Wednesday: Pokémon GO - Powerful Potential + Pokémon Café ReMix - Doughy Fidough

05-03-2025 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 21:17 GMT
Edit @ 06:05: Pokémon Café ReMix | Edit @ 21:17: PokéStop Challenge

Pokémon GO - Powerful Potential

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

The Pokémon GO Powerful Potential event is now rolling out globally. This event is the first in the new season and features Special Research to get a Dynamax Kubfu. It runs from 10:00 local time through 20:00 local time on March 10th.
We have full details in our Powerful Potential Event event section

Pokémon Café ReMix

In The Games Department

Pokémon Café ReMix

The next Pokémon Café ReMix event has been announced. This event is the return of the Doughy Fidough Points event where you play to earn points together as a team to get Fidough. It runs from March 7th 2025.

Monpoké Short Web Anime

In The Anime Department

Monpoké Short Web Anime

The latest episode of the short web animation, Monpoké, is now live. This episode features Pikachu and friends trying to see if they can make Piplup smile. We have added details to our Monpoké Short Animation section

Pokémon GO

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

Niantic have announced a special PokéStop Challenge event in Chile and India from March 9th through March 12th. This event is to celebrate increased PokéStops added in the areas as a result of a Wayfarer Challenge.
Eevee will be in Field Research
Timed Research will also be available to get encounters with Exeggcute, Horsea, Bronzor, Eevee and Galarian Yamask

Until Next Time, See Ya