of the game. When the egg hatches, you will receive a new one The Playroom is the main area of the game where many Pokémon appear. Here, you can access three activities
The Playground is an outside area where you can select 6 of your Pokémon and watch them play. |
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App Name: Pikachu Talk (ピカチュウトーク) Release Date: November 17th 2017 (Japan) | February 26th 2018 (US/Europe) Region: Global Developer: ??. Platforms: Google Home/Amazon Alexa Price: Free Pikachu Talk is a skill/feature of the hsmart home speakers which allows you to converse with Pikachu. Pikachu responds to a myriad of different phrases, as well as standard interactions with more conventional ones. Some phrases to use include:
It also reacts with various different emotions such as happy laughter, sadness and anger. |
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App Name: Detective Pikachu Stickers Release Date: March 23rd 2018 Region: International Developer: The Pokémon Company Platforms: iOS Price: Free This app on the App Store is not entirely a standalone app but in fact is an add-on to Apple's iMessage app. This app provides various stickers that can be sent to other people over iMessage. They can even be attached to the text for cute poses.
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App Name: Pokémon Quest (ポケモンクエスト) Release Date: June 2018 Region: Global Developer: Game Freak. Platforms: iOS/Android Price: Free with microtransactions Pokémon Quest is an Action RPG for Nintendo Switch and mobile devices where you send an expedition of 3 Pokémon out through stages to collect loot and defeat other Pokémon. It is controlled using a touchscreen with no direct control over your Pokémon. |
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App Name: Pokémon Trading Card Game Card Dex Release Date: February 4th 2019 Region: Global Developer: The Pokémon Company International Platforms: iOS/Android Price: Free Pokémon Trading Card Game has a lot of cards and so The Pokémon Company International put out an app to track your collection. This app contains all cards after the Pokémon Sun & Moon set and allows for you to download sets and assets as you need them. You can check off all the cards you have, as well as search for cards of specific rarities, types and so forth It also includes a feature where you can scan in your Pokémon Trading Card Game cards and have them added to your collection. This can work if a card is in a sleeve or folder, but does struggle to scan them as quick as it does when they're out of the sleeve. |
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App Name: Pokémon Pass Release Date: May 1st 2019 Region: United States Developer: The Pokémon Company International Platforms: iOS/Android Price: Free Pokémon Pass is an app that ties in with various in-store promotions. WIth the app, you'll have the ability to scan QR codes at participating retailers. Doing this will allow you to receive special gifts such as Serial Codes for the main series Pokémon games and various in-app effects such as stickers that can be used in conjunction with the phone's camera. |
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App Name: Playground: Pokémon Detective Pikachu Release Date: May 2nd 2019 Region: Global Developer: Google Platforms: Android Price: Free Playground: Pokémon Detective Pikachu is an app addition to the Playground app, requiring AR Core adding 4 Playmoji of Pikachu, Charizard, Jigglypuff and Mr. Mime. With this, you can set up photos utilising the Pokémon in their style from Detective Pikachu. |
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App Name: Pokémon Rumble Rush (ポケモンスクランブルSP Pokémon Scramble SP) Release Date: May 15th 2019 Region: Global Developer: Ambrella. Platforms: iOS/Android Price: Free with microtransactions Pokémon Rumble Rush is the continuation of the Pokémon Rumble series and has you control Toy Pokémon through various stages to collect and defeat more Toy Pokémon.It's a game with staggered events introducing new Pokémon and islands every two weeks, resetting the Pokémon you can have and use with each event |
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App Name: Pokémon Masters Release Date: August 29th 2019 Region: Global Developer: DeNA. Platforms: iOS/Android Price: Free with microtransactions Pokémon Masters is a game where you collect various trainers and their Pokémon to build a team to battle against various other trainers. The trainers you face are all prominent trainers from the Main Series Pokémon games. |
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App Name: Pokémon Wave Hello Release Date: October 21st 2019 Region: Global Developer: Google. Platforms: Pixel 4 Price: Free with microtransactions Pokémon Wave Hello is a small proof-of-concept app that utilises the capabilities of the Google Pixel 4 to recognise gestures. In this app, you can interact with Pikachu, Eevee, Grookey, Scorbunny or Sobble and use the various gestures to play with them. |
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App Name: Pokémon Tower Battle Release Date: December 24th 2019 Region: Global Developer: Google Platforms: Facebook Price: Free Pokémon Tower Battle is a small game on Facebook that has you select multiple Pokémon and create towers with them with another player. The player who has the tower collapse is the loser. This game cycles the available Pokémon through seasons and players can rank up in each season |
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App Name: Pokémon Tower Battle Release Date: December 24th 2019 Region: Oceania Developer: Google Platforms: Facebook Price: Free Pokémon Medallion Battle is a mobile variant of the Pokémon Medallion Battle arcade game that is in Vietnam and Taiwan and has you collect medallions of each Pokémon and create a team to battle other players. Each medallion has specific power, types and abilities |
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App Name: Pokémon HOME Release Date: February 12th 2020 Region: Global Developer: Game Freak. Platforms: iOS/Android Price: Free with subscription Pokémon HOME is a companion app to the main series Pokémon games. It acts as storage for various Pokémon obtained between all main series games. The mobile version doesn't allow for transfer with Nintendo Switch games but allows for you to check their data as well as trade using the GTS and other functions. |
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Pokémon Smile |
App Name: Pokémon Smile Release Date: June 17th 2020 Region: Global Developer: The Pokémon Company Platforms: iOS/Android Price: Free Pokémon Smile is a unique game that has you catch Pokémon by brushing your teeth. As you brush, you clean away bacteria until a bacteria covered Pokémon appears needing you to brush to clean it before you catch it |
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Pokémon Café Mix |
App Name: Pokémon Café Mix Release Date: June 24th 2020 Region: Global Developer: Genius Sonority. Platforms: iOS/Android Price: Free with Microtransactions Pokémon Café Mix is the latest puzzle game in Pokémon's repertoire. This game is another match Pokémon puzzle title but with a Café theme. Each stage has you making orders for various Pokémon in order to befriend them and add them to your Café Staff. |
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Pokémon UNITE |
App Name: Pokémon UNITE Release Date: 2021 Region: Global Developer: TiMi Studios Platforms: iOS/Android Price: Free with Microtransactions Pokémon UNITE is a Team based Battle Arena game. Here, you join a Team of 5 players to earn points by catching, evolving and battling Pokémon in a match using Pokémon's attacks to defeat the opponents and grab points.. |
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Pokémon Sleep |
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Release Dates: Global: Summer 2023 Console: iOS, Android Developer: Select Button Platforms: iOS/Android Price: Free with Microtransactions Pokémon Sleep is a game on mobile devices which alters gameplay based on how well you sleep and what time you wake up. By sleeping, you will attract other Pokémon with similar sleeping patterns to yours. |
Pokémon TCG Pocket |
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Release Dates: Global: October 30th 2024 Console: iOS, Android Developer: DeNA, Creatures Inc. Platforms: iOS/Android Price: Free with Microtransactions Pokémon TCG Pocket is a new version of the Pokémon TCG built entirely towards mobile devices. It allows for you to open various packs and build decks to battle with simplified rules for the Pokémon TCG with its own unique cards including immersive cards. |
Nintendo Music |
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Release Dates: Global: October 30th 2024 Console: iOS, Android Developer: Nintendo Platforms: iOS/Android Price: Free (with Nintendo Switch Online Subscription Nintendo Music is a music based app that is available only for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers which gives you a chance to listen to the soundtracks of various Nintendo games for free. This includes Pokémon games with it having Pokémon Scarlet & Violet upon launch. |
Pokémon Champions |
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Release Dates: Global: ??? Console: Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android Pokémon Champions is a return to the battle games for the first time in almost 20 years and features battles including multiple mechanics such as Mega Evolutions and Terastallization. It has Pokémon HOME connectivity so you can use the Pokémon from your games. |