
Name: Sheik

Game Series: The Legend of Zelda
First Appearance: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)

Unlock Criteria:

Alternate Costumes


Neutral SpecialNeedle Storm

Sheik's neutral move has Sheik send multiple needles out in front of her towards the enemies. These can be charged for multiple needles and cause minor damage.

Side SpecialBurst Grenade

Sheik's side special has Sheik send out a grenade using her whip to propel it. After a short amount of time, the grenade will explode, damaging anybody who is nearby.

Up SpecialVanish

Sheik's up special has Sheik disappear in a puff of smoke and re-appear slightly higher in the direction thsat the control stick was facing. If Sheik re-appears where an enemy is, they will receive damage.

Down SpecialBouncing Fish

Sheik's new down special is a simple acrobatic move. When used, this move sends Sheik jumping forwards, ending with a kick. If the kick makes contact with anybody, then Sheik will bounce backwards at great distance.

Final Smash

Final Smash SpecialSheikah Dance

Sheik's Final Smash has Sheik charge forward and hit an opponent. When hit, Sheik will launch a load of parry attacks and then lay down one final slash. The final attack can damage nearby opponents not caught in Sheik's initial gaze