
Name: Lucario

Game Series: Pokémon
First Appearance: Pokémon Diamond & Pearl (2006)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Character

3DS Screenshots

Wii U Screenshots

Lucario's unique in the manner that as he gets more damaged, his attacks do more damage proportional to the damage inflicted in him up until he reaches 200% where the power of his attacks plateau

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialAura Sphere

Lucario's Aura Sphere attack is a simple charge and fire energy ball. However, it has a few advantages. The Aura Sphere that Lucario uses has a power that is determined proportinally by the amount of damage that has been inflicted upon Lucario. As Lucario gets more hurt, the Aura Sphere gets bigger and more powerful allowing it to take out more of an area when it is sent out.

Side SpecialForce Palm

Lucario's Force Palm attack has Lucario kneel down and put his hands together in order to send out a small close range pulse of Blue Energy causing damage to anyone within the nearby vicinity.

Up SpecialExtreme Speed

Lucario's recovery move is Extreme Speed. Like Lucario's Quick Attack, it has Lucario stop and then speed off in whatever direction you're aiming it at, hitting anything within its path. It also allows you to cling onto any surfaces you encounter allowing you to recover onto the bottom of a stage and move round to recover some more.e.

Down SpecialDouble Team

Lucario's down special in a classic countering move. If Lucario is just hit or just about to be hit, you can do the down special and Lucario shall move behind the character quickly and strike them down. If you do it any other time and you're not hit, it will not do anything.

 Final Smash: Mega Evolution

Lucario's Final Smash has changed from its original in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and now has Lucario Mega Evolve into Mega Lucario. Mega Lucario controls in the same manner to Lucario, with the same moves, but the moves all have their maximum power as if Lucario had been really damaged.

Custom Moves

Neutral Special2. Attraction Aura Sphere

Lucario's neutral special is similar to its Aura Sphere move. When you charge it up, it acts the same as before and can damage opponents by small amounts if they touch the energy. Once charged, it can be stored. However, this move is different in that the actual release moves very slowly and doesn't disappear after it hits an opponent, meaning it can hit them multiple times if times correctly. It also pulls the opponent into it if they get too close.

Side Special2. Full Power Release

Lucario's side special is similar to its Force Palm move, but this time, Lucario will lurch forwards a short distance before unleashing the energy or grabbing an opponent. The damage done by this is smaller than Force Palm, but it can be useful because it can help cover some distance.

Up Special2. Ride the Wind

Lucario's up special is its recovery move. Like before, you can control the distance that Lucario travels. However, with this move, it works a lot slower than before and it doesn't damage any opponent that it hits.

Down Special2. Glance Counter

Lucario's down special is no longer precisely a counter, but can still protect Lucario from damage if used at the right time. Now, after the initial pose, Lucario will do a small bit of damage to any opponent that is within reach of its palms.

Neutral Special3. Piercing Aura Sphere

Lucario's neutral special is another Aura Sphere style move. This move, once again, can be charged and stored once the charge is complete. However, this move fires off the energy ball with ferocious speed and distance that can cover an entire stage. In addition to that, it doesn't stop if it hits an enemy. Due to this, though, it does less damage. The charge mostly factors into the distance it travels, rather than the power.

Side Special3. Long Distance Palm

Lucario's side special is another move where, if close to an opponent, Lucario will grab them before releasing energy with some serious knockback. If not close to the enemy, then Lucario will release some decent energy to damage and knock opponents back. When Lucario's Aura is at maximum, this can cover ridiculously long distances..

Up Special3. Extreme Speed Attack

Lucario's up special is its recovery move. Like before, this will shoot Lucario forwards in whatever direction you want. However, unlike the other two, you cannot change direction mid-flight. It also will carry any opponent that it hits and, if they are at the apex of the move, can deliver some serious knockback.

Down Special3. Numbing Double Team

Lucario's down special is another counter. When used, Lucario primes itself for an attack and, if is hit during it, will disappear and hit the opponent multiple times with little knockback.

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