
Name: Bowser

Game Series: Super Mario
First Appearance: Super Mario Bros (1984)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Character

3DS Screenshots

Wii U Screenshots

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialFire Breath

Bowser's neutral special has Bowser breathe fire in the direction he's facing. However as time goes on, if you continuously breathe fire, the fire amount will shrink until Bowser is not breathing any more fire out leaving him open for attack.

Side SpecialFlying Slam

For Bowser's side special, like in Brawl, Bowser will make a claw at the opponent and try to connect. If he can connect and is close enough to the opponent, the opponent will be grabbed and Bowser will do several flips into the sky, with you being able to control his direction and movement, until he lands and crushes your enemy.

Up SpecialWhirling Fortress

Like before, Whirling Fortress is Bowser's recovery move. here, Bower gets into his shell and spins around, acting like a propeller to gain lift. If anyone comes into contact with him, then they will be hit multiple times.

Down SpecialBowser Bomb

Bowser's down move is essentially a slam into the ground. If used in the air, Bowser will just come plumetting down beneath him, hitting anyone beneath it. If used on the ground, Bowser will jump up and forwards slightly before doing it. This can send the opponent pretty far.

 Final Smash: Giga Bowser

Bowser's Final Smash remains unchanged from Super Smash Bros. Brawl and is the Giga Bowser transformation. When he transforms into Giga Bowser, he will be much larger and will not flinch from the various attacks. His attacks also hit much harder.

Custom Moves

Coming soon.

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