Little Mac

Name: Little Mac

Game Series: Punch-Out
First Appearance: Punch-Out (1984)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Character

3DS Screenshots

Wii U Screenshots

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialStraight Lunge

Little Mac's neutral special has him charge up and, when you decide to finish, will lunge forwards with a powerful punch which will do significant damage. If Little Mac's special KO meter is full, then it will guarantee to knock an opponent flying and out of the stage.

Side SpecialJolt Haymaker

Little Mac's side special is a simple lunge. Using this move will cause Little Mac do a short jump and then run a downward hook damaging any opponent he connects with. If you don't make contact, then you cannot move again, which can be detrimental.

Up SpecialRising Uppercut

Little Mac's up special can be used as a recovery move, but is somewhat weak. This move has Little Mac do an uppercut upwards to gain lift. If any character is in the path, they will receive decent damage and knockback should they get hit at the apex of the uppercut.

Down SpecialSlip Counter

Little Mac's down special is a standard counter. Little Mac will get in position and, if any character attacks while doing so, his pulse will appear and he will respond with a punch to do decent damage.

 Final Smash: Giga Mac

Little Mac's Final Smash is a transformation. When he activates the Final Smash, he transforms into Giga Mac, who receives little knockback and doesn't flinch from moves. His moveset is the same as Little Macs, but causing far more damage.

Custom Moves

Coming soon.

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