Japanese Name: Mysterious Lake () Details: Area Anchors Sub-Area 1 | Sub-Area 2 | Sub-Area 3 | Sub-Area 4 |
Tasks Protect Pichu
Challenges Protect PichuDestroy 8 RocketsUse a Bug-type PokémonObtain 10 CapsulesCollect over 200P
Pokémon Listings
Tasks Defeat the Boss
Challenges Defeat the BossCapture a BlisseyDestroy 5 RocketsGet hit by Perish SongCollect over 150P
Challenges Defeat the BossClear in under 120 secondsCapture a PrimeapeDestroy 12 RocketsCollect over 200P
Challenges Defeat the BossClear on a SundayUse the Team BombDon't destroy any Rockets???