Hayley is the owner of the Ranch that you can drop your Pokémon into. Hwoever, unlike most owners of things, she will fully interact with you and give you many different additions and supplements into the game. These include Items, a bigger Ranch and Pokémon. Firstly, she starts the ranch off with several of her own Pokémon to get the ball rolling
The first thing of note regarding Hayley is that she will trade you one of 22 different Pokémon each day. Very handy to get these Pokémon if you did not have them prior to this. Most of them have even been set up so they are close to evolving. Click here for the list

Hayley's Pokémon
Whenever you finish up playing on Pokémon Ranch, Hayley will give you a notice about a Pokémon she wants you to bring...in this pictures case its a Skarmory. Now, when you come into the game tomorrow, if you drop a Skarmory in from your game, Hayley will do something special

If you succeed in this, Hayley will bring with her to the farm several more of the Pokémon you brought. Any number from 2 to 5 of these Pokémon will be input into your ranch for your one to play with. These Pokémon can have special animations with eachother so its not rewardless

Hayley's Pokémon add to the count of the Pokémon in the Ranch up until you hit the Ranch size Level 20. However, these Pokémon do not help in the increasing of the Ranch level, but will prevent you adding more Pokémon if you haven't levelled up completely

Hayley may also bring her own Pokémon to the Ranch each day even if you do not follow the request so its ever changing. However, you do not have the ability to transfer her Pokémon to your ranch
