Gen VII Dex |
| Brianna | Goh | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |
# | -English Episode Name- | -Jp. Episode Name- | Pics |
439 | Spontaneous Combusken | Pokémon Contest! Yuzuhira Convention! | Pics |
Special/Other Trainers's Vibrava
# | -English Episode Name- | -Jp. Episode Name- | Pics |
398 | Hi Ho Silver Wind! | Begin! Grand Festival! (1)! | Pics |
437 | Harley Rides Again! | Munchlax's Battle Debut! Harley & Taking the Game Seriously! | Pics |
880 | A Relay in the Sky! | The Pokémon Sky Rally Challenge! Fly, Noibat!! | Pics |
88 | TBC | The White Zygarde Causes Shock Waves | Pics |