As Pokémon Typing DS has scores of courses, variety is necessary in order to keep the game fresh. As such, there is a variety of level types in order to keep the game fresh. Within those types, there are several different sub-types of level.

Standard Courses

Pokémon Catchable: Yes

The main courses you will find have you travel along a set path and have you capture the various Pokémon which will jump out in front of you. Various obstacles will crop up in the sides for you to break, such as Boulders, Meteorites and plants or keeping the course illuminated by hitting keys corresponding to switches. There are however, various variations to this standard setup

Image Variation Course
In this stage, you have to get to the end by navigating a maze. You'll commonly come across two seperate Pokémon, and the Pokémon you capture determines the route you take. No. 4 Train Ride
In this stage, you have to get to the end by nselecting the right egg. When you select the egg which doesn't explode, a Pokémon will appear and you can get to the next egg selection. No. 7 Lucky Paradise
In these stages, Pokémon will come up to you silhouetted until they are in close proximity to you Sunset Forward Slash Way
B Canyon
Never-ending Tab Track
Main Courses
Ball Courses

Pokémon Catchable: No
Alt Rocky Range
X Resort
Space Hiking

These courses are the courses you'll play first in the game. To progress, you have to simply type the letter on the ball the Pokémon are standing upon. This acts as though the Pokémon are captured and you will gain the points. The Pokémon encountered within this stage are not classed as captured in your Pokédex

Ball Courses
Stationary Courses

Pokémon Catchable: Yes
No. 6 Rocky Mountain
No. 9 Chilly Peak

These courses are similar to the standard courses but, rather than have you progress through a course, have you stationary and throw numerous Pokémon at you. These stages are timed and you have to capture the Pokémon during the time limit. These courses tend to give medals for capturing many Pokémon with no mistakes.

Stationary Courses
Appearance Courses

Pokémon Catchable: No
D Rocky Pass
Backspace Plateau

These courses are similar to the ball courses in that they only require you to press a specific letter. The letters don't change as the Pokémon come, but are set based upon the stage itself. As a Pokémon comes out of the area corresponding to the letter, you need to press the key for that letter in order to get the points. Pokémon are not catchable in this.

Appearance Courses
Tutorial Courses

Pokémon Catchable: No
Backslash Basics
Right Shift Word Challenge

There are a number of courses that will teach you the basics of the game, such as finger positions, the english characters for the Japanese characters and so forth. A few of these have medals for you to earn but are mostly superfluous to the main ethos of the game.

Tutorial Courses