Tiny Woods Thunderwave Cave Mt. Steel Sinister Woods Silent Chasm Mt. Thunder Great Canyon Lapis Cave Mt. Blaze Frosty Forest Mt. Freeze Magma Cavern Sky Tower Uproar Forest Howling Forest Stormy Sea Silver Trench Meteor Cave Fiery Field Lightning Field Northwind Field Mt. Faraway Western Cave Northern Range Pitfall Valley Buried Relic Wish Cave Murky Cave Desert Region Southern Cavern Wyvern Hill Solar Cave Darknight Relic Grand Sea Waterfall Pond Unown Relic Joyous Tower Far-Off Sea Purity Forest Oddity Cave Remains Island Mystery Sea Fantasy Strait Town

Stormy Sea

Amount of Floors - 40
Unlock Criterea - After credits roll
Notes - Entry requires HM Dive. To obtain it, talk to Medicham and Lombre at Pokemon Square, then receive the HM from Whiscash at the Whiscash Pond

Pic No. Name Floors Found on
#278 Wingull 1-5
#072 Tentacool 1-8
#090 Shellder 1-8
#138 Omanyte 1-9
#086 Seel 9-14
#347 Anorith 9-17
#079 Slowpoke 11-19
#363 Spheal 15-24
#139 Omastar 18-27
#088 Grimer 20-29
#141 Kabutops 25-34
#348 Armaldo 27-33
#121 Starmie 30-39
#117 Seadra 30-39
#073 Tentacruel 31-39
#364 Sealeo 34-39
#318 Carvanha 35-39
#382 Kyogre 40 (Boss)

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