As with all the previous Super Smash Bros. games, the new iterations include the special PokéBall item. When these items are thrown, they will release a random Pokémon which will use a move. These attacks do a variety of different damages and effects so you have to be prepared. What Pokémon is released? Well that's random, and some are rarer than others, so keep your eye out for them.
Unlike previous games, you will sometimes find a Master Ball item. This item means that you will release a Legendary Pokémon
#052 Meowth |
Name: Meowth
Type: Normal
First Appearance: Pokémon Red & Green (1996)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Meowth returns to Super Smash Bros. yet again with its tried and true attack. Once released from a PokéBall, it will start using Pay Day, shooting out coins at the nearby foe.
#101 Electrode |
Name: Electrode
Type: Electric
First Appearance: Pokémon Red & Green (1996)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Electrode returns to Super Smash Bros. yet again with its classic move. After a short time on stage, Electrode will explode, taking out any player within the blast radius. It can also be picked up and thrown.
#118 Goldeen |
Name: Goldeen
Type: Water
First Appearance: Pokémon Red & Green (1996)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Goldeen also returns to Super Smash Bros. with its usual flailing about. It does not do any damage.
#120 Staryu |
Name: Staryu
Type: Water
First Appearance: Pokémon Red & Green (1996)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Staryu also returns to Super Smash Bros. and keeps its classic attack. It will line itself up to an enemy player and will start using Swift. This will hit the player repeatedly and keep them in the air while being hit
#133 Eevee |
Name: Eevee
Type: Normal
First Appearance: Pokémon Red & Green (1996)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Eevee appears for the first time in Super Smash Bros. and uses a classic move. When sent out, it uses the move Take Down on a nearby foe, doing significant damage to them. It does this four times. |
#143 Snorlax |
Name: Snorlax
Type: Normal
First Appearance: Pokémon Red & Green (1996)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Snorlax also makes a welcome return. Like before, when released from the PokéBall, it jumps high up and then comes down, much larger than before, taking out anyone in its way |
#146 Moltres |
Name: Moltres
Type: Fire/Flying
First Appearance: Pokémon Red & Green (1996)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Moltres makes another return appearance in Super Smash Bros. In this appearance, like before, it doesn't attack, but sits majestically before flying off. It will damage anyone who touches it apart from the player who released it. |
#151 Mew |
Name: Mew
Type: Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon Red & Green (1996)
PokéBall: No
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Mew makes its enigmatic appearance once more in Super Smash Bros. Like before, it appears and then flies off. It will drop rare items like Settings options and trophies. |
#175 Togepi |
Name: Togepi
Type: Normal
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold & Silver (1999)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Togepi makes a return to the Super Smash Bros. foray continuing its trademark attack. When sent out, it will use the move Metronome to get one of several effects. Night Shade has Togepi turn the stage completely black for a short time. Leech Seed puts a flower on top of the opponent's head, causing gradual damage. Hypnosis has Togepi send out a small shockwave and anyone caught in it will fall asleep. Icy Wind has Togepi freeze any nearby opponents and Earthquake embeds nearby enemies into the ground.
#182 Bellossom |
Name: Bellossom
Type: Grass
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold & Silver (1999)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Bellossom makes a triumphant return to the Super Smash Bros. fray continuing its trademark attack. When sent out, it will start dancing and use Sleep Powder. This will cause it to put any player nearby to sleep for a short period.
#244 Entei |
Name: Entei
Type: Fire
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold & Silver (1999)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Entei returns to Super Smash Bros. again with its classic Fire Spin attack. It will create a vortex of fire around it, luring foes in and will shoot them upwards, repeatedly damaging them.
#245 Suicune |
Name: Suicune
Type: Water
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold & Silver (1999)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Suicune returns to Super Smash Bros. again with its classic Aurora Beam attack. Once released, it will shoot out a horizontal beam, damaging the opponents, before disappearing. It will also freeze anyone who touches it
#249 Lugia |
Name: Lugia
Type: Psychic/Flying
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold & Silver (1999)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Lugia returns to Super Smash Bros. again with its classic Aeroblast attack. It will fly up and go into the background where it will unleash its powerful move.
#282 Gardevoir |
Name: Gardevoir
Type: Psychic/Fairy
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire (2002)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Gardevoir makes its second appearance in the Super Smash Bros. series in this game and continues the move it did in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. When released, it creates a barrier around it which blocks all projectiles from entry. |
#376 Metagross |
Name: Metagross
Type: Steel/Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire (2002)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Metagross returns to Super Smash Bros. with the move it used in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It will use the move Earthquake which will send any nearby opponents flying upwards.
#380 Latias |
Name: Latias
Type: Dragon/Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire (2002)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Latias makes its return once again in Super Smash Bros. In this appearance, it summons its counterpart, Latios, and they both fly through the stage, aiming at other players, causing damage and knocking them back.
#381 Latios |
Name: Latias
Type: Dragon/Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire (2002)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Latios makes its return once again in Super Smash Bros. In this appearance, it summons its counterpart, Latias, and they both fly through the stage, aiming at other players, causing damage and knocking them back.
#382 Kyogre |
Name: Kyogre
Type: Water
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire (2002)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Kyogre makes its second appearance in Super Smash Bros. When released from the ball, it will appear and float around the stage, using Hydro Pump to attack the enemies. |
#386 Deoxys |
Name: Deoxys
Type: Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire (2002)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Deoxys makes its return once again in Super Smash Bros. Like in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it will jump up in Attack Forme and send a massive energy beam down to the opponent.
#460 Abomasnow |
Name: Abomasnow
Type: Grass/Ice
First Appearance: Pokémon Diamond & Pearl (2006)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Abomasnow makes its first appearance in the Super Smash Bros. series and, when released, whips up a small icy wind that freezes any nearby foes. After two of those, it will lunge at an opponent with Ice Punch, freezing them.
#484 Palkia |
Name: Palkia
Type: Water/Dragon
First Appearance: Pokémon Diamond & Pearl (2006)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Palkia, previously a stage hazard in the Spear Pillar stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, appears within a PokéBall in the new games. Once it's released, it will unleash its signature move, Spacial Rend, which causes significant destruction to any person it hits and flips the stage upside-down
#487 Giratina |
Name: Giratina
Type: Ghost/Dragon
First Appearance: Pokémon Diamond & Pearl (2006)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Giratina makes its first appearance in Super Smash Bros. here. In it, it uses the move Dragon Breath to create a whirlwind which will blow any opponents trapped in it off of the screen
#491 Darkrai |
Name: Darkrai
Type: Dark
First Appearance: Pokémon Diamond & Pearl (2006)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Darkrai makes its first appearance in the Super Smash Bros. fold. When it is sent out, it uses the special move Dark Void which knocks all nearby characters to sleep for a short while |
#493 Arceus |
Name: Arceus
Type: Normal
First Appearance: Pokémon Diamond & Pearl (2006)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Arceus makes its first appearance in Super Smash Bros. Here, it will cause major damage to various Pokémon as it is on the stage using the move Gravity, and cause them to crash to the ground. If they aren't over ground, they will fall to their doom. |
#494 Victini |
Name: Victini
Type: Psychic/Fire
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (2010)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Play 100 Man Melee for the first time .
Details Victini makes its debut in Super Smash Bros. When released, it uses its ability Victory Star, which boosts the attack strength of the character that released it, and also prevents them fron flinching from moves for a short time
#495 Snivy |
Name: Snivy
Type: Grass
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (2010)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Snivy makes its debut in Super Smash Bros. When released from the PokéBall, it will use Razor Leaf, sending a projectile leaf out to damage opponents |
#501 Oshawott |
Name: Oshawott
Type: Water
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (2010)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Oshawott makes its debut in Super Smash Bros. When released from the PokéBall, it will get out its Schalchop and will rush the stage, damaging any enemy who gets in its way
#571 Zoroark |
Name: Zoroark
Type: Dark
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (2010)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Clear 10 Man Melee.
Details Zoroark makes its debut in Super Smash Bros. When released from the PokéBall, it will jump out and use Fury Swipes, knocking any opponents up into the air, and then swiping at them repeatedly until they're knocked down..
#646 Kyurem |
Name: Kyurem
Type: Dragon/Ice
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (2010)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details When Kyurem is sent out into battle, in its first appearance in Super Smash Bros., it will use Glaciate that will freeze any opponent that it touches and send out waves of cold air around it.
#647 Keldeo |
Name: Keldeo
Type: Water/Fighting
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (2010)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Keldeo makes its debut in Super Smash Bros. with a powerful move. This move is Secret Sword and has it jump up and strike any nearby foe with its horn.
#648 Meloetta |
Name: Meloetta
Type: Normal/Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (2010)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Play for 8 hours.
Details Meloetta makes its debut in Super Smash Bros. with an attack. When sent out on the field, it will start singing, sending notes out that will damage a foe if they are hit by them.
#649 Genesect |
Name: Genesect
Type: Bug/Steel
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (2010)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Play Endless Melee for the first time .
Details Genesect makes its debut in Super Smash Bros. as a PokéBall Pokémon that can be in a Master Ball. When released, Genesect will jump up and start firing its Techno Blast attack. It will get through several shots, aiming at various enemies and then end with a single powerful laser. It does this on the stage twice. |
#650 Chespin |
Name: Chespin
Type: Grass
First Appearance: Pokémon X & Y (2013)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Chespin makes its first appearance in Super Smash Bros. When sent out of its PokéBall, it will shoot out various seeds around it which will explode when hitting the ground. It will do this several times before disappearing
#653 Fennekin |
Name: Fennekin
Type: Fire
First Appearance: Pokémon X & Y (2013)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Fennekin makes its debut in Super Smash Bros. with a relatively simple move. When sent out, it will use the move Incinerate on a foe, which will do damage, then hit and do a bit more damage |
#661 Fletchling |
Name: Fletchling
Type: Normal/Flying
First Appearance: Pokémon X & Y (2013)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Fletchling also makes its first appearance in the Super Smash Bros. series. When released from a PokéBall, it hops around the stage and will peck any nearby enemy.
#665 Spewpa |
Name: Spewpa
Type: Bug
First Appearance: Pokémon X & Y (2013)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Spewpa also seems to make an appearance. When released from a PokéBall, it stands still but if hit, it will jump up and create a small powder which will damage nearby enemies and stun them for a second.
#673 Gogoat |
Name: Gogoat
Type: Grass
First Appearance: Pokémon X & Y (2013)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Gogoat's appearance in Super Smash Bros. is a relatively unique one. When sent out, various players have the ability to ride it, ploughing through enemies as they go.
#684 Swirlix |
Name: Swirlix
Type: Fairy
First Appearance: Pokémon X & Y (2013)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Swirlix makes its first appearance in Super Smash Bros. and does it with a unique attack. While an enemy is caught in the Sweet Veil it releases, they move much slower than usual.
#686 Inkay |
Name: Inkay
Type: Dark/Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon X & Y (2013)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Inkay's appearance in Super Smash Bros. is a relatively unique one. When sent out, it will use its move, Topsy-Turvy, to knock nearby players over, leaving them open to damage.
#702 Dedenne |
Name: Dedenne
Type: Electric/Fairy
First Appearance: Pokémon X & Y (2013)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: No
Unlocked by: Beginning.
Details Dedenne is one of the Generation VI Pokémon that was introduced just before this game came out, and is a classic PokéBall pokémon. When sent out, it sends out four bolts of electricity to damage.
#716 Xerneas |
Name: Xerneas
Type: Fairy
First Appearance: Pokémon X & Y (2013)
PokéBall: Yes
Master Ball: Yes
Unlocked by: Play Smash Bomb for the first time.
Details Xerneas is one of the signature Generation VI Pokémon and, when sent out, uses the move Geomancy. When it uses the move, it powers up all the players, and especially the player that release it, so they can launch other players more easily