Saturday: Pokémon Rumble Rush - Coverage Day 4 + Pokémon GO - Eevee Evolution Trick & Shellos Location
18-05-2019 07:11 BST / 02:11 EDT by Serebii
This update may be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
Last Update: 22:25 BST
Edit @ 07:50: Eevee Name Trick
In The Games Department
Pokémon Rumble Rush - Coverage Day 4
On Wednesday, a new mobile title shadow dropped on Google Play in Australia. This game is the fifth in the Pokémon Rumble series and features timed event islands for you to find various Pokémon within. We've been hard at work cataloguing everything but the coverage is now coming to an end. If there's anything you wish to see about the game, let us know. This page will be continually updated with further details as it comes so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 07:11: Updated the Tournament Section& Location Listings with more Pokémon
Edit @ 16:50: Updated the Location Listings with more Pokémon
Edit @ 18:30: Updated the Ore Listings with more details
Edit @ 22:25: Updated the Island Schedule page to include details of the Ore drops for each of the five Ore categories
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Last night, the rest of the non-Legendary Generation 4 Pokémon got released into Pokémon GO. However, with this came the evolutions that are exclusive to when you evolve near a Lure Module, but it has been discovered that there is a way to get Leafeon and Glaceon without it. With the prior evolutions, there was a naming trick where a nickname will force the Eevee to evolve into a certain evolution. This time, you can get Leafeon if you nickname your Eevee Linnea and Glaceon if you nickname your Eevee Rea. This is tied in with the Eevium Z quest of Pokémon Sun & Moon as they are the names of the trainers you face with those Pokémon. This only works once.
In addition to this, overnight Shellos became a Regional Exclusive Pokémon based on locational longitude. Everything west of 0.0000° longitude is West Sea Shellos and everything east of 0.0000° longitude is East Sea Shellos