#0309 Electrike
Gen VII Dex

| Wattson | Jaco | Cal | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Wattson's Electrike

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
316 Watt's With Wattson? Mauville Gym! Wattson's Electric Shock Battle! Pics
335 Manectric Charge! Return To Mauville Gym! VS. Manectric! Pics

Jaco's Electrike

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
510 The Electrike Company Electrike Practice Centre! Pics

Cal's Electrike

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
510 The Electrike Company Electrike Practice Centre! Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Electrike

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
M6 Jirachi - Wish Maker The Wishing Star of Seven Nights - Jirachi Pics
398 Hi Ho Silver Wind! Begin! Grand Festival! (1)! Pics
556 Camping It Up The Pokémon Summer School Offer Pics
S33 TBC Cilan and Brock! Gyarados' Outrage!! Pics
851 A Campus Reunion! Clemont's Campus of Memories! An Electrifying Reunion!! Pics

Wild Electrike

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
M6 Jirachi - Wish Maker The Wishing Star of Seven Nights - Jirachi Pics
M12 Arceus & The Jewel of Life Arceus - Towards Conquering Space-Time Pics
865 The Future Is Now, Thanks to Determination! Protect the Future of Science! The Labyrinth of Electricity!! Pics
1117 Sobbing Sobble! Sobble Sobs For What Reason? Pics

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