#0311 Plusle
Gen VII Dex

| Thatcher | Solana | Ursala | Multa | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Thatcher's Plusle

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
314 A Different Kind of Misty! Plusle & Minun! The Mountain Lighthouse! Pics
328 Cheer Pressure! Plusle & Minun! Road Assitance! Pics

Solana's Plusle

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
432 Green Guardian Pokémon Ranger Appears! Celebi Rescue Operation! Pics
448 Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis! Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis! Pics
M9 Pokémon Ranger & The Temple of the Sea Pokémon Ranger & The Prince of the Sea - Manaphy Pics

Ursala's Plusle

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
629 Yes, in Dee Dee It's Dawn Pokemon Contest! Asatsuki Tournament!! Pics
630 Playing the Performance Encore Double Battle! VS Plusle & Minun! Pics
642 Last Call, First Round! Grand Festival! The Art of Flame & Ice! Pics
M13 Zoroark - Master of Illusions Phantom Champion Zoroark Pics

Multa's Plusle

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1150 Searching for Service With a Smile! Leave It To Us! The Plusle and Minun Handymen! Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Plusle

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
353 A Fan With A Plan Formidable Enemy!? Mother Coordinator Enters! Pics
362 Lights, Camerupt, Action The Film's Riding on Camerupt! Pics
883 Performing with Fiery Charm! Braixen and Pancham! An Entrancing Fire Performance!! Pics
894 A Performance Pop Quiz! The Happy Dance Comes After a Quiz!? The Anistar Festival Showcase!! Pics
908 Party Dancecapades Ash and Serena! Getting One at a Dance Party!! Pics
915 Master Class is in Session! The Master Class Begins! A Maidens' Fight Where Sparks Fly!! Pics
61 Resonating Spirits in a Challenge to Ryme! Resound, My Soul! Challenging Ryme! Pics
67 Shine on, Terastallization! Liko vs. Roy! Shine, Terastallization! Liko VS Roy!! Pics

Wild Plusle

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
M7 Destiny Deoxys Visitor of the Space Fissure - Deoxys Pics
P7 Not Aired Pikachu's Summer Festival Pics
S21 Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go-Getters Out Of The Gate Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Setting Out: Pokémon Rescue Team Ganbarus! Pics
629 Yes, in Dee Dee It's Dawn Pokemon Contest! Asatsuki Tournament!! Pics
M15 Meloetta's Moonlight Serenade Meloetta's Sparkling Recital Pics
865 The Future Is Now, Thanks to Determination! Protect the Future of Science! The Labyrinth of Electricity!! Pics
P15 Pikachu & The Pokémon Music Squad Pikachu and the Pokémon Musicians Pics

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