From time to time, when you collect Pokémon Toys, you will find that several with have a Prefix. This prefix tells you the special ability of the Pokémon. There are a couple of dozen special abilities in this game, all with a variety of effects. These are all signified by Pink on the Pokémon list.

Ability Name Effect
Normal Guard Reduces damage from Normal typed attacks
Bug Guard Reduces damage from Bug typed attacks
Dark Guard Reduces damage from Dark typed attacks
Dragon Guard Reduces damage from Dragon typed attacks
Electric Guard Reduces damage from Electric typed attacks
Fighting Guard Reduces damage from Fighting typed attacks
Fire Guard Reduces damage from Fire typed attacks
Flying Guard Reduces damage from Flying typed attacks
Ghost Guard Reduces damage from Ghost typed attacks
Grass Guard Reduces damage from Grass typed attacks
Ground Guard Reduces damage from Ground typed attacks
Ice Guard Reduces damage from Ice typed attacks
Poison Guard Reduces damage from Poison typed attacks
Psychic Guard Reduces damage from Psychic typed attacks
Rock Guard Reduces damage from Rock typed attacks
Steel Guard Reduces damage from Steel typed attacks
Water Guard Reduces damage from Water typed attacks
Attack Boosts Attack by 50%
Defence Boosts Defence by 50%
Toughness Boosts Hit Points
Nature Healing Heals HitPoints by 1% a second
Speedy Boosts Movement Speed
Quick Act Attacks take less time to power up
Stubbornness Cannot be afflicted with any status condition
Restoration Heals from status conditions quickly
Clean Hit Boosts Critical Hit ratio by 50%
Knockout Considerably boosts Critical Hit ratio
Gorgeous Causes Pokémon to drop more money
Tactician Boosts strength of low strength attacks by double
Blow Away Blow's opponents further away when hit
Feel Good Does not get blown back when attacked
Mood Maker Boosts Allies strength in multiplayer
Fan Club Boosts User & Allies strength in multiplayer
Information Club Boosts User & Allies strength in multiplayer
Pokémon Sunday Boosts User & Allies strength in multiplayer
Japan: June 16th 2009
US: November 16th 2009
Europe: November 20th 2009