After Ash comes 16th in the Pokémon League, Prof. Oak asks him to go get the GS Ball from Professor Ivy. Once There Brock Leaves and Tracey joins.
The events of the Orange League are as follows:
Ash reaches Valencia Island. Gets the GS Ball from Prof. Ivy
Brock leaves to stay with Prof. Ivy
Tracey Joins the Group
Ash catches a Lapras
Ash beats the Gym Leader Sissy by winning 2 of 3 competitions. He gets a Corel Eye Badge
Ash beats the Team Rocket members Butch and Cassidy
Togepi learns Metronome
The Group discovers the rare and elusive Pinkan Island
Misty thinks Psyduck evolves but uses a wild Golduck in battles "Its just a Pokémon version of Brock"
Ash beats the Gym Leader Danny by winning 2 of 3 competitions. He gets a Sea Ruby Badge
Ash catches a Snorlax
Tracey Catches Scyther
Ash meets Lorelei (Prima)
Lawrence the 3rd starts Catching the Legendary Birds to Lure Lugia out
Lugia is released from the sea and starts Battling Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres
Ash helps Lugia beat the other birds. He brings peace back to Earth
Ash Beats The Gym Leader Rudy by winning 2 of 3 battles. He gets a Spike Shell Badge
Squirtle Learns Hydro Pump
Charizard begins to obey Ash
Ash Beats Luana by winning a tag match using Pikachu and Charizard. He gets the Jade Star Badge
Misty catches a Poliwag
Ash battles Drake in the Orange League Championship
Ash beats Drake's Dragonite after it wipes out all Ash's Pokémon Except Pikachu
Ash Releases Lapras
Ash returns home to Pallet Town
Brock re-joins the group
Ash Battles Gary. Ash loses
Ash Gives the GS Ball to Oak
Oak cant open the GS Ball and asks Ash to take it on his way to the land of Johto