
Name: Pyrosphere

Game Series: Metroid
Based upon: Metroid Other M (2011)

Maximum Players: 8

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Stage

Ω Mode


The Pyrosphere stage makes its arrival in this game. This stage at first seems to be a basic stage with variousplatforms to the sides, set in a geothermal power plant. However, there's an added feature to this stage. Ridley will sometimes come on the stage andf start attacking everyone. It will destroy stages and send out various units such as FG II-Graham Units, Joulions & Zeros which can damage you but also be used as items. If you do enough damage, Ridley will change to Meta Ridley and do more damage and if you land the final blow onto Meta Ridley, you will receive a KO point.

In 8 player mode, Ridley and the other characters will not appear in the stage

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