
Name: Ryu

Game Series: Street Fighter
First Appearance: Street Fighter (1987)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Downloadable Content
    • From June 14th 2015: $3.99 / €3.99 / Ł3.49 for one game. $4.99 / €4.99 / Ł4.49 for both

    Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialHadoken

Ryu's neutral move is his signature move, the Hadouken. This sends out an energy ball forwards, damaging whatever it hits. Hold down the button for longer to increase the distance that the Hadouken travels.

As Ryu is a fighting character, he also has hidden inputs. If, when using the move, you do the button combination of down, forward down and then forward, the power of the Hadouken is increased 25%.

Side SpecialTatsumaki Senpukyaku

Ryu's side special is another of his classic moves from Street Fighter. This move is a whirling kick sideways which knocks opponents far if they make contact. This move can also give Ryu some lift off of the ground

If you match the Street Fighter inputs of Down, Back Down and then Back, the power of this move is increased by 16%.

Up SpecialShoryuken

Ryu's up special can be seen as his recovery move. This move has Ryu jump upwards with a powerful uppercut. This damages anyone it makes contact with.

If you set up this move with the classic Street Fighter combo of Forward, Down, Down Forward, then its power is increased by 20%.

Down SpecialFocus Attack

Ryu's down special is a charging move. It allows you to block an opponent's attack and can stun them. The longer you have charged the move for, the longer the opponent is stunned, leaving them open for further attacks

 Final Smash: Shinku Hadoken

Ryu's Final Smash has two options. First is the Shinku Hadoken Final Smash. This Final Smash is activated if you set it up without any nearby opponents. It has Ryu send out a large Hadoken. This Hadoken will suck in closeby enemies and carry them before it ends in an explosion which launches the opponents.

 Final Smash: Shin Shoryuken

Ryu's second Final Smash activates when Ryu is right next to the opponent. This move is a powered up version of Ryu's Shoryuken move and will hit the opponent in slow motion, knocking them upwards. The more damage the opponent has at this point, the more epic the attack.

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