Like the main games, items have a major factor within the battles in the game. However, rather than being able to use any item within the battle, you need to attach the item to the Pokémon on the main overworld menu. Then, when in battle, you can select the item on the same menu as the Warlords Powers
There are several methods to obtain the items. Most commonly, there are stores in each of the nations with the items being given varying depending upon the Episode you're on, your current strength and so forth. Next, on random occurances, a merchant will make contact with you and will offer selling various items including the evolution items. Finally, you can find some items in chests left on stages by defeated Pokémon.
Items are separated into four different categories depending upon their use. Some are consumable and disappear after use while others are always there.
Item Name | Jp. Name | Effect | Location |
Antidote | どくけし | Heals from Poison | Shops in all nations |
Awakening | ねむけざまし | Awakens the Pokémon | Shops in all nations |
Cerulean Grace | あおのめぐみ | Heals HP for three turns for Pokémon on Water | Shops - Aurora & Fontaine |
Blue Ponigiri | あおぽにぎり | Increases Pokémon's tension | Gift from farmers |
Burn Heal | やけどなおし | Heals from Burn | Shops in all nations |
Burn Block | やけどよけ | Protects from Burn for 3 turns | Shops - Ignis, Yaksha |
Twice Lucky | ニドデキール | Can use Warlords Powers twice | Gift from Farmers Viperia Areas |
Excellink | ぴったリング | Increases the Link percentage gained by 20% for four turns | Shops - Dragnor |
Couplink | しっくリング | Increases the Link percentage gained by 10% for three turns | Shops - Aurora, Terrera |
Full Heal | なんでもなおし | Heals all Status | Shops - Illusio |
Omniblock | なんでもよけ | Protects from all Status Conditions for 3 turns | Junk Maniac |
Full Restore | かいふくのくすり | Heals all HP of all Pokémon | Traveling Merchants in March & September |
Emerald Grace | みどりのめぐみ | Heals HP for three turns for Pokémon on Grass | Shops - Aurora, Chrysalia |
Ivory Grace | にびいろのめぐみ | Heals HP for three turns for Pokémon on Rocks | Shops - Terrera, Cragspur |
Hero's Proof | けっしのあかし | Raises Attack considerably for four turns. Faints afterward | Traveling Merchants |
Hyper Potion | すごいキズぐすり | Heals by 200HP | Shops in all nations |
Ice Heal | こおりなおし | Heals from Frozen | Shops in all nations |
Ice Block | こおりよけ | Protects from being Frozen for 3 turns | Shops - Nixtorm, Avia |
Ashen Grace | みずいろのめぐみ | Heals HP for three turns for Pokémon on Grass | Shops - Nixtorm, Dragnor |
Max Potion | まんたんのくすり | Heals all HP | Junk Maniac |
Double Play | モウイッカイ | Can move twice in the one turn | Viperia Areas, Random Events |
Parlyz Heal | まひなおし | Heals from Paralysis | Shops in all nations |
Parlyz Block | まひよけ | Protects from Paralysis for 3 turns | Shops - Violight, Dragnor |
Idyllink | バッチリング | Increases the Link percentage gained by 30% for five turns | Junk Maniac |
Poison Block | どくよけ | Protects from Poison for 3 turns | Shops - Viperia, Violight |
Ponigiri | ぽにぎり | Increases Pokémon's tension | Shops - Pugilis, Chrysalia |
Potion | キズぐすり | Heals by 20HP | Shops in all nations |
Indigo Grace | むらさきのめぐみ | Heals HP for three turns for Pokémon on Swamps | Shops - Yaksha, Viperia |
Purple Ponigiri | むらさきぽにぎり | Maximises Pokémon's tension | Traveling Merchants |
Crimson Grace | あかのめぐみ | Heals HP for three turns for Pokémon on Lava | Shops - Aurora, Ignis |
Red Ponigiri | あかぽにぎり | Increases Pokémon's tension | Shops - Dragnor, Nixtorm |
Winged Boots | いだてんのかぜ | Increases movement range for 3 turns | Gift during event |
Sleep Block | ねむけよけ | Protects from Sleep for 3 turns | Shops - Violight, Avia |
Sniper Lens | スナイパーレンズ | Guarantees the next hit will be a Critical Hit | Poison Fang Areas |
Noisemaker | いやなおとだま | Prevents the opponent from using Items and Warlords Powers next turn | Traveling Merchant |
Super Potion | いいキズぐすり | Heals by 50HP | Shops in all nations |
Sylph Wings | シルフのはごろも | Makes the opponent less able to hit for 3 turns | Gift from Farmers |
Siren Song | ちゅうもくのまと | Makes the opponent more likely to target this Pokémon | Gift from event |
Item Name | Jp. Name | Effect | Location |
Strategy Tome | へいほうしょ | Increases Warlords Powers | Shops, Blacksmith |
War Fan | ぐんばい | May power up moves if with a Warlords Leader | Blacksmiths, Gift from Farmers |
Warrior Crystal | まおうのほうじゅ | Increases the Warlords's stats - Tadakatsu Only | Random Event |
Discharger | ほうでんそうち | When this Pokémon faints, nearby Pokémon get Paralysed | Blacksmiths |
Conqueror Crystal | むそうのほうじゅ | Increases the Warlords's stats - Nobunaga Only | Random Event |
Dry Ice | ドライアイス | When this Pokémon faints, nearby Pokémon get Frozen | Blacksmiths |
Cursed Flute | のろいのおんさ | When this Pokémon faints, nearby Pokémon get Confused | Blacksmiths |
Generator | はつでんき | Increases movement range if hit by an Electric-type move | Blacksmith, Gift from Farmers |
Elegant Perfume | みやびなこうすい | Makes it very likely to scout a Warlords | Currently Unknown |
Chili Powder | チリチリパウダー | When this Pokémon faints, nearby Pokémon get Burned | Blacksmiths |
Unifier Crystal | ふくつのほうじゅ | Increases the Warlords's stats - Ieyasu Only | Random Event |
Hero's Mantle | こんじょうバリア | May leave you with 1HP if a move was to knock you out | Blacksmiths |
Staff of Purpose | こんきのさいはい | Heals Pokémon gradually | Shops, Blacksmith |
Jigglypuff Charm | プリンのおまもり | Prevents the Pokémon from being affected by a Status Condition - Oichi Only | Random Event |
Traveler's Charm | たびのおまもり | Receives no damage from stage obstacles | Blacksmiths, Gifts from Farmers |
Guardian Charm | はいすいのおふだ | If last to move, Attack and movement range increase | Traveling Merchants |
Magic Mirror | すてきなかがみ | Greatly increases Warlords Powers | Shops, Blacksmith |
Lovely Perfume | すてきなこうすい | Makes it likely to scout a Warlords | Currently Unknown |
Lucky Coin | こううんのこばん | Receives more gold from battle | Traveling Merchants |
Magic Balloon | マジカルふうせん | The amount of height difference you can climb over increases a little | Blacksmiths |
Magnificent Perfume | かれいなこうすい | Makes it more likely to scout a Warlords | Currently Unknown |
Harmony Drum | ふしぎなたいこ | Makes it easier to Link with a Pokémon | Shops, Blacksmiths |
Harmony Flute | ふしぎなふえ | Makes it easier to Link with a Pokémon | Shops |
Harmony Harp | ふしぎなこと | Makes it easier to Link with a Pokémon | Shops, Blacksmiths |
Staff of Courage | ねばりのさいはい | Heals Pokémon gradually | Random Shops |
Iron Wristband | まもりのミサンガ | Increases Defence but may prevent Pokémon from moving | Shops, Blacksmiths |
Iron Brace | まもりのブレス | Increases Defence but may prevent Pokémon from moving | Poison Fang Areas, Blacksmiths |
Iron Cuff | まもりのリスト | Increases Defence but may prevent Pokémon from moving | Poison Fang Areas, Blacksmiths |
Ball of Rage | いかりだま | May power up moves | Blacksmiths |
Metal Mirror | はんしゃきょう | Returns some damage to the opponent | Shops, Blacksmiths |
Lucky Charm | ぶじのおまもり | Causes Status Conditions to disappear | Blacksmiths, Gift from Farmers |
Sleeptight Salts | あんみんアロマ | When this Pokémon faints, nearby Pokémon get put to Sleep | Viperia Areas, Blacksmiths |
Fog Machine | はつえんそうち | Makes the user harder to hit. | Random Merchants |
Power Wristband | ちからのミサンガ | Increases Attack but may prevent Pokémon from moving | Shops, Blacksmiths |
Power Brace | ちからのブレス | Increases Attack but may prevent Pokémon from moving | Blacksmiths |
Power Cuff | ちからのリスト | Increases Attack but may prevent Pokémon from moving | Blacksmiths |
Dumbbell | ちからもち | Slightly increases Warlords Powers | Shops, Blacksmith |
Cheering Conch | おうえんホラガイ | Increases Attack but may prevent Pokémon from moving | Random Shops |
Target Charm | まとのおまもり | Makes it more likely to have a Critical Hit | Blacksmiths, Gift from Farmers |
Padded Cloak | ぶあついマント | Prevents Burn or Freeze | Shops, Blacksmith |
Weak Spot Lens | なきどころレンズ | Damages the opponent if they raise their stat | Shops, Blacksmith |
Large Sack | おおぶろしき | Recovers used items from battle | Traveling Merchants |
Raw Materials
Item Name | Jp. Name | Effect | Location |
Charisma Orb | みわくだま | Used for mixing items at the Foundry/Alchemist | Dropped by wild Pokémon |
Durability Orb | にんたいだま | Used for mixing items at the Foundry/Alchemist | Dropped by wild Pokémon |
Explosives | はれつげんそ | Used for mixing items at the Foundry/Alchemist | Dropped by wild Pokémon |
Healing Herbs | げんきになりソウ | Used for mixing items at the Foundry/Alchemist | Dropped by wild Pokémon |
Wisdom Orb | ちせいだま | Used for mixing items at the Foundry/Alchemist | Dropped by wild Pokémon |
Dashing Droplet | やくしんのしずく | Used for mixing items at the Foundry/Alchemist | Dropped by wild Pokémon |
Mystery Orb | ふしぎまがたま | Used for mixing items at the Foundry/Alchemist | Dropped by wild Pokémon |
Agility Orb | みがるだま | Used for mixing items at the Foundry/Alchemist | Dropped by wild Pokémon |
Canvas | じょうぶなぬの | Used for mixing items at the Foundry/Alchemist | Dropped by wild Pokémon |
Power Orb | かいりきだま | Used for mixing items at the Foundry/Alchemist | Dropped by wild Pokémon |
Item Name | Jp. Name | Effect | Location |
Cold Medicine | かぜぐすり | Cures areas of being cold | Traveling Merchant |
Crystal Ball | すいしょうだま | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Dawn Stone | めざめいし | Evolves Kirlia into Gallade and Snorunt into Froslass | Traveling Merchant |
Dusk Stone | やみのいし | Evolves Lampent into Chandelure | Traveling Merchant |
Precious Incense | こうかなおこう | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Fire Stone | ほのおのいし | Evolves Eevee into Flareon and Pansear into Simisear | Traveling Merchant |
Fireworks | はなび | Used at a Festival to increase moral | Traveling Merchant |
Fragment | なにかのはへん | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Gold Ornament | きんのかざり | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Ornate Armor | ごうかなよろい | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Ornate Gauntlet | ごうかなこて | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Ornate Helmet | ごうかなかぶと | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Hayfever Pills | かふんしょうやく | Cures areas of hayfever | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
History Tome | れきししょ | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Junk | ガラクタ | Given to the Junk Maniac for items | Failure in fusion of items |
Leaf Stone | リーフのいし | Evolves Pansage into Simisage | Traveling Merchant |
Metal Coat | メタルコート | Evolves Scyther into Scizor and Onix into Steelix. Increases Attack for Steel-types | Traveling Merchant |
Moon Stone | つきのいし | Evolves Munna into Musharna and Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff | Traveling Merchant |
Shiny Bell | きれいなすず | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Pretty Cord | きれいなひも | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Protector | プロテクター | Evolves Rhydon into Rhyperior | Traveling Merchant |
Rainbow Glass | にじいろのガラス | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Rare Stone | めずらしいこいし | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Rare Antique | めずらしいちゃき | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Razor Claw | するどいツメ | Evolves Sneasel into Weavile. Increases Critical Hit Ratio | Traveling Merchant |
Reaper Cloth | れいかいのぬの | Evolves Dusclops into Dusknoir | Traveling Merchant |
Scented Orb | においだま | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Secret Map | ひみつのちず | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Sparkling Shell | かがやくかいがら | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Shiny Stone | ひかりのいし | Evolves Minccino into Cinccino | Traveling Merchant |
Silver Ornament | ぎんのかざり | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Small Gem | ちいさなほうせき | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Soft Clay | やわらかいねんど | Sells for a high price | Gifts from random events, found in the ground, dropped by wild Pokémon |
Sun Stone | たいようのいし | Evolves Cottonee into Whimsicott and Petilil into Lilligant | Traveling Merchant |
Thunderstone | かみなりのいし | Evolves Eevee into Jolteon and Pikachu into Raichu | Traveling Merchant |
Water Stone | みずのいし | Evolves Eevee into Vaporeon and Panpour into Simipour | Traveling Merchant |