#0606 Beheeyem
Gen VII Dex

| Leon | Spinel | Wild |

Leon's Beheeyem

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
706 Beheeyem, Duosion and the Dream Thief Beheeyem and Duosion and the Dream Thief! Pics

Spinel's Beheeyem

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
12 The Future I Choose! The Future I Choose Pics
14 Fly! Wattrell Fly, Wattrel Pics
15 It's Someone You Can't See! Whosawhatsit? It's Someone You Can't See! Whosawhatsit? Pics
34 Respective Departures Respective Departures Pics
44 The Plan to Capture Rayquaza The Plan for Capturing Rayquaza! Pics
54 The Treasure of Eternity Eternal Blessings! Pics
64 The Approaching Shadow! The Creeping Shadow on Glaseado Mountain Pics
67 Shine on, Terastallization! Liko vs. Roy! Shine, Terastallization! Liko VS Roy!! Pics
85 TBC Arrival! The Paradise of Laqua Pics
86 TBC The Rising Volt Tacklers VS The Explorers! Pics

Wild Beheeyem

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
794 Capacia Island UFO! Shining Flying Saucer! Beheeyem's Town!! Pics

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