Pikachu ♂ |
Eevee ♂ |
Shellos ♂ |
Croagunk ♂ |
Finneon ♀ |
Level 20 |
Level 30 |
Level 25 |
Level 31 |
Level 35 |
Jolly |
Hardy |
Relaxed |
Naughty |
Mild |
Shuca Berry |
Haba Berry |
Rindo Berry |
Payapa Berry |
Wacan Berry |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
Grass Knot Thunderbolt Flash Double Team |
Natural Gift Helping Hand Quick Attack Shadow Ball |
Natural Gift Water Pulse Mud Bomb Double Team |
Astonish Swagger Mud Bomb Sucker Punch |
Attract Water Pulse Safeguard Aqua Ring |
Wynaut ♂ |
Pachirisu ♀ |
Aerodactyl ♂ |
Lickitung ♂ |
Wailmer ♂ |
Level 1 |
Level 10 |
Level 50 |
Level 40 |
Level 45 |
Relaxed |
Naive |
Jolly |
Naive |
Lax |
Colbur Berry |
Chilan Berry |
Kasib Berry |
TM 44 |
Tanga Berry |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
Charm Splash Encore |
Grass Knot Growl Thunder Wave Quick Attack |
Natural Gift Earthquake Stone Edge Aerial Ace |
SolarBeam Defense Curl Swords Dance Rollout |
Rest Water Spout Amnesia Ice Beam |
Combee ♀ |
Staravia ♂ |
Yanma ♂ |
Snover ♂ |
Shroomish ♂ |
Level 20 |
Level 23 |
Level 45 |
Level 41 |
Level 45 |
Lax |
Jolly |
Naughty |
Relaxed |
Jolly |
Occa Berry |
Yache Berry |
Charti Berry |
Babiri Berry |
Kebia Berry |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
Sweet Scent Gust |
Roost Wing Attack Endeavor Whirlwind |
Silver Wind Hypnosis Ancientpower Dream Eater |
WoodHammer Ice Shard Ingrain Blizzard |
Seed Bomb Spore False Swipe Stun Spore |
Ponyta ♂ |
Buneary ♀ |
Miltank ♀ |
Tangela ♀ |
Vulpix ♂ |
Level 16 |
Level 16 |
Level 48 |
Level 1 |
Level 30 |
Naughty |
Mild |
Calm |
Naughty |
Naive |
Passho Berry |
Chople Berry |
MooMoo Milk |
Coba Berry |
Fire Stone |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
OT: Hayley ID:01000 |
Take Down Tackle Tail Whip Ember |
Charm Foresight Drain Punch Quick Attack |
Milk Drink Heal Bell Shadow Ball Arm Hammer |
Leaf Storm Power Whip Sleep Powder Ancientpower |
Energy Ball Confuse Ray Flamethrower Safeguard |
There are also two other Pokémon that have specific requirements for obtaining them. They are as follows: