
Name: Olimar, Alph

Game Series: Pikmin
First Appearance: Pikmin (2001)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Character

Olimar is just one of two characters under this character. The character Alph, from Pikmin 3, is also an option. They both control identically.

Alternate Costumes

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialPikmin Pluck

Olimar's neutral special remains the same as Super Smash Bros. Brawl but with a slight difference. Now, you can only have up to three Pikmin and they cycle through the ones chosen in order. Press the button to pluck out a Pikmin if you have less than three

Red Pikmin
  • High Attack
  • Immune to fire
  • Attacks can utilise fire
Blue Pikmin
  • Best used by throwing
  • Stronger than other Pikmin
Yellow Pikmin
  • Large Attack Range
  • Thrown in Arcs
  • Attacks can utilise electricity
Purple Pikmin
  • Cannot be thrown far
  • Slow
  • Very Powerful
  • Slams in to enemies
White Pikmin
  • Fast
  • Poisons when comes into contact with foe
Side SpecialPikmin Throw

Pikmin & Olimar's side move has Olimar throwing the Pikmin he has forwards, possibly into an opponent. Each Pikmin latches onto the opponent and starts doing damage on their own. If they miss or after they attack the opponent, they can be killed causing you to need to pluck them, or recalled with Olimar's down special.

Up SpecialWinged Pikmin

Pikmin & Olimar's up move has changed from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. In this instance, the Winged Pikmin from Pikmin 3 are called and will carry Olimar upwards. The speed and distance travelled is dependent solely upon the amount of Pikmin that are at your disposal.

Down SpecialPikmin Order

Pikmin & Olimar's down move is in order to call back Pikmin that have been seperated from Olimar.

 Final Smash: End of Day

Pikmin & Olimar's Final Smash remains the same as in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. matches the end of each day in the Pikmin games. Olimar gets into his ship and shoots off into the sky as the stage turns to night. The opponents then get attacked by monsters doing them damage without blasting them off. Olimar later quickly returns back down to the stage quickly and with an explosion, blasting off anyone in the way.

Custom Moves

Coming soon.

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