Shiny Pokémon, an extremely rare sight in the games...however Ash & Co. have met a fair few and in this section, you will find a list of all the Shiny Pokémon that have appeared in the Animé, what they do and what episode they appeared in. While during their travels, Ash & Co. encountered many Pokémon of colours that deviate from the norm, this section only covers the Pokémon that match the colour of the Pokémon's alternate colour equivilant within the games. As such, Pokémon such as the Pink Butterfree are not listed
#025 Pikachu | |
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A Shiny Pikachu was owned by Pikarla in the Pikachu Valley in the Alola Region. This Pikachu was a rival of Ash's Pikachu for the affections of a female Pikachu from the valley. It has strong attacks including Volt Tackle and, with the Pikanium Z, is able to use the Z-Move Catastropika with its trainer First Seen: Episode 1034: A Plethora of Pikachu! |
#054 Psyduck | |
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A Shiny Psyduck was owned by one of the trainers exploring the Ruins of the Titans in the Desert Resort in Unova. Its trainer, Colorvar, is a shiny hunter. It and its trainer got trapped by Cofagrigus until Ash saved. This Psyduck was used in battle against the Golurk in the temple. First Seen: Episode 1103:Raid Battle in the Ruins! |
#082 Magneton | |
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Magneton's shiny form appeared in the Johto League, Jackson from New Bark Town had one and used it in his battle against Ash. It was a formiddable foe for Ash as it took down Ash's Pikachu & Cyndaquil without even sweating. However Ash's Bulbasaur managed to take it out. The Magneton hasnt been seen from again First Seen: Episode 270: Tie One On |
#094 Gengar | |
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Gengar's shiny form appeared under the control of Alva. After Alva activated the Mega Wave, it Mega Evolved and started to do Alva's evil bidding alongside lots of other Mega Evolved Pokémon First Seen: Volcanion & The Mechanical Marvel |
#095 Onix | |
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Onix's shiny form appeared when Ash & co. went to an island in East Unova. This island is filled with the legends of a rare Onix and was encountered when Ash requested Meloetta sing a song to try to subdue a swarm of rampaging Onix. The song woke up the shiny Onix who managed to call off the other Onix First Seen: Episode 748: Expedition to Onix Island! |
#100 Voltorb | |
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Voltorb's shiny variant was seen in Vermilion City. Ash & Goh spotted one and made chase, with Goh eventually capturing it and adding it to his Pokémon. It has a tendancy to use Self Destruct when touched First Seen: Episode 1170: A Clash! BluePoké Maniacs! |
#129 Magikarp | |
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Magikarp's shiny form appeared in Mid-Late Hoenn with a Cameo role. In it, a trainer called Jimmy accidentally caught one while fishing. However as soon as he did that, a trainer came along and offered to trade it for his Charmeleon. Jimmy accepted and Magikarp was given to the random trainer. Another later appeared in Undella Town when a trainer was hunting for it. First Seen: Episode 368: Judgement Day! |
#130 Gyarados | |
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Gyarados's shiny form appeared in late Johto, however it wasn't officially a Shiny form. In it, Team Rocket were forcing evolutions of Magikarp into Gyarados but the Gyarados failed to change Colour during evolution. It got very angry and started a Rampage in the Lake of Rage and Mahogany time. Luckily Lance Captured it and stopped it. He later on used it in Hoenn to help stop Kyogre & Groudon's battle Another one was later used, and shown in its Mega Evolved form, by Lysandre as he tried to take over Lumiose City and destroy the world. First Seen: Episode 237: Talkin Bout An Evolution |
#132 Ditto | |
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Ditto's shiny form appeared in Sinnoh. When the group were on the way to the Grand Festival, they soon discovered that something was impersonating their Pokémon. They quickly discovered that it was two Ditto, one of them shiny, under the control of Makina, a girl whom is dressing up as the Elite Four Member Flint. She owns both of the Ditto but fails to utilise strategy properly with them. The Shiny Ditto, nicknamed Number 2 was used in a battle against Ash's Infernape as well as Team Rocket. It has been known to transform into Piplup, Zapdos, Staraptor, Happiny, Sudowoodo, Meowth, Wobbuffet and Croagunk. First Seen: Episode 641: Dealing With a Fierce Double Ditto Drama! |
#148 Dragonair | |
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Dragonair's shiny form appeared in the Kalos saga. During a Pokémon Showcase, a local celebrity Pokémon Performer called Amelia used one during her various appeals. It was never used in battle but was a big part of Amelia's team in the showcase, and uses its moves in order to create dazzling appeals that help win showcases for its trainer. There is colour co-ordination in Amelia's team with this purple Dragonair, her Espeon and Amelia's standard clothing. First Seen: Episode 912: Master Class Choices! |
#164 Noctowl | |
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This Pokémon was seen in early Johto. It was being researched by a Pokémon Researcher. he tried to catch it but failed. Ash however managed to successfully battle it with Pikachu and caught it. It became a very important member of Ash's team and helped him win many Gym Battles & League Matches in the Johto League. It currently spends it's time at Oak's Lab in Pallet Town First Seen: Episode 156: Fowl Play |
#168 Ariados | |
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The alternate coloured Ariados appeared in Route 201 near Sandgem Town. When Dawn visited Professor Rowan, his Piplup and Chimchar had escaped. While looking for them, Dawn encountered a swarm of Ariados. Managing to hold them back, she was soon rendered helpless against the alternate coloured Ariados hiding in the trees. Using Psychic, String Shot and Poison Sting, it managed to restrain Dawn and her Pokémon, but eventually fell to Dawn's newly evolved Quilava which managed to take out the entire swarm. First Seen: Dawn's New Journey |
#172 Pichu | |
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Pichu's shiny form has technically yet to appear in the animé. It features in the recent ending based upon the Notched Ear Pichu. In this ending, it is shown to be the rival of the Notched-Ear Pichu. No further appearances have been slated First Seen: Get Fired Up - Notched-Ear Pichu |
#213 Shuckle | |
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Shuckle's shiny form appeared in Early-Mid Johto. In it, Old Man Shuckle was looking for it to get the best Berry Juice's possible, a Love Potion, aswell as the batch from the rest of his Shuckles. However Team Rocket tried stealing it and use it for their own uses...but rest assured it got returned to Old Man Shuckle in time First Seen: Episode 172: A Better Pill To Swallow |
#232 Donphan | |
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Donphan's shiny form appeared in Mid-Late Hoenn. In it, it seemed that many of the Standard Donphan were falling in love with it and were trying to impress it with displaying their Rollout Attacks First Seen: Episode 391: Date Expectations |
#243 Raikou | |
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The alternate coloured Raikou is one of the protectors of Crown City along with Entei & Suicune. In its appearance, it appeared to try and protect Crown City from Kodai and to attack Zoroark who was forced into doing destruction within the city by Kodai. Though it, along with Entei & Suicune, was made with Zoroark, it soon understood precisely what happened and helped prevent Kodai escaping through time. First Seen: Zoroark: Master of Illusions |
#244 Entei | |
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The alternate coloured Entei is one of the protectors of Crown City along with Raikou & Suicune. In its appearance, it appeared to try and protect Crown City from Kodai and to attack Zoroark who was forced into doing destruction within the city by Kodai. Though it, along with Raikou & Suicune, was made with Zoroark, it soon understood precisely what happened and helped prevent Kodai escaping through time. First Seen: Zoroark: Master of Illusions |
#245 Suicune | |
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The alternate coloured Suicune is one of the protectors of Crown City along with Raikou & Entei. In its appearance, it appeared to try and protect Crown City from Kodai and to attack Zoroark who was forced into doing destruction within the city by Kodai. Though it, along with Raikou & Entei, was made with Zoroark, it soon understood precisely what happened and helped prevent Kodai escaping through time. First Seen: Zoroark: Master of Illusions |
#251 Celebi | |
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When Goh visited Azalea Town and reunited with his old friend, Tokio, a Celebi flew past and flew upwards where it interacted with a Shiny Celebi. Another then appeared in Ookoya Forest and helped protect it and Zarude. First Seen: Celebi: A Timeless Promise, Secrets of the Jungle |
#269 Dustox | |
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Dustox's shiny form appeared in Sinnoh. When the gang reach Lake Valor, they find it is time for the Dustox Crossing. Within the Dustox is a special Dustox owned by a trainer called Austin. This Dustox captures the eye of Jessie's Dustox and eventually leaves its trainer to mate with Jessie's Dustox. First Seen: Episode 541: Crossing Paths |
#282 Gardevoir | |
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Gardevoir's shiny form appeared under the control of Kimia who used it to try and stop the evil Alva from taking Volcanion & Magearna. It has the capability to Mega Evolve. First Seen: Volcanion & The Mechanical Marvel |
#277 Swellow | |
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Swellow's shiny form appeared in the Fortree Gym in Hoenn. Winona, the Gym Leader, had one and used it in a battle against Ash. It knew Aerial Ace and was hard to stop. It managed to take out Ash's Grovyle, however Ash's own Swellow managed to stop it in it's tracks after a hard long battle First Seen: Episode 361: Sky High Gym Battle |
#376 Metagross | |
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Metagross's shiny form appeared in Sinnoh. After going their seperate ways following another failed attempt to capture Pikachu, Jessie & James encounter the shiny Metagross within a cave. The Metagross quickly attacked them until they managed to make it go into a canyon. First Seen: Episode 585: Noodles: Roamin' OffAnother Metagross shiny form appeared in Hoenn. This Metagross was used by Steven Stone in his battle against Alain. It has the capability of Mega Evolving into Mega Metagross First Seen: Mega Evolution II |
#384 Rayquaza | |
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Rayquaza's shiny form was seen when Hoopa summoned it to face off against Legendary Pokémon which were under control of Hoopa Unbound. During the appearance, it Mega Evolved into Mega Rayquaza and helped calm the Legendary Pokémon. Another was seen having travlled with the ancient traveler, Lucius. It was in his ANcient Poké Ball but escaped when in proximity to Liko's necklace. It has since been travelling the world but is wanted by the Explorers. First Seen: Hoopa & The Clash of Ages |
#621 Druddigon | |
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Druddigon's shiny appearance appeared within the Decolore Islands. During their travels, Ash & Co. met up with Clair who had come to the island to look for it. However, Team Rocket started causing issues for wild Pokémon in order to lure it out, causing the Druddigon to go on a rampage. Clair eventually caught it. First Seen: Episode 797: A Pokémon of a Different Color! |
#623 Golurk | |
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Golurk's shiny appearance appeared solely in the Black version of the Victini movie. This Golurk, owned by Juanita, was used to aid Ash & Co. against Damon as he tried to control Victini and the city of Eindoak with the Legendary Dragon. First Seen: Pokémon Black: Victini & Reshiram |
#635 Hydreigon | |
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Hydreigon's shiny appearance appeared solely in the White version of the Victini movie. This Hydreigon, owned by Carlita, was used to aid Ash & Co. against Damon as he tried to control Victini and the city of Eindoak with the Legendary Dragon. First Seen: Pokémon White: Victini & Zekrom |
#636 Larvesta | |
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Volcarona's shiny variant appeared during Goh's Trial Mission. When he went to the Desert Resort ruins for the mission, he had to get the scale off a golden Volcarona. It evolved while protecting the eggs from some fallen debris First Seen: Episode 1169: Trial Mission! Volcarona's Golden Scales!! |
#637 Volcarona | |
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Volcarona's shiny variant appeared during Goh's Trial Mission. When he went to the Desert Resort ruins for the mission, he had to get the scale off a golden Volcarona. It evolved while protecting the eggs from some fallen debris when it then starting absorbing all the fire in the area First Seen: Episode 1169: Trial Mission! Volcarona's Golden Scales!! |
#649 Genesect | |
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Genesect's shiny appearance came within its titular movie. In the movie, it was the leader of a group of five Genesect, revived and modified by Team Plasma, who returned to the Pokémon Hills in search of their home, but found things had changed, and started attacking. First Seen: Episode 780: Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry!Main Appearance: Pokémon Best Wishes: Genesect & The Legend Awakened |
#701 Hawlucha | |
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Hawlucha's shiny appearance was shown in an episode where Ash accidentally thought it was attacking a helpless Pokémon and went to defend it. It turned out the Hawlucha was an actor participating in a fighting play and in trying to help, Ash injured its costar, so Ash's Hawlucha had to take up the mantle and face the shiny Hawlucha in the play. First Seen: Episode 854: When Dark and Light Collide! |
#708 Phantump | |
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Phantump's shiny appearance was shown in an episode where Ash & co. bumped into one after it had been separated from its home due to an attack by Team Rocket. Ash & co., befriending it, took it back to its home where it learned to be friendly with other Pokémon. First Seen: Episode 920: Making Friends and Influencing Villains! |
#718 Zygarde | |
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A Shiny Zygarde was seen in the presence of Gibeon, the leader of the group the Explorers, after their plan to catch the Shiny Rayquaza had failed. First Seen: Episode 45: To Places Far Away! |
#737 Charjabug | |
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Charjabug's shiny appearance was shown in an episode where Ash, Kiawe and Sophocles entered a Charjabug race. One team, Red Comet, was using a shiny Charjabug in a car outfit akin to a shiny Genesect in order to win the race. Horacio then used the Charjabug again in Vast Poni Canyon while trying to get a "Bug Stone" to evolve his Charjabug. First Seen: Episode 984: Mounting an Electrifying Charge! |
#738 Vikavolt | |
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Horacio then later appeared in order to participate in a Vikavolt race, this time with his Charjabug having evolved into Vikavolt. Controlling his Vikavolt, he ended up being able to come second in the race. It can use moves such as Charge Beam. First Seen: Episode 1062: Superspeed Vikavolt! The Awakening of Sophocles!! |
#778 Mimikyu | |
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Mimikyu shiny appearance was shown when it appeared with Acerola. Her Mimikyu has passed on and remains as a ghost. Due to this, while it can use attacks, it cannot do any damage to any Pokémon. First Seen: Episode 1016: Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime? |
#785 Tapu Koko | |
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A Shiny Tapu Koko appeared to use an attack while the Melemele Island Guardian Tapu Koko and Pikachu were having a battle. This resulted in a tear in the space-time continuum which resulted in Ash getting transported to an alternate Melemele Island. The Tapu Koko then comes later to give Ash and Dia the power to use Z-Moves against Guzzlord. First Seen: Episode 1043: Battling the Beast Within |
#793 Nihilego | |
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A Shiny Nihilego was found when Lillie, Gladion & Lusamine found Mohn in the Crown Tundra. It had been living with Mohn with Mohn calling it Lillie while having amnesia. It had found Mohn after Mohn fell through an Ultra Wormhole, it took him back to his own world and stayed with him. After Mohn remembered everything, it went to leave but Lillie stopped it and it joined the family after Gladion caught it First Seen: Episode 1200: Mohn and Lillie: A Reunion on the Tundra! |
#799 Guzzlord | |
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Two Shiny Guzzlord appeared from an Ultra Wormhole shortly after another Guzzlord came to Alola during the Alola Pokémon League. These Guzzlord also started causing problems and destruction until it was stopped by Ash and his friends. First Seen: Episode 1083: Z-Move Showdown! |
#801 Magearna | |
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When Lillie was a baby, her father Mohn found a Magearna that was inert, with the intent of reactivating it. When Lillie was older, she found the Magearna and it eventually reactivated and joined her on her journey. This Magearna has the colours of a Shiny Magearna, though at the time Shiny Magearna didn't have any colours, but when Magearna gained a Shiny variant, it matched these colours First Seen: Episode 1059: The Secret Princess!! |