- 30-03-2008- 13:25 BST / 08:25 EDT - Serebii
Making good progress on the Ranger missions, shall have the page soon The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on a Pokémon that evolved from a much liked fire Pokémon
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Nothing
Been a bit busy as of late with some stuff away from the PC so our coverage died down a bit. However, I am working on a complete Quest section for Ranger which should be ready within a few days. The Ranch section is also coming soon and a few more things so be sure to check back. Remember to be cautious about what you read over the coming days due to April Fools Edit @ 21:22 with news The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Another Ranger Batonnage Promo Pokémon Although this seemed to slip past me, I will let you know here. According to the official sites, in addition to the Aura Sphere Riolu and the Manaphy Egg that were previously announced as being downloadable from Pokémon Ranger Batonnage, a Darkrai is also going to be given on a special mission that will be downloadable in the near future. it is unknown what this mission entails or if the Darkrai has anything special such as attacks. We'll keep you informed on this. Click below for our ever growing Pokémon Ranger section:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Yet Another Ranger Batonnage Page
April Fools is around the corner, so here's the usual warning for you not to believe anything you see on other websites on April 1st that may seem big or awesome such as a new game reveal or even a new Pokémon so be ever vigilant. As usual, at Serebii.net we do not follow April Fools and will not post any pranks up We will begin our coverage on Pokémon Ranch within a couple of days The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Ranger Batonnage - Field Ability List
Continuing our coverage of Ranger Batonnage, today I have created a page detailling the Field Abilities and the obstacles that they are used to remove. Click below to view Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Another Ranger Batonnage Page
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Ranger Batonnage - Pokémon List
A long time coming, and what many of you have wanted, I have compiled the list of the Pokémon in Ranger Batonnage. At the moment, this list is missing about 9 Pokémon, but I will work on getting them as soon as possible so do not fear. This list not only contains the Pokémon but states their type, ability, assist, their Ranger Sprite as well as their location, with thanks to my old friend JDS for translations. It's a handy list if you're stuck for certain Pokémon. Click below to view In The Anime Department
New Japanese Episode Title A New japanese Episode Title has been revealed for an upcoming episode featuring an old friend: Episode 544: Restaurant Seven Stars! Tag Battle for a Full Course!! Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: More Ranger Batonnage Pages
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Ranger Batonnage - Partner Pokémon
Adding to a previous page, with thanks to Mykas0 for helping me find them, I have detailled how to find the majority of the other partner Pokémon throughout the game. This list is still lacking a couple of Pokémon so it will be added upon within the next couple of days Ranger Batonnage - Pokémon Assists
A relatively simple, but vital page, Pokémon Assists. These detail what all 18 Pokémon Assists do so that you know for sure whether its going to be useful or not Ranger Batonnage - Boss Pokémon
Just a small note, over the course of the past couple of days, the Boss page has been updated with all the bosses up until the end credits. Click below to view Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week
Keep checking back to the Ranger sections for more info added to existing pages. Also expect Pokémon Assist and Pokémon pages tomorrow The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on a Pokémon that is the final evolution of the first Egg Pokémon that was seen
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Ranger Batonnage Pages
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Ranger Batonnage - Boss Pokémon & Overworld Field Abilities
Going further into the mechanics of Ranger Batonnage, I have created two preliminary pages detailling the Boss Pokémon and Overworld Field Abilities. Click below to view the Boss & Overworld Field pages respectively, but be warned they do contain spoilers and as they are preliminary, they will be continually updated with new content so be sure to keep checking back Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Ep Pics & Ranger 2
This weekend, expect pages on Bosses, Non-Obstacle Field Abilities and a partial Pokémon list that will be updated as I get further and further into the game The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Ranger 2 - Partner Pokémon
Contrary to what has been previously reported, the Partner Pokémon system is much different than before. As such I have updated the page to make note of these changes. Click below to view In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, we have done the pictures for yesterday's episodes, the Pokémon Ranger episodes. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Ranger 2
The Ranger 2 coverage begins. I may update again later as I get further into the game, but as we want complete coverage, some sections may not be added until they can be completed The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Ranger 2 - Capture Changes
Capturing Pokémon has had a slight change from Ranger to Ranger Batonnage. As such, I've created a small page detailling these changes. Click below to view Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Boss mode
Thanks for the ideas, keep them coming, hopefully we'll get a lot of them going wherever feasible The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Boss Mode
Continuing our creation of a complete Super Smash Bros. Brawl section, today we focus on a new feature to the Smash Bros. series; Boss Mode. This mode has you go up against all of the bosses within the game. Be warned as it does give spoilers for the bosses. Click below to view Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Episode Title
If you have any ideas for things to add to the site, do not hesitate to send them my way The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Titles One new Japanese Episode title has been revealed for an episode that is scheduled to air on April 17th in Japan: Episode 543: Enter The Contest Master - Wallace! Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week
Will have another Brawl update soon. Ranger 2 is also out in Japan shortly and as such we'll have coverage of that within a few days The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on a Pokémon that has caused lots of controversy in its lifetime
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Episode Pictures
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, we have done the pictures for yesterday's episode, the Chingling episode. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Masterpieces
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Masterpieces
Continuing our creation of a complete Super Smash Bros. Brawl section, with thanks to SkittyOnWailord again for the pictures for us, today we focus on something that although it does not feature Pokémon, it is a decent part of Brawl and should be covered; The Masterpieces. These are small demos of base games from certain characters. Be warned as these do contain minor spoilers about some characters and stages. Click below to view Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Pokémon Ranch News
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Ranch News
Well, today the official site has updated it's Pokémon Ranch details. The game is to come out on March 25th 2008 in Japan for 1,000 Wii Points. Some further details have also been revealed from the game. You can use multiple Diamond/Pearl games, up to 8, in order to send them to Ranch. There are various ways of organising the Pokémon in the ranch including by type and height. Yukari also will give you information on Pokémon you havent seen in your Pokédex so that you can go capture one. You also have the ability to trade with Yukari and then send the Pokémon you have traded with her to your Diamond & Pearl games. Handy to get Pokémon that may not be within your game version. Yukari also brings one Pokémon a day to the ranch herself. We'll have more on this WiiWare title when it comes out. Click below to view our section on Ranch Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Events
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Solo Events
Continuing our creation of a complete Super Smash Bros. Brawl section, with thanks to SkittyOnWailord again for the pictures for us, today we focus on another of the staple modes, the Event Match. Today we are covering the Solo Matches with the Co-op ones comnig soon. Be Warned as it contains Character Spoilers. Click below to view Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week
Hope you americans enjoy Brawl. We'll continue our sections shortly with a complete listing with tips for the event matches The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on a psychic fighter
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Episode Titles
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Titles Two new Japanese Episode titles have been revealed for episodes that are both airing on April 3rd in Japan:
Episode 541: Farewell, Dustox! Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Episode Pictures
Sorry bout the delay...havent been sleepin all that well and such The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, we have done the pictures for yesterday's episode, the Team Galactic episode. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: More Smash Bros.
Busy & Ill...I just cannot win The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Super Smash Bros Brawl - All-Star
Continuing our creation of a complete Super Smash Bros. Brawl section, with thanks to SkittyOnWailord again for the pictures for us, today we focus on one of the staple, yet hidden modes; All-Star Mode. This mode has undergone a slight change from Melee and as such we have detailed the change and all of the stages in it. Be Warned as it contains Character Spoilers. Click below to view Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: More Smash Bros.
Busy Busy, Ranger 2 is out soon in Japan so we'll start to have some more extensive coverage of that at some point this coming month The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Target Smash
Continuing our creation of a complete Super Smash Bros. Brawl section, with thanks to SkittyOnWailord again for the pictures for us, we are delving into the different modes that the game provides. Today, the focus is the Target Smash mode. It details all the levels as well as the intricacies and assistance required in them. Be warned as it does contain information on unlockables at the bottom. Click below to view Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Nothing
The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Site Department
Nothing Sorry all, has been one of those few days where things have been hectic here. However, that said, I will endeavor to get something up for tomorrow so be sure to check back then Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Smash Bros. & Pokémon of the Week
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Items
Continuing our creation of a complete Super Smash Bros. Brawl section, with thanks to SkittyOnWailord again for the pictures for us, I have created a page detailling all items in the game. This details how they work, where they're from and pictures of them on the ground and for the most part, them being used. This is for all them so there are obviously spoilers involved. Click below to view In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on the queen bee
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Episode Pictures
Sorry again for the delay. Will have a new Brawl page soon The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
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