Berries, they help your Pokémon in battle and help raises their contest status.
Here you will find a list of all the berries and what they do:
Picture | Number | Name | Effect |
#01 | Cheri Berry | Heals Paralysis | |
#02 | Chesto Berry | Heals Sleeping | |
#03 | Pecha Berry | Heals Poison | |
#04 | Rawst Berry | Heals Burn | |
#05 | Aspear Berry | Heals Frozen Status | |
#06 | Leppa Berry | Recovers 10PP to an attack | |
#07 | Oran Berry | Recovers 10HP | |
#08 | Persim Berry | Heals Confusion | |
#09 | Lum Berry | Heals Any Status Condition | |
#10 | Sitrus Berry | Recovers 30HP | |
#11 | Figy Berry | Recovers 1/8 HP and confuses any Pokémon that doesnt like Spicy Flavour | |
#12 | Wiki Berry | Recovers 1/8 HP and confuses any Pokémon that doesnt like Dry Flavour | |
#13 | Mago Berry | Recovers 1/8 HP and confuses any Pokémon that doesnt like Sweet Flavour | |
#14 | Aguav Berry | Recovers 1/8 HP and confuses any Pokémon that doesnt like Bitter Flavour | |
#15 | Iapapa Berry | Recovers 1/8 HP and confuses any Pokémon that doesnt like Sour Flavour | |
#16 | Razz Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#17 | Bluk Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#18 | Nanab Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#19 | Wepear Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#20 | Pinap Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#21 | Pomeg Berry | Lowers Effort Points for HP by 10 Points | |
#22 | Kelpsy Berry | Lowers Effort Points for Attack by 10 Points | |
#23 | Qualot Berry | Lowers Effort Points for Defense by 10 Points | |
#24 | Hondew Berry | Lowers Effort Points for Special Attack by 10 Points | |
#25 | Grepa Berry | Lowers Effort Points for Special Defense by 10 Points | |
#26 | Tamato Berry | Lowers Effort Points for Speed by 10 Points | |
#27 | Cornn Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#28 | Magost Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#29 | Rabuta Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#30 | Nomel Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#31 | Spelon Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#32 | Pamtre Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#33 | Watmel Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#34 | Durin Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#35 | Belue Berry | Plant in the Earth to grow Berries for Pokéblocks | |
#36 | Liechi Berry | Raises Attack when HP is below 1/3 | |
#37 | Ganlon Berry | Raises Defense when HP is below 1/3 | |
#38 | Salac Berry | Raises Speed when HP is below 1/3 | |
#39 | Petaya Berry | Raises Special Attack when HP is below 1/3 | |
#40 | Apicot Berry | Raises Special Defense when HP is below 1/3 | |
#41 | Lansat Berry | Raises Critical Hit Ratio when HP is below 1/3 | |
#42 | Starf Berry | Raises Any Stat when HP is below 1/3 | |
#43 | Enigma Berry | Morphs into E-Reader Berries |