#0714 Noibat
Gen VII Dex

| Ash | Yuxa | Wild |

Ash's Noibat

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
879 A Not-So-Flying-Start! The Wind, the Egg and the Noibat! Pics
880 A Relay in the Sky! The Pokémon Sky Rally Challenge! Fly, Noibat!! Pics
882 A Frenzied Factory Fiasco! A Fierce Fight at the Poké Ball Factory! Pikachu VS Meowth!! Pics
M18 Hoopa & The Clash of Ages The Archdjinni of the Rings: Hoopa Pics
P15 Pikachu & The Pokémon Music Squad Pikachu and the Pokémon Musicians Pics
886 Over the Mountain of Snow Cross the Snow Mountains! Mamoswine and Abomasnow!! Pics
887 Adventures in Running Errands! Chespin! Its First Errand!! Pics
890 The Tiny Caretaker! Bonnie Will Take Care of You! The Pampered Tyrunt!! Pics
892 The Frocking Find in the Flowers Eevee is Shy with Strangers! The Catcher in the Flowers!! Pics
897 From A to Z! The Explosive Birth of Z! That Which Lies Hidden in Kalos!! Pics
898 Love Strikes! Eevee, Yikes Hot-blooded Quilladin! Squishy is Being Targeted!! Pics
905 Meeting at Terminus Cave! Terminus Cave! The Mystery of Z is Set in Motion!! Pics
907 A Windswept Encounter Noibat and Floette! An Encounter in the Wind!! Pics
910 An Explosive Operation The Explosive Land's Wrath! Operation: Capture Zygarde!! Pics
911 A Watershed Moment! A Chesnaught from the Wilderness! The Tree-planting Robon!! Pics
912 Master Class Choices! The Master Class Trial! What Will You Do, Serena!? Pics
913 An Electrifying Rage! Zapdos and Noivern! A Furious Strike of Lightning!! Pics
943 Till We Compete Again A Zero With No End! Till the Day We Meet Again!! Pics

Yuxa's Noibat

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
84 TBC The Place Where Heaven and Earth Meet Pics
88 TBC The White Zygarde Causes Shock Waves Pics

Wild Noibat

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
836 Calling From Beyond the Aura! Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura! Pics
M17 Diancie & The Cocoon of Destruction The Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie Pics
P15 Pikachu, What's This Key? Pikachu, What Kind Of Keys Are These? Pics
842 Summer of Discovery! Pokémon Summer Camp! Enter the Rival Trio!! Pics
S40 Hoopa’s Surprise Ring Adventures Hoopa's Appear Operation Pics
879 A Not-So-Flying-Start! The Wind, the Egg and the Noibat! Pics
1155 Under Color of Darkness! Flabébé's White Flower!! Pics
72 TBC Pursuit! Search for Kleavor! Pics
73 TBC Kleavor the Lone Warrior! Pics

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