| Auto Reticle |
Palutena's standard neutral special is the Auto Reticle. This move creates a small triangle of light, and if anyone is within it, creates a reticle on an enemy and starts firing out bursts of energy at the opponent.
 | Reflect Barrier |
Palutena's side special is the Reflect Barrier. This creates a small square barrier that pushes outwards, damaging any opponent if it spawns on them, and reflecting any projectiles that hit it backwards.
 | Warp |
Palutena's up special is Warp and allows for Palutena to disappear in one place and reappear in another. It is controlled by aiming with the Circle Pad as Palutena disappears. This move doesn't damage opponents.
 | Counter |
Palutena's down special is a standard Counter. When used, she will get herself into position and, if attacked while doing so, shall magically attack and damage the opponent.
| Final Smash: Black Hole & Surge Beam |
Palutena's Final Smash is a large one which will affect much of the stage. First, when activated, she will create a black hole that sucks in any nearby opponents. Once they hit the middle, then Palutena sends out a massive energy beam which does masisve damage to the opponents. They are then blown away when it ends.
Coming soon.