#0368 Gorebyss
Gen VII Dex

| Nancy | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Nancy's Gorebyss

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
371 The Evolutionary War Gorebyss & Huntail! The Evolution Mystery! Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Gorebyss

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
371 The Evolutionary War Gorebyss & Huntail! The Evolution Mystery! Pics
387 The Great Eight Fate! Sootopolis Gym! Juan, Artist of Water! (Part 1)! Pics
M9 Pokémon Ranger & The Temple of the Sea Pokémon Ranger & The Prince of the Sea - Manaphy Pics

Wild Gorebyss

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
M7 Destiny Deoxys Visitor of the Space Fissure - Deoxys Pics
557 Up Close and Personable Research Release - "The Legend of the Lake"! Pics
825 Going for the Gold! Fish the Golden Magikarp! Pics
G8 Pokémon Generations - The Cavern To be confirmed Pics
1088 Dreaming of the Sun and Moon! The Sun, the Moon and Everyone's Dreams! Pics
1152 On Land, In the Sea, and to the Future! Challenge! The Pokémon Water Obstacle Course!! Pics
1177 Looking Out for Number Two! Trial Mission! The Deep Sea Diver Research Team!! Pics
1227 A Fated Face-Off Ash VS Misty! A One-on-One on the Beach!! Pics
87 TBC The Guidance of the Black Rayquaza Pics

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