
Name: Ike

Game Series: Fire Emblem
First Appearance: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (2005)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Character

3DS Screenshots

Wii U Screenshots

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialEruption

Ike's neutral move has him point his sword up in the sky. This move is a charge move. The longer you charge, the more damage you do. When you have charged as much as you want, release the button and Ike shall stab into the ground creating a massive explosion that causes massive damage and knockback. It does damage Ike if you have set up an incredibly powerful move.

This move has changed from Super Smash Bros. Brawl to create a blue explosion, rather than a red one and is somewhat less powerfuk.

Side SpecialQuick Draw

Ike's side special has Ike lunging forwards slicing at the enemy. Its distance dpeends upon how long you have held down the button and if Ike makes contact with any enemy, he will hit a couple of times.

Up SpecialAether

Ike's recovery move remains the same as before. It has Ike throw his sword upwards into the air, before he jumps up, grabs it, and slices downwards with it. If any opponent is caught in any part of it, it will do considerable damage.

Down SpecialCounter

Ike's down special is a standard counter move. Ike will position himself and, if hit during the process, will slice the opponent and prevent them from damaging you.

 Final Smash: Great Aether

Ike's Great Aether Final Smash returns from Super Smash Bros. Brawl and is essentially a powerful form of his recovery move. Ike will need close proximity to another player and will cause Ike to pull them upwards. From there, he will start slashing them repeatedly until he drops them down with a giant slice that ends with an explosion for huge damage and knockback.

Custom Moves

Coming soon.

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