#0145 Zapdos
Gen VII Dex

| Dr. Yung | Red | Wild |

Dr. Yung's Zapdos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
S20 The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon The Terrifying Mirage Pokémon Pics

Red's Zapdos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
S32 Pokémon Origins Pokémon: The Origin Pics

Wild Zapdos

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
17 The Island of Giant Pokémon Island of Enormous Pokémon!?! Pics
M2 The Power of One Revelation Lugia Pics
244 As Clear As Crystal Zapdos and the Crystal! Secret of the Lake! Pics
M9 Pokémon Ranger & The Temple of the Sea Pokémon Ranger & The Prince of the Sea - Manaphy Pics
562 Doc Brock Pachirisu's Fever! Care-taking by Two People!? Pics
M12 Arceus & The Jewel of Life Arceus - Towards Conquering Space-Time Pics
641 Dealing With a Fierce Double Ditto Drama! Ditto - Transformation Battle! Which One Is It That's Real!? Pics
M13 Zoroark - Master of Illusions Phantom Champion Zoroark Pics
S32 Pokémon Origins Pokémon: The Origin Pics
889 A Legendary Photo Op! Moltres in Focus! Snap the Legend!! Pics
913 An Electrifying Rage! Zapdos and Noivern! A Furious Strike of Lightning!! Pics
G1 Pokémon Generations - The Adventure To be confirmed Pics
M20 Pokémon! I Choose You! Pokémon! I Choose You! Pics
1129 A Crackling Raid Battle! VS Zapdos! Legendary Raid Battle Pics
1224 Heroes Unite! Pokémon! I Am Glad I Got To Meet You Pics
1225 These Could be the Start of Something Big! Ash and Goh! Setting Off Anew!! Pics
85 TBC Arrival! The Paradise of Laqua Pics
86 TBC The Rising Volt Tacklers VS The Explorers! Pics
86 TBC The Rising Volt Tacklers VS The Explorers! Pics

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