Task |
Rewards |
Tier 1 |
Tier 2 |
Tier 3 |
Fill in your Blueberry Pokédex in Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet! |
Fill in your Kitakami Pokédex in Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet! |
Register Iron Leaves, Iron Boulder, and Iron Crown! |
Register Pecharunt! |
Register Walking Wake, Gouging Fire, and Raging Bolt! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Bashful Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Bold Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Brave Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Calm Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Careful Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Docile Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Gentle Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Hardy Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Hasty Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Jolly Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Lax Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Lonely Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Mild Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Modest Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Naive Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Naughty Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Quiet Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Quirky Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Rash Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Relaxed Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Sassy Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Serious Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with a Timid Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with an Adamant Nature! |
Deposit 10 Pokémon with an Impish Nature! |
Deposit 30 Ditto |
Deposit 30 Pikachu |
Deposit a Pokémon that has the Mightiest Mark |
Deposit a Roaming Form Gimmighoul that was caught in Pokémon GO! |
Deposit Pokémon |
| 100
 | 300
Deposit Pokémon in a Beast Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Cherish Ball! |
| 5
 | 10
Deposit Pokémon in a Dive Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Dream Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Dusk Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Fast Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Feather Ball crafted in the Hisui Region! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Friend Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Gigaton Ball crafted in the Hisui Region! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Great Ball crafted in the Hisui Region! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Great Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Heal Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Heavy Ball crafted in the Hisui Region! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Heavy Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Jet Ball crafted in the Hisui Region! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Leaden Ball crafted in the Hisui Region! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Level Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Love Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Lure Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Luxury Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Master Ball! |
| 5
 | 10
Deposit Pokémon in a Moon Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Nest Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Net Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Poké Ball crafted in the Hisui Region! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Poké Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Premier Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Quick Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Repeat Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Safari Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Sport Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Timer Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Ultra Ball crafted in the Hisui Region! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Ultra Ball! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon in a Wing Ball crafted in the Hisui Region! |
| 15
 | 30
Deposit Pokémon that embody the ultimate in beauty! |
| 5
 | 10
Deposit Pokémon that embody the ultimate in cleverness! |
| 5
 | 10
Deposit Pokémon that embody the ultimate in coolness! |
| 5
 | 10
Deposit Pokémon that embody the ultimate in cuteness! |
| 5
 | 10
Deposit Pokémon that embody the ultimate in toughness! |
| 5
 | 10
Deposit Pokémon that have the Jumbo Mark and the Mini Mark |
Deposit Pokémon that show off the ultimate sheen!! |
| 5
 | 10
Deposit Shiny Pokémon |
| 5
 | 10
Fill in your Crown Tundra Pokédex in Pokémon Sword & Shield! |
Fill in your Galar Pokédex in Pokémon Sword & Shield! |
Fill in your Hisui Pokédex in Pokémon Legends: Arceus! |
Fill in your Isle of Armor Tundra Pokédex in Pokémon Sword & Shield! |
Fill in your Kanto Pokédex in Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! or Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! |
Fill in your Paldea region Pokédex in Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet! |
Fill in your Sinnoh Pokédex in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl! |
Register 100 different species of Pokémon that live in the Alola Region |
Register 18 patterns of Vivillon |
Register 2 forms of Dudunsparce! |
Register 2 forms of Maushold! |
Register 20 species of Pokémon that were restored from Fossils! |
Register 28 patterns of Unown |
Register 3 varieties of Paldean Tauros! |
Register 3 varieties of Tatsugiri! |
Register 4 colors of Squawkabilly! |
Register 4 different Ruinous Pokémon! |
Register 4 forms of Oricorio! |
Register 5 different species of Ultra Beast |
Register 6 forms of Rotom! |
Register 7 colors of Minior |
Register Abilities! |
| 70
 | 200
Register Alcremie's Forms |
| 3
 | 9
Register all the first-partner Pokémon that trainers can choose in Alola! |
Register all the first-partner Pokémon that trainers can choose in Galar! |
Register all the first-partner Pokémon that trainers can choose in Hoenn! |
Register all the first-partner Pokémon that trainers can choose in Johto! |
Register all the first-partner Pokémon that trainers can choose in Kalos! |
Register all the first-partner Pokémon that trainers can choose in Kanto! |
Register all the first-partner Pokémon that trainers can choose in Sinnoh! |
Register all the first-partner Pokémon that trainers can choose in Unova! |
Register Alpha Pokémon |
Register Applin and its 4 evolutions |
Register Arceus from Pokémon Legends: Arceus |
Register Autumn Form Deerling and Autumn Form Sawsbuck |
Register Blastoise from the good ol' Kanto Region! |
Register Bug-type Pokémon |
| 25

 | 60

Register Charizard from Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen |
Register Charizard from the good ol' Kanto Region! |
Register Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo and Lunala from the Alola Region |
Register Dark-type Pokémon |
| 20

 | 50

Register Dialga from Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl |
Register Dialga from Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl, or Pokémon Platinum! |
Register Dialga, Palkia and Giratina from the Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl, or Pokémon Platinum |
Register Dragon-type Pokémon |
| 15

 | 40

Register Eevee and its 8 Evolutions |
Register Eevee from Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! Or Let's Go, Eevee! |
Register Electric-type Pokémon |
| 20

 | 50

Register Fairy-type Pokémon |
| 15

 | 40

Register Fighting-type Pokémon |
| 20

 | 50

Register Fire-type Pokémon |
| 20

 | 50

Register Flying-type Pokémon |
| 25

 | 60

Register Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres |
Register Ghost-type Pokémon |
| 15

 | 40

Register Giratina from Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl, or Pokémon Platinum! |
Register Grass-type Pokémon |
| 30

 | 80

Register Groudon and Kyogrefrom Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire |
Register Groudon from Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire |
Register Groudon from Pokémon Ruby, Pokémon Sapphire, or Pokémon Emerald |
Register Ground-type Pokémon |
| 20

 | 50

Register Hisuian Decidueye, Hisuian Typhlosion, and Hisuian Samurott |
Register Ho-Oh from Pokémon Heart Gold, or Pokémon SoulSilver! |
Register Ho-Oh from the good ol' Johto Region |
Register Ice-type Pokémon |
| 15

 | 40

Register Iron Bundle, Iron Hands, Iron Jugulis, and Iron Thorns! |
Register Kyogre from Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire |
Register Kyogre from Pokémon Ruby, Pokémon Sapphire, or Pokémon Emerald |
Register Lugia from Pokémon HeartGold or Pokémon Soul Silver |
Register Lugia from the good ol' Johto Region |
Register Lunala and Necrozma Pokémon Ultra Sun or Pokémon Ultra Moon |
Register Lunala from Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon |
Register Meloetta |
Register Mudkip, Marshtomp and Swampert from Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire! |
Register Normal-type Pokémon |
| 30

 | 90

Register Ogerpon |
Register Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti! |
Register Palkia from Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl |
Register Palkia from Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl, or Pokémon Platinum |
Register Physical Moves |
| 80
 | 220
Register Pikachu from Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! Or Pokémon Let's Go, Eevee! |
Register Pikachu from the good ol' Kanto Region! |
Register Pikachu wearing a hat |
Register Poison-type Pokémon |
| 20

 | 50

Register Pokémon that have the Twinkling Star Ribbon!! |
Register Pokémon with all their effort levels maxed! |
Register Psychic-type Pokémon |
| 30

 | 70

Register Rayquaza from Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire |
Register Rayquaza from Pokémon Ruby, Pokémon Sapphire, or Pokémon Emerald |
Register Reshiram and Kyurem from Pokémon Black 2 or Pokémon White 2 |
Register Reshiram from the Pokémon Black or Pokémon White |
Register Rock-type Pokémon |
| 20

 | 50

Register Scream Tail, Brute Bonnet, Flutter Mane, and Sandy Shocks! |
Register Shaymin |
Register Shiny Genesect |
Register Shiny Metagross |
Register Solgaleo and Necrozma from Pokémon Ultra Sun or Pokémon Ultra Moon |
Register Solgaleo from Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon |
Register Solgaleo, Lunala and Necrozma from the Alola Region |
Register Special Moves |
| 50
 | 140
Register Spring Form Deerling and Spring Form Sawsbuck |
Register Staraptor, Bidoof and Bibarel from Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl! |
Register status moves |
| 45
 | 200
Register Steel-type Pokémon |
| 20

 | 50

Register Suicune from the good ol' Johto Region |
Register Summer Form Deerling and Summer Form Sawsbuck |
Register Terapagos |
Register the guardian deities of Alola! |
Register Torchic, Combusken and Blaziken from Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire! |
Register Torterra, Infernape and Empoleon from Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl! |
Register Treecko, Grovyle and Sceptile from Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire! |
Register Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip from Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire! |
Register Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup from Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl, or Pokémon Platinum |
Register Ursaluna and Bloodmoon Ursaluna |
Register Venusaur from Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen |
Register Venusaur from the good ol' Kanto Region! |
Register Water-type Pokémon |
| 40

 | 110

Register Winter Form Deerling and Winter Form Sawsbuck |
Register Xerneas from Pokémon X or Pokémon Y |
Register Yveltal from Pokémon X or Pokémon Y |
Register Zacian from Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield |
Register Zamazenta from Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield |
Register Zekrom and Kyurem from Pokémon Black 2 or Pokémon White 2 |
Register Zekrom from Pokémon Black or Pokémon White |
Task |
Rewards |
Tier 1 |
Tier 2 |
Tier 3 |
Host a Room Trade with 20 people in it |
Host Room Trades |
 | 5
 | 20
Trade Arcanine and Hisuian Arcanine |
Trade Armarouge and Ceruledge! |
Trade Avalugg and Hisuian Avalugg |
Trade Braviary and Hisuian Braviary |
Trade Corsola and Galarian Corsola |
Trade Cranidos and Shieldon |
Trade Darmanitan and Galarian Darmanitan |
Trade Dugtrio and Wugtrio! |
Trade Electivire and Magmortar |
Trade Electrode and Hisuian Electrode |
Trade Farfetch'd and Galarian Farfetch'd |
Trade Gardevoir and Gallade |
Trade Glalie and Froslass |
Trade Goodra and Hisuian Goodra |
Trade Great Tusk and Iron Treads! |
Trade Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan |
Trade Koraidon and Miraidon! |
Trade Latias and Latios |
Trade Lilligant and Hisuian Lilligant |
Trade Linoone and Galarian Linoone |
Trade Lunatone & Solrock |
Trade male Basculegion and female Basculegion |
Trade male Meowstic and female Meowstic |
Trade Meowth and Galarian Meowth |
Trade Mr. Mime and Galarian Mr. Mime |
Trade Nidoqueen and Nidoking |
Trade Nidorino and Gengar |
Trade Pikachu and Mimikyu |
Trade Pinsir and Heracross |
Trade Plusle and Minun |
Trade Polteageist and Sinistcha |
Trade Quagsire and Clodsire! |
Trade Qwilfish and Hisuian Qwilfish |
Trade Rapidash & Galarian Rapidash |
Trade Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant! |
Trade Scizor & Kleavor |
Trade Slither Wing and Iron Moth! |
Trade Slowking and Galarian Slowking |
Trade Staryu & Luvdisc |
Trade Stunfisk and Galarian Stunfisk |
Trade Tentacruel and Toedscruel! |
Trade the same Pokémon |
Trade Throh and Sawk |
Trade using a Room Trade |
 | 25
 | 50
Trade using the GTS |
 | 25
 | 50
Trade using the Wonder Box |
 | 25
 | 50
Trade Voltorb and Foongus |
Trade Vulpix and Alolan Vulpix |
Trade Weavile and Sneasler |
Trade Weezing and Galarian Weezing |
Trade West Sea Gastrodon and East Sea Gastrodon |
Trade Yamask and Galarian Yamask |
Trade Zangoose and Seviper |
Trade Zoroark and Hisuian Zoroark |
Over time, some challenges have been removed from the app's listings if you have not previously completed them, due to a variety of reasons including inability to complete it due to it being a long finished event and other such reasons. They remain completed if you have previously finished them and can be completed if you achieve the task despite being invisible, but are otherwise invisible if you haven't completed them yet.