
Name: Sonic

Game Series: Sonic the Hedgehog
First Appearance: Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)

Unlock Criteria:

Alternate Costumes


Neutral SpecialHoming Attack

Sonic's neutral special is a move made more famous during the 3D variations of Sonic, and has Sonic curl into a ball and home into your nearest opponent and hit them causing a decent amount of damage. This attack isn't guaranteed to hit an opponent, but can give you some fiurther recovery if you need it.

Side SpecialSpin Dash

Sonic's side special is the Spin Dash and is a staple of the Sonic series. Allowing you to briefly charge, you zoom off towards your enemy. If you hit, you jump up and can hit them again. You can also jump while using this making it a deadly attack.

Up SpecialSpring Jump

Sonic's up special is the main way of giving Sonic some decent lift. A spring will appear under Sonic and shoot him high up into the air. If you use it on the ground and the spring stays allowing opponents to follow but if you use it in the air, the spring will fall down and damage any opponent. This doesn't prevent Sonic from using attacks.

Down SpecialSpin Charge

ic's down special is a variation of its side special. The Spin Dash works in the fact that you can charge it ad nauseum and shoot off with the Speed and thus the damage caused being dependant on the amount of charges. Unlike the Spin Dash, you cannot jump during it, but you can change direction at will.

Final Smash

Final Smash SpecialSuper Sonic

Sonic's Final Smash has him turn until Super Sonic. From there, Sonic will start rushing the stage doing damage to any person he hits. This can be controlled via angle using the control stick