#130 Minior

General Location
Minior New Pokémon Snap Sprite Minior New Pokémon Snap Extra Sprite
Name Other Names Type
Japan: Meteno
French: Météno
German: Meteno
Korean: 메테노
Rock-type Flying-type
Classification Height Weight
Meteor Pokémon 0'00"
Alternate Forms
Meteor FormBlue CoreGreen CoreIndigo CoreOrange CoreRed CoreViolet CoreYellow Core
Meteor FormBlue CoreGreen CoreIndigo CoreOrange CoreRed CoreViolet CoreYellow Core

PhotoDex Entry
Meteorite Form
Minior is usually covered in a hard shell, but this is its true form. They normally aren't so active when they're exposed like this. I wonder if that could be related to the Illumina phenomenon somehow.
Core Form
It's said that this Pokémon arrived here from the night sky. It sure looked beautiful flying back up to the sky over the desert.


Sweltering SandsSands (Day)
Sands (Night)
Sands (Night) - (Red Core)
Sands (Night) - (Blue Core)
Sands (Night) - (Green Core)
Sands (Night) - (Orange Core)
Sands (Night) - (Indigo Core)
Sands (Night) - (Violet Core)
Sands (Night) - (Yellow Core)
Barren BadlandsBadlands (Day) - (Meteor Form)
Badlands (Night) - (Meteor Form)

Star Rated Photos

3 Star
Free the Minior that comes down from lighting the three Crystablooms and take a picture of it spinning
Take a picture of Minior falling from the sky
Take a picture of Minior playing with Sandshrew
4 Star
Take a picture of Minior creating a meteor showed in the final parts of Sands (Night)
If you scan right to the bottom right when you start and release the Minior, then release two hidden in the dunes behind Trapinch, then two more hidden by the big rock to your right, then one poking out by the dune with Kangaskhan on, then one more next to Silicobra, then restore the one that hits Skorupi and the two that come down from th Crystabloom, a formating of Minior will fly through the Oasis for a 4 star photo

Example Photos of Minior

The following pictures are not the only locations for these Star or Photos but serve as an example.

3 Star Photo

4 Star Photo

Minior - 3 Star Photo - New Pokémon Snap Minior - 4 Star Photo - New Pokémon Snap