Captain Falcon

Name: Captain Falcon

Game Series: F-Zero
First Appearance: F-Zero (1990)

Unlock Criteria:

Alternate Costumes


Neutral SpecialFalcon Punch

Captain Falcon's neutral move, and probably the most famous is the Falcon Punch. Its a rather slow starting attack which does leave Captain Falcon open to attack, however once it lets go, a powerful punch surrounded by a Falcon of Fire is sent out in a short area easily decimating anyone in its way.

Side SpecialRaptor Boost

Captain Falcon's side move is a fast running upper cut. It will send your enemies up allowing you to get in some aerial hits. If you use it in mid air, you will be able to essentially hop over your opponent after hitting them so that you keep going. for a brief time.

Up SpecialFalcon Dive

Captain Falcon's recovery move normally is just a somersault in order to propel you further. However, if you come into contact with an enemy while utilising it, Captain Falcon will grab the enemy and cause a small explosion which causes them to be thrown backwards.

Down SpecialFalcon Kick

Captain Falcon's down attack is a kick in the same manner as his punch. Captain Falcon will move in the direction he's facing with a flaming kick that will do good damage to the foes and knock them back a bit. If you are in the air, then you can direct the kick diagonally.

Final Smash

Final Smash SpecialBlue Falcon

Captain Falcon's Final Smash requires close proximity. If it makes contact, then the Blue Falcon will drive into the nearby opponents and knock them into an F-Zero track. Here, Captain Falcon will jump into the Blue Falcon, and drive into the characters, causing decent damage and massive throw.