
Stage: Smashville Stage: Smashville

Game Series: Animal Crossing
Based upon: Animal Crossing (2001)

Unlock Criterea:
  • Starting Stage

Stage Music:

  • Title (Animal Crossing) - Animal Crossing
  • Go K.K. Rider! - Animal Crossing
  • Town Hall and Tom Nook's Store - Animal Crossing: Wild World
  • The Roost - Animal Crossing: Wild World


The Smashville stage is a rather basic stage. It is essentially one big platform with another small one hovering over it and rotating to the left and right. While you battle, it moves slowly around a town from Animal Crossing

There are a few cool easter eggs around with this level. For one, the actual day/night cycle of the real world is imitated in the stage. If its Night where you are, it will be night in the stage. Second, occassionally an item balloon from Animal Crossing will float over the level. Smash it open and an actual Smash Bros item will fall it. Secondly, the various characters from Animal Crossing will appear and watch your match intently. These characters range from Tortimer, to Grace, to Tom Nook himself. Finally, if you play on 8pm on a Saturday. KK Slider will appear and will perform one of his tracks

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