One of the more unique functions brought in by Pokémon Gold & Silver is the ability to decorate your room. This feature continued on in later games within your Secret Bases, but this was the first one to implement it. Unlike the later games, this room only has a vew categories for you to fill up your room with just one item. As such, the customisation is minimal
To get the items, for the most part you just have to use Mystery Gift with other Pokémon Gold, Silver or Crystal players, or utilise the Mystery Gift feature of Pokémon Stadium 2; your mother may also purchase certain items. Incidentally, you can view your room's decorations in full 3D within Pokémon Stadium 2

To change the decorations, you just need to access the PC in your room. The decorations you can place are as follows:
Picture | Name | Obtained By | |
| Feathery Bed | Game Start | |
| Pink Bed | Mystery Gift | |
| Polkadot Bed | Mystery Gift | |
| Pikachu Bed | Mystery Gift Stadium 2 only |
Picture | Name | Obtained By | |
| Red Carpet | Mystery Gift | |
| Blue Carpet | Mystery Gift | |
| Yellow Carpet | Mystery Gift | |
| Green Carpet | Mystery Gift |
Picture | Name | Obtained By | |
| MagnaPlant | Mystery Gift | |
| TropicPlant | Mystery Gift | |
| JumboPlant | Mystery Gift |
Picture | Name | Obtained By | |
| Town Map | Beginning | |
| Pikachu Poster | Mystery Gift | |
| Clefairy Poster | Mystery Gift | |
| Jigglypuff Poster | Mystery Gift |
Game Console
Picture | Name | Obtained By | |
| NES | Mystery Gift | |
| Super NES | Mystery Gift | |
| Nintendo64 | Mystery Gift | |
| Virtual Boy | Mystery Gift |
Picture | Name | Obtained By | |
| Pikachu Doll | Mother's Savings | |
| Surf Pikachu Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Clefairy Doll | Mother's Savings | |
| Jigglypuff Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Bulbasaur Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Charmander Doll | Mother's Savings | |
| Squirtle Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Poliwag Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Diglett Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Staryu Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Magikarp Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Oddish Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Gengar Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Shellder Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Grimer Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Voltorb Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Weedle Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Unown Doll | Mystery Gift Stadium 2 only | |
| Geodude Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Machop Doll | Mystery Gift | |
| Tentacool Doll | Mystery Gift Stadium 2 only | |
| Gold Trophy | Open Gorgeous Box found on Pokémon obtained in Stadium - Round 2 | |
| Silver Trophy | Open Normal Box found on Pokémon obtained in Stadium - Round 1 |
Big Doll
Picture | Name | Obtained By | |
| Big Snorlax | Mother's Savings | |
| Big Onix | Mystery Gift | |
| Big Lapras | Mystery Gift |