Items are a very major part of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl matches. Their random nature and placing means anyone can get at them without it taking someone elses side and they can either use them to their advantage, or they can lose them. If not obtained in a short amount of time, they shall disappear so be prepared to get to them very quickly. Some Items are offensive, some heal, some are defensive so the best strategy is to incorporate them wisely into your current strategy and to not just go for any single item.
Barrel |
Name: Barrel
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. (1999)
The Barrels are a decent container. They hold multiple items within them. However, when you throw them along the ground, they will roll until they hit someone. They do decent damage, and have a habit of exploding. They come in several varieties depending on the stage you are on including Wooden, Party and Sci-Fi. However, they all have the same effect
Capsules |
Name: Capsules
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. (1999)
Capsules make a welcome return. They hold one item and are opened by throwing them to the ground or into people. However, despite that, like the other Item containers, they also have a habit of exploding every now and again
Crates |
Name: Crates
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. (1999)
The Crate are a decent container. Like Barrels, they hold multiple items within them. However, with some, when on a slope, you have the ability to slide down on them to crash them into someone. They do decent damage, and have a habit of exploding. They come in several varieties depending on the stage you are on including Wooden, Party and Sci-Fi. However, they all have the same effect
Party Ball |
Name: Party Ball
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001)
The Party Ball also makes a return appearance. Like in Melee, it offers the chance of multiple occurrences. Just under half the time, when opened, it will release a handfull of items. Next likely is it dropping a load of food. It's also known to drop loads of Bob-ombs and to explode itself so be very careful
Sandbag |
Name: Sandbag
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001)
The Sandbag makes its first appearance as an item within Brawl. The Sandbag doesn't do any damage but can take the attacks very well into being blown off the stage. If you hit it really hard however, another item may come out
Assist Trophy |
Name: Assist Trophy
Game Series: Multiple
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
Assist Trophies are a commonly used item in which selects one of some 27 possible game characters which come into the stage to vanquish the foes. The character chosen is random and as such, could be useless or ultra useful in your matches. These all hail from multiple game series and as such, fit right in with the Smash Bros. series
Click here for a list of all Assist Trophy Effects
Banana Peel |
Name: Banana Peel
Game Series: Donkey Kong & Mario Kart
First Appearance: Super Mario Kart (1992)
Banana Peels, as you may imagine, work in a very clichéd comical way. They are not damaging items. Once grabbed, you can throw it upwards or anywhere until it lands on the ground. Once on the ground, if any character, including yourself, walks on it they will slip up and be left wide open for a possible attack. However, the time spent tripped up is small so you should be close if you wish to utilise this as a valid strategy
Beam Sword |
Name: Beam Sword
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. (1999)
The Beam Sword makes a welcome return to the Smash Bros. series. Like its name suggest, it is essentially a sword made out of energy. Grab it, and you can use it like any character would use a sword. The damage depends on the sort of attack you are hitting with as well as the character, but using Smash Attacks with this can inflict some considerable damage
Blast Box |
Name: Blast Box
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
The Blast Box is exactly what it says on the tin. This crate however, takes damage until it finally breaks and explodes, although little is taken when thrown. This damages anyone within the vicinity and causes considerable knockback, so try to not be near it when it blows
Bob-omb |
Name: Bob-omb
Game Series: Super Mario Bros.
First Appearance: Super Mario Bros. 2 (1988)
The Bob-omb is a classic staple of the Super Mario franchise. As you can probably guess, it is an explosive device. If you hit it with an attack, it will explode in your face. However, the best tactic is to pick it up and throw it at the opponents. However, if you hold it for too long, it will explode. If nobody picks one up, after a short while, it will start walking about the stage until it either hits a person, or it runs out of time and consequently blows up
Bumper |
Name: Bumper
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. (1999)
The Bumper makes a return after skipping Melee (although replaced by the Flipper). The Bumper essentially knocks a person back, doing minimal damage if they come into contact with it. Once picked up, you can throw it into the air or onto the ground in order to make it annoying. A good tactic would be putting it on the edge of a stage to stop people from recovering easily
Bunny Hood |
Name: Bunny Hood
Game Series: The Legend of Zelda
First Appearance: The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time (1998)
The Bunny Hood makes a return in Brawl, utilising the same effects that it did in Melee. Once the item is picked up, the wearer will put the Bunny Hood onto their head. With this, they get extra powers. Their Speed is increased and they are able to jump higher and farther. On some this is an added bonus, but if you use it with a character and jump twice followed by a recovery jump, it is possible to fall off of the edge. Alternatively, this item is good to aid in recovery
Cracker Launcher |
Name: Cracker Launcher
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
The Cracker Launcher is another item original to the Smash Bros. series game wise, but has several basis in other games. The Cracker Launcher is like a mortar. One picked up, the Cracker Launcher starts firing out small explosive devices at an angle out of the Cracker Launcher. Using the control stick, you have the ability to change the angle and trajectory of the Cracker Launcher's explosives, however this does leave you wide-open for an attack
Deku Nut |
Name: Deku Nut
Game Series: The Legend of Zelda
First Appearance: The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time (1998)
The Deku Nut is a common item from the 3D Zelda games and makes its introductory appearance in Brawl. Once you pick it up, you can throw it and once it hits, if near someone, it will flash and temporarily stun anyone in the general vicinity
Dragoon |
Name: Dragoon
Game Series: Kirby
First Appearance: Kirby Air Ride (2003)
The Dragoon is one of the most powerful and deadly items in the game. As such, it has been balanced in that you have to get 3 items in order to have it working. Once you get one of the items, it is set in storage by your damage metre. The other characters can also get them, and to get the items off of them, you have to knock them out and take the item. Once all 3 items are obtained, your character assembles the Dragoon and zooms off. A targeting reticule appears and when you've acquired a target and pressed the button, you will come flying through on the Dragoon, causing an almost guaranteed knock-out to anyone you hit
Fan |
Name: Fan
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. (1999)
The Fan is an offensive item that makes its return to the Smash Bros. series. It works in a similar way to the Beam Sword, however it lacks much of the strength that the Beam Sword has and only does minor damage. However, to make up for this, you can attack rapidly with it, so the damage can quickly mount up
Fire Flower |
Name: Fire Flower
Game Series: Super Mario Bros.
First Appearance: Super Mario Bros. (1984)
The Fire Flower makes its 3rd Smash appearance in Brawl. Like in the previous games, once you pick up the item, you have the ability to throw a constant stream of fire out for a short time. This fire damages and burns anyone whom it comes in contact with. However, it can be reflected so be sure to use it tactically against enemies who have reflection capabilities
Food |
Name: Food
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001)
Food is essentially, well, food. There are various kinds of food that will be scattered around the level at various times. These take on the look of many real life dishes and are essentially 2D pictures of it. If you pick it up, each bit will heal a small amount of damage. So be sure to get eat as much as possible
Franklin Badge |
Name: Franklin Badge
Game Series: Earthbound
First Appearance: Mother (1989)
The Franklin Badge is a very handy item for defensive purposes. If you see it, you should get to it as quickly as possible. Once you pick it up, you character will put it on. For the time that the badge is on, any and all projectiles shot or thrown at your character are reflected back. However, due to its small size, you have to make sure you know when its gone, or you may wind up shot.
Freezie |
Name: Freezie
Game Series: Super Mario Bros.
First Appearance: Mario Bros. (1983)
The Freezie is an item from the original Mario Bros. arcade game, and it makes a welcome return in Brawl. This item requires being thrown in order for it to do any good. Once you pick it up, you have to aim at an enemy and throw it. If the Freezie hits the enemy, it will cause decent damage and freeze them for a short time. A good tactic will be to hit them while they're jumping over a hole or trying to recover, as that shall lead to an almost guaranteed K.O.
Golden Hammer |
Name: Golden Hammer
Game Series: Super Mario Bros.
First Appearance: Wrecking Crew (1985)
The Golden Hammer is a new version of the hammer. It is rarer, and if you didn't think it was possible, stronger. With this, the character who picks it up will start swinging it quickly, causing massive damage and knockback to anyone it hits. It also has the ability to make the use float for a short time. However, it sometimes malfunctions and doesn't do any damage when the user hits someone
Gooey Bomb |
Name: Gooey Bomb
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
The Gooey Bomb is an explosive device. However, unlike the Motion Sensing Bomb, the Gooey Bomb, when thrown, sticks onto whatever it touches, and also has the ability to move onto something else that it touches before blowing up. This includes people and terrain, so if you get one stuck on you, quickly run into someone. After a short time, it will explode causing decent damage to anyone within the blast radius.
Green Shell |
Name: Green Shell
Game Series: Super Mario Bros.
First Appearance: Super Mario Bros. (1984)
The Green Shell returns, utilising the same properties as before. There are various ways to utilise this item. You can pick it up, and throw it at someone, causing decent damage to anyone it hits. You can jump on it, which knocks it slowly forwards. Or, you can attack it, this sends it flying with the strength of your attack, causing decent damage if the attack was strong enough
Hammer |
Name: Hammer
Game Series: Super Mario Bros.
First Appearance: Donkey Kong (1981)
The Normal Hammer makes an appearance in Brawl. Like previous games, when the player gets the hammer, they will begin moving frenzily along, swinging the hammer up and down endeavouring to hit an opponent. If anyone is hit by the hammer, chances are they will be knocked out. However, sometimes, the head will fall off the hammer leaving the user swinging a stick that does no damage. The head can be picked up and throw to cause decent damage when this happens
Heart Container |
Name: Heart Container
Game Series: The Legend of Zelda
First Appearance: The Legend of Zelda (1986)
The Heart Container makes a re-appearance in its Twilight Princess incarnation. This item is a healing item. If you manage to grab it, it will heal up to 100% worth of damage. Very handy indeed in order to prevent yourself getting knocked out
Home-Run Bat |
Name: Home-Run Bat
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. (1999)
The Home-Run Bat makes another appearance in Brawl. On its, own, when you hit an enemy with it, it does decent damage and knock-back. However, if you use it as a Smash attack, if you catch someone in the front of your swing, you're almost guaranteed to knock them out. However, the charge time for the Smash attack gives them enough warning to get away, or to hit you, so you have to plan it wisely
Hothead |
Name: Hothead
Game Series: Super Mario Bros.
First Appearance: Super Mario World (1990)
An enemy from the Mario games since Mario World, Hothead acts similar to the shells. Once picked up, Hothead can be thrown and once it lands, it will start circling the stage, causing decent damage and knockback to anybody that it hits. If you see one coming for you, get out of the way. Alternatively, if you attack it, it will increase in size making it far more dangerous and can grow into gigantic proportions
Lightning Bolt |
Name: Lightning Bolt
Game Series: Super Mario Bros.
First Appearance: Super Mario Kart (1992)
The Lightning Bolt from the Mario Kart series makes its first appearance here. Like its use in Mario Kart, once the bolt is picked up, bolts of lightning will come down and strike the enemies, shrinking them temporarily. This makes it easier for you to knock them out. However, be warned as it may backfire and cause you to shrink
Lip's Stick |
Name: Lip's Stick
Game Series: Panel de Pon
First Appearance: Panel de Pon (1995)
Lip's Stick makes a welcome re-appearance, utilising the same effect it had in Melee. When used, the player can utilise it as a melee weapon similar to the Beam Sword or Home-Run Bat. When you hit an opponent with it, it does a small amount of damage, but causes the opponent's head to become embedded with a flower. This flower slowly saps the health away from the enemy and can be made larger and more damaging with multiple hits
Maxim Tomato |
Name: Maxim Tomato
Game Series: Kirby
First Appearance: Kirby's Dream Land (1992)
The Maxim Tomato re-appears again. Like the Heart Container, the Maxim Tomato is a recovery item. If you go up to the Maxim Tomato and grab it, you will be healed of 50% of damage.
Metal Box |
Name: Metal Box
Game Series: Super Mario Bros.
First Appearance: Super Mario 64 (1996)
The Metal Box also makes a return trip to Brawl. Like in the Melee, when the player picks this item up, their character becomes Metal. This causes them to fall less when hit, to fall faster when jumping, and to have shorter jumps. It also makes recovery after an attack a fair bit quicker. However, as stated, its best if you avoid the edges of the stages when Metal, as if you're knocked off, it's going to be hard to get back on
Motion Sensing Bomb |
Name: Motion Sensing Bomb
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001)
The Motion Sensing Bomb makes a return with a new look. However, despite the new look, its effect is still very much the same. When you pick it up, you have the ability to throw it. Once thrown, the Bomb attaches to the ground or sides and sets itself after a couple of seconds (to allow you escape time). If any character, mobile item or projectile comes really close to it, it explodes causing decent damage and knockback
Mr. Saturn |
Name: Mr. Saturn
Game Series: Earthbound
First Appearance: Mother (1989)
Mr. Saturn returns to Smash Bros. Like his previous appearance in Melee, he does very little. When he appears, he will start walking around the stage. This gives you the opportunity to pick him up. You can then throw him to cause small amounts of damage at the opponents. You can do this repeatedly however so do not feel of him as a waste
Pitfall |
Name: Pitfall
Game Series: Animal Crossing
First Appearance: Animal Crossing (2001)
The Pitfall seed from Animal Crossing makes its first appearance as an item here. Like in Animal Crossing, when you pick it up and place it in the ground, it will cause anyone who comes into contact with it to be stuck in the ground. This leaves them wide open for attack. If used on a floating platform, it will cause them to fall through it. Throwing the Pitfall directly at an enemy also causes this effect
Poison Mushroom |
Name: Poison Mushroom
Game Series: Super Mario Bros.
First Appearance: Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels (1986)
The Poison Mushroom also makes a return appearance. Once it arrives on the stage, it will start moving forwards until it either hits someone, or falls off the edge. Anyone who is hit by the Poison Mushroom will shrink. This causes them to be fast and agile, but lowers the strength of their attacks and makes it easier for opponents to knock them off the stage
Pokéball |
Name: Pokéball
Game Series: Pokémon
First Appearance: Pokémon Red/Green(1996)
The Pokéballs make another welcome appearance into the Smash Bros. games. When a player gets the Pokéball, they have the ability to throw the ball. If anyone gets hit by the ball, they get minor damage and knockback. When the ball hits the ground, one of almost 30 Pokémon are released and use a specific attack that can help you out
Click here for a list of all Pokéball Effects
Ray Gun |
Name: Ray Gun
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. (1999)
The Ray Gun is a simple laser gun that can shoot 16 shots of energy out. Each shot does minor damage and a little knockback so you have the ability to juggle your enemies somewhat. Once the shots have run out, you can damage the enemies by throwing the gun itself. All the shots are reflectable so watch out.
Screw Attack |
Name: Screw Attack
Game Series: Metroid
First Appearance: Metroid (1987)
The Screw Attack item returns with the same effect as before. While holding this item while jumping, your character will curl up and spin, causing damage to anyone that is caught in it. These act as each of your jumps so you can do some decent damage. Unlike in Melee however, the item is attached to you so you can use other items while having the Screw Attack
Smart Bomb |
Name: Smart Bomb
Game Series: Starfox
First Appearance: Starfox (1993)
The Smart Bomb item, commonly used in Arwings, makes its first item appearance here. Once you pick the item up, you can immediately throw it. Once it lands or hits anything, it will explode creating a massive explosion shockwave that will damage anyone caught within the blast radius. This is much more efficient than the Bob-omb, but can catch you in it if you aren't careful
Smash Ball |
Name: Smash Ball
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
The Smash Ball is probably the most covetted item in the game. The Smash Ball is not an item that you have the ability to pick up, rather you have the attack it for it to activate. It can take several hits and the person who hits it when it breaks gets the effect. The effect of the Smash Ball is essentially to give the user access to their Final Smash attack; an attack that is incredibly powerful and unique to the user, for the most part.
Smoke Ball |
Name: Smoke Ball
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
The Smoke Ball makes its first appearance here. It is an item that cannot physically damage. However, once picked up and thrown and thus activated, it will start dispersing wafts of multi-coloured smoke that is intended to obscure the view of the opponents and even yourself when in the radius of the Smoke Ball.
Soccer Ball |
Name: Soccer Ball
Game Series: Nintendo Sports
First Appearance: Soccer (1985)
The generic Soccer Ball makes it appearance in Brawl. Unlike most items, it cannot be picked up. Instead, the Soccer Ball reacts to the attacks, such as kicks to it. When it is attacked, it goes flying a short distance, decimating anyone within its path. It's quite powerful, but near impossible to aim
Spring |
Name: Spring
Game Series: Super Mario Bros. & Donkey Kong
First Appearance: Donkey Kong Jr. (1982)
The Spring makes its first appearance in Smash Bros. doing what it does best. The Spring allows you to propel yourself high into the sky if you jump on it. You have the ability to pick it up and move it if you do so wish, making it a very useful item for getting up for some aerial combat
Starman |
Name: Starman
Game Series: Super Mario Bros.
First Appearance: Super Mario Bros. (1984)
The Starman returns to Smash Bros. utilising the same effects as before. This is another item you do not have to pick up in order to utilise. When it appears, it starts moving off in the direction its facing and will bounce slowly and end up bouncing off the stage if nobody comes in contact. Once you are hit by the Starman, it will make you invincible for a short time. This prevents attacks from damaging you or even knocking you back, allowing you to get into the thick of things without any regards for one's safety
Star Rod |
Name: Star Rod
Game Series: Kirby
First Appearance: Kirby's Adventure (1993)
The Star Rod re-appears in the same manner as before. On first look, the Star Rod is a decent Melee weapon that you can use in order to hit the opponent. This causes decent knockback, throwing them up or down. However, if you use a Smash Attack with it, it will send out a projectile star out that does decent damage
Super Mushroom |
Name: Super Mushroom
Game Series: Super Mario Bros.
First Appearance: Super Mario Bros. (1984)
The Super Mushroom makes a return appearance in Brawl. It's another item that doesn't require picking up and moves forwards once it appears. Once it hits a player, the player temporarily grows in size. This increases their weight and strength, making them a massive force to be reckoned with. However, it is possible for enemies to avoid your attacks due to being out of arm's height.
Super Scope |
Name: Super Scope
Game Series: Nintendo Super Scope
First Appearance: Super Scope 6 (1992)
First In-Game Appearance: Yoshi's Safari (1993)
The Super Scope makes a welcome return to Brawl. Utilising the same effects as in Melee, you can fire the Super Scope in various ways. First, you can rapid fire it, shooting out multiple small balls of energy. Or, alternatively, you can charge it. While charging, you can let go at any moment to shoot a ball that causes damage dependant on how long you've charged. However, if you let it charge all the way, it sends out a massive ball that, if it hits someone, will likely cause a K.O.
Superspicy Curry |
Name: Superspicy Curry
Game Series: Kirby
First Appearance: Kirby's Adventure (1993)
The SuperSpicy Curry makes its first appearance in Brawl. Once picked up, and the opponent eats it, it causes the effect of making the player breathe fire due to its intense heat and spiciness. The fire is a constant for the length of the curry's effect and shoots out in multiple directions, even while you're attacking, so that you can get even more damage in on close-range attacks. However, when it ends, your character ends up losing control and running around the stage until it disappears
Team Healer |
Name: Team Healer
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
The Team Healer is a new item that is primarily used during team matches. Once you pick up the item, you can throw it at your team-mate in order to give them a health boost. You can also throw at your enemy for minimal damage, although it will also heal them. Unfortunately, you cannot heal yourself with it
Timer |
Name: Timer
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
The Timer is another new item that, although it does not do damage, it can be quite devastating. Once you pick up the Timer item, everyone except you gets slowed down to around half their normal speed for a short time. This allows you, who still goes at normal speed, to be able to quickly attack the other enemies as well as get to the prime items before everyone else.
Unira |
Name: Unira
Game Series: Clu Clu Land
First Appearance: Clu Clu Land (1985)
The Unira from Clu Clu Land makes its premiere appearance in Brawl. Once released, it is essentially a round ball but soon after, its spikes come out. It can be moved by powerful attacks and usually sent flying a bit. Anyone hit by it will receive damage dependent upon its speed and movement. It can be very devastating
Warp Star |
Name: Warp Star
Game Series: Kirby
First Appearance: Kirby's Dream Land (1992)
The Warp Star makes a return appearance in Brawl. Like previous entries in the series, when you grab the Warp Star, you will quickly shoot up, coming back down from above soon after and crashing with a massive explosion. The explosion does decent damage and knockback to anyone caught within the blast radius. You have the ability to change the landing area with the control stick, but you cannot be sure by how far and so you may end up crashing straight into a hole
CDs |
Name: CDs
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
CDs will sometimes adorn the stage. Sometimes being dropped by Pokémon such as Mew or just being found. These give access to various music tracks throughout the game that can be used while playing the stages so be sure to get it as soon as you can
Stickers |
Name: Stickers
Game Series: Super Smash Bros.
First Appearance: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
Stickers will also sometimes appear on the stage in a small bit of paper. Many of these are just for display and collection purposes, however many do give you boosts within the Subspace Emissary so make sure to get them