#182 Bellossom |
Name: Bellossom
Type: Grass
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold/Silver (1999)
Bellossom makes a welcome return from Melee. Using the same attack as in Melee, Sleep Powder, Bellossom dances around for a short time releasing a decent powder around it. This powder will put any player who comes in contact with it to sleep temporarily. It's likely they will wake up during it, to which if they don't quickly get out, they will wind up falling back asleep. As the summoner is unaffected by the powder, this makes the opponents ripe for a quick attack.
#439 Bonsly |
Name: Bonsly
Type: Rock
First Appearance: Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness (2005)
Bonsly makes his first Smash Bros. appearance in Brawl. Bonsly however is ever docile and once released from the Pokéball, will simply walk around. This is where the summoner and the other players come in. As Bonsly is walking around, any character can pick him up. Once picked up, albeit slowing people down due to his weight, the opponents can throw Bonsly a short distance. If Bonsly comes into contact with any enemy, it will cause decent damage and knockback. So be sure to be the one to get to it
#251 Celebi |
Name: Celebi
Type: Psychic/Grass
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold/Silver (1999)
Celebi makes another appearance following his Melee debut. Unlike in Melee, Celebi doesn't do nothing. Instead, he does nothing with style! Once released, like before, Celebi will start floating up and away. However, this time, when it flies away, he will drop trophies to the ground for you to collect. Very handy for your collection, although it has been known to drop these trophies down holes
#152 Chikorita |
Name: Chikorita
Type: Grass
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold/Silver (1999)
Chikorita makes a welcome return as well, utilising the same attack as in Melee; Razor Leaf. Once released from the Pokéball, Chikorita will take up position and start shooting out sharp leaves directly in front of it. These leaves damage and trap anyone on them if they come from above. They also have decent knockback and if a player is caught in one on the ground, they will likely be subjected to the full arsenal. However, they are reflectable if your character has means to reflect so don't be afraid to use it
#386 Deoxys |
Name: Deoxys
Type: Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (2002)
This Incarnation: Pokémon FireRed (2004)
Deoxys makes his first Smash Bros. appearance in his Attack form. Following true to his form name, as soon as released from the Pokéball, it will fly up to the the top centre of the stage and will fire a massive beam down towards the stage. If anyone is hit by it, they will take massive damage and be sent flying, so its best to avoid the middle if you can. Although, if you're sneaky, you can boot an enemy into it, using it to your full advantage
#101 Electrode |
Name: Electrode
Type: Electric
First Appearance: Pokémon Red/Green (1996)
Electrode makes an appearance identical to his previous Melee appearances, just with a slight twist. Once it is released, it will sit around for a while charging up. Soon after, it will begin to flash and after about a second, will explode causing massive damage and knockback to anyone in the vicinity. While it's flashing however, you can pick it up and throw it at an enemy. Unfortunately, in Brawl, Electrode can sometimes fail to explode
#244 Entei |
Name: Entei
Type: Fire
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold/Silver (1999)
Entei returns to the Smash Bros. series with his same firey attitude as before. Once released, Entei will roar and stand on his hind legs before starting a massive fire spin. This will catch anyone within it and send them upwards causing massive damage before Entei disappears
#282 Gardevoir |
Name: Gardevoir
Type: Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (2002)
Gardevoir marks its first appearance in the Smash Bros. series by utilising it's Psychic powers perfectly. Once released, Gardevoir creats a massive circular barrier around it and starts walking around the stage, onto platforms below as well if necessary. This barrier allows for characters to walk through at will, but any projectiles and thrown items will be reflected back off of it with increased damage.
#118 Goldeen |
Name: Goldeen
Type: Water
First Appearance: Pokémon Red/Green (1996)
Goldeen makes its third appearance in the Smash Bros. series by doing exactly the same as the previous games. All Goldeen does is Splash around the stage, doing no damage to any character so it's essentially a waste of an item.
#383 Groudon |
Name: Groudon
Type: Ground
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (2002)
Groudon makes it's first appearance in Brawl and with it, it makes a giant impression. Once released, it stays still, but due to its size it takes up a massive amount of most stages. Using its powers as the Continent Pokémon, it overheats itself making it deadly to anyone who touches it, which will be almost everyone considering his size. Despite the fact he is stationary, Groudon does move his head, arms and tails a bit so you have to be prepared for that
#316 Gulpin |
Name: Gulpin
Type: Poison
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (2002)
Gulpin is another 3rd gen Pokémon that makes its first Smash appearance here. One released, he will stay still. If an enemy is close to him or comes close to him, he will suck them in and chomp on them, causing decent damage before spitting the opponent out
#250 Ho-Oh |
Name: Ho-Oh
Type: Fire/Flying
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold/Silver (1999)
Ho-Oh makes a return to the Smash Bros. franchise with avengence. Like before, once Ho-Oh is released from the Pokéball, it will fly up and into the background. From there, it will create a massive circle around where it was released and will fire it's Sacred Fire attack into that area. This attack is a massive fire vortex that does massive damage so it's best to do what you can to avoid it
#385 Jirachi |
Name: Jirachi
Type: Psychic/Steel
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (2002)
Jirachi makes it's first Smash Bros. appearance here. However, like its other "un-obtainable" Pokémon friends of Mew & Celebi, it does not do any damage. Rather, when it's released from its Pokéball, it will appear and slowly fly off. However, like Mew & Celebi, it may also leave a treat for you to collect. Jirachi drops Stickers down to the ground for you to collect
#382 Kyogre |
Name: Kyogre
Type: Water
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (2002)
Kyogre makes its first appearance and in it, it is probably the least harmful yet most deadly Pokéball Pokémon in the game. Once sent out, Kyogre will pick an opponent to go for and move over to them. Once it finds it, it will should out water at them. This water is not harmful but does push the opponent. However, Kyogre slowly moves downwards once it starts shooting and as such can easily pin you down and push you off the edge. Although Kyogre's water is not harmful, if you touch its body, you will receive damage
#380 Latias |
Name: Latias
Type: Dragon/Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (2002)
Latias makes its first appearance in Smash Bros. with a double teaming attack. Once it has been called out, it will stand and call upon Latios to come. After this, they both shoot off. They then both return to the stage, shooting through any enemies causing decent damage to anyone they hit. They do this multiple times before finishing
#381 Latios |
Name: Latios
Type: Dragon/Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (2002)
Latios makes its first appearance in Smash Bros. with a double teaming attack. Once it has been called out, it will stand and call upon Latias to come. After this, they both shoot off. They then both return to the stage, shooting through any enemies causing decent damage to anyone they hit. They do this multiple times before finishing
#249 Lugia |
Name: Lugia
Type: Psychic/Flying
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold/Silver (1999)
Lugia makes a re-appearance in Brawl, however with a slightly different attack. Once released, Lugia will fly up and go into the background. From there, he will shoot out a powerful green aeroblast to around the area he was release, that works in the same manner as Melee. This does decent damage and knockback so its best to avoid it
#490 Manaphy |
Name: Manaphy
Type: Water
First Appearance: Pokémon Diamond/Pearl (2006)
Manaphy makes it's first Smash Bros appearance in Brawl, and like it's other "un-obtainable" Pokémon friends, it's quite rare. That said, unlike them, Manaphy actually uses an attack. Once released, he will fly up towards the top of the stage and use its Heart Swap move. This move will temporarily cause you and your opponents to swap bodies. You keep the damage and stock, but you have access to the enemy's attacks and possibly even Final Smash if its timed right
#052 Meowth |
Name: Meowth
Type: Normal
First Appearance: Pokémon Red/Green (1996)
Meowth makes a welcome return to the Smash Bros series after being absent for Melee. Once released, Meowth will point in the direction the most enemies are in (in relation to Meowth) and will start using Pay Day which has Meowth shoot outs loads of coins in various angles. These do minimal damage and no knockback but they do pause your opponent whenever they are hit. Meowth will also turn if more enemies go to the other side of it
#376 Metagross |
Name: Metagross
Type: Steel/Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (2002)
Metagross makes its first appearance in Smash Bros. here. Once released, Metagross stays where it is, but starts slamming into the ground with its legs. This causes a massive earthquake that damages anyone on the ground nearby and shoots them upwards
#151 Mew |
Name: Mew
Type: Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon Red/Green (1996)
Mew makes another appearance in Smash Bros, being as rare as its other "un-obtainable" Pokémon friends. Like Celebi & Jirachi, once released, Mew will slowly fly up off of the stage. However, like Celebi & Jirachi, it may drop collectables. In Mew's case, it will drop CDs
#146 Moltres |
Name: Moltres
Type: Fire/Flying
First Appearance: Pokémon Red/Green (1996)
Moltres also re-appears to the Smash Bros. series in Brawl. Once released from the Pokéball, Moltres essentially just hovers over the area. If any player comes into contact with Moltres however, they will catch fire and receive decent damage, most likely being sent flying at the same time so try to avoid it
#446 Munchlax |
Name: Munchlax
Type: Normal
First Appearance: Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness (2005)
Munchlax makes its first appearance in Brawl and as such, its appearance is rather an annoying one. Once released from the Pokéball, Munchlax will walk around the stage, doing no damage to anyone it comes into contact with. However, if it sees an item, it will go up to the item and eat it. Very annoying if its sent out near an item you want to get
#393 Piplup |
Name: Piplup
Type: Water
First Appearance: Pokémon Diamond/Pearl (2006)
Piplup makes its debut in Brawl and it certainly makes a splash. Once released from the Pokéball, Piplup goes forwards in the direction its facing quickly with water surrounding it. If it hits an enemy, the enemy will receive minor damage, and if unlucky, will be carried with Piplup all the way until Piplup falls off the edge of the stage
#143 Snorlax |
Name: Snorlax
Type: Normal
First Appearance: Pokémon Red/Green (1996)
Snorlax makes another appearence in the Smash Bros. series, doing its staple Smash Bros. attack. One Snorlax has been released from the Pokéball, it will jump up off of the top of the screen. A short time later, it will come back down on the area it was sent out at, just at many times his previous size. Anyone who gets hit by Snorlax received decent damage and is sent flying off
#120 Staryu |
Name: Staryu
Type: Water
First Appearance: Pokémon Red/Green (1996)
Staryu re-appears in Brawl utilising the same attack it used in Melee. Once released, Staryu will select an enemy and fly up to the side of them. Once it's taken a decent position, it will stand and shoot out its Swift attack at the enemy. This attack does minimal damage but does push the opponent. It can however be reflected
#245 Suicune |
Name: Suicune
Type: Water
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold/Silver (1999)
Suicune makes it's re-appearance in the Smash Bros. series. However, unlike the others, Suicune uses a completely different attack to before. Instead using Icy Wind, Suicune sends out a powerful aurora beam out, severely damaging ayone that gets in its way. As its a focused beam however, it can be easily avoided
#175 Togepi |
Name: Togepi
Type: Normal
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold/Silver (1999)
Togepi re-appears in Brawl utilising the same attack it has used in the past. Using metronome, a variety of attacks can happen. Night Shade has Togepi turn the stage completely black for a short time. Leech Seed puts a flower on top of the opponent's head, causing gradual damage. Hypnosis has Togepi send out a small shockwave and anyone caught in it will fall asleep. Icy Wind has Togepi freeze any nearby opponents and Earthquake embeds nearby enemies into the ground. These attacks are done at random so you have to be prepared for the worst if you see a Togepi released
#255 Torchic |
Name: Torchic
Type: Normal
First Appearance: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (2002)
Torchic makes its first appearance and comes in with a firery spirit. Once released from the Pokéball, Torchic will surround itself in an aura of flames and will start dancing about. If anyone comes into contact with Torchic itself or the flames, then they shall receive decent damage and be burned
#461 Weavile |
Name: Weavile
Type: Dark/Ice
First Appearance: Pokémon Diamond/Pearl (2006)
Weavile makes its first appearance in the Smash Bros. games in Brawl. When released from its Pokéball, it will go in a random direction and quickly dash forwards. It then dashes back and does this repeatedly for the time it is out of the Pokéball. If anyone comes into contact with Weavile, they receive damage with each hit, but also get stunned preventing their escape
#202 Wobbuffet |
Name: Wobbuffet
Type: Psychic
First Appearance: Pokémon Gold/Silver (1999)
Wobbuffet makes his re-appearance in Brawl and does it in its classic Wobbuffet way. Once released, Wobbuffet essentially stays still and salutes. If its hit from any attack or item, it will start shaking widely. if anyone hits Wobbuffet while this is going on, they will receive damage and knockback that is dependant on how fast Wobbuffet is shaking, which itself is dependant on how hard it has been hit