- 29-04-2008- 11:48 BST / 06:48 EDT - Serebii
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Evolution Instructions
Across the Internet Pokémon community, there seems to be massive confusion on how to evolve your Pokémon in the new dungeon games. To answer this, I have created a page detailling it. Click below to view Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Dub Title & Pokémon of the Week
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title Well, another dub title has been revealed for the fifth episode of the new series, which airs in two weeks. Click below to view Mini-Synopsis and Pictures. Be warned as they contain spoilers for the episode:
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on the final evolution of the Pokémon that has the most dramatic gender differences
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Pikachu Short Pics
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, my good friend Sunain has kindly done us pictures of the 10th Pikachu Short, Pikachu's Exploration Club which aired on ANA flights in Japan last year and came on DVD in Japan yesterday. This short features Pikachu and co. trying to solve a problem with a river, meeting several legendary Pokémon on the way. Be warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Ep Pics
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, we have done the pictures for today's episode, the May episode. Click below to view. Be warned as they contain spoilers:
Character BIOs Well, I have updated May's, Drew's & Zoey's BIOs with new Pokémon. Click below to view, be warned however as they do contain spoilers:
Episode Titles
Seems the whole communtiy got had regarding the titles yesterday. Here's the new japanese titles for those episodes:
Episode 548: The Yanma Capture Operation In The Games Department
European Release Details Just a small note for our European visitors...the release dates of several Pokémon games and Pokémon related games have been revealed today by Nintendo of Europe. First, WiiWare is scheduled to come on May 20th, and will likely feature Pokémon Ranch as one of the launch titles, although this is not confirmed yet. Next, Super Smash Bros Brawl is out on June 27th and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness are both out on July 4th. Be sure to jot those dates down in your calendar Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Episode Titles
Busy Busy. The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Japanese Episode Titles
Well, two more japanese episode titles have been revealed for the episodes that are set to air on May 22nd and 29th:
Episode 548: Wallace Cup Final! VS Yanmega Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Dungeon US Dungeon Names
Busy Busy. The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
US Dungeon Names
Thanks to Erik Destler of the chatroom, I have updated the Dungeon 2 page with the US names for the majority of the dungeons. These pages include complete listings of the Pokémon found within each dungeon and what floors they are found on. They also state how to unlock them and so its very handy for those of you needing quick dungeon reference to know what Pokémon to bring with you. Click below to view Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Dungeon Special Missions
Busy Busy. Although I probably should have done it earlier...I'm beginning work on the Spin-Off Pokédex to add data for Dungeon 2 and Ranger 2 The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Special Missions
Thanks to several people for pointing this out, but it seems that the Wonder Mail codes for Dungeon: Time & Darkness are the same for the American Version as they were with the Japanese Version. This means we do not have to wait for Nintendo to reveal them officially, even though they will more than likely, in order to get to the special dungeons that feature the legendary Pokémon that are missing from the game. Click below to go to the page and from there get the passwords for each mission and dungeon, also check out our compete Dungeon: Time & Darkness ection including Item Listings and Dungeon Listing Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week
Don't forget, Dungeon 2 is out today in America. Be sure to check our section for dungeon listings and item listings The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on a Balloon Pokéon
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: US Darkrai Event Revealed & Episode Title
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
US Darkrai Event Well,the official site last night revealed the data regarding the release of Darkrai for you to obtain it in the games. On May 31st and June 1st, in selected Toys 'R' Us stores across America, Darkrai will be given out. It is not known if they will give you Darkrai straight up or if they will give you the Membership Pass for you to obtain Darkrai yourself...however we will provide that information to you when it comes. For the time being, click below to view Darkrai's Pokédex Page to brush up on his strengths:
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title Well, another dub title has been revealed for the fourth episode of the new series, which airs in two weeks. Click below to view Mini-Synopsis and Pictures. Be warned as they contain spoilers for the episode:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Ep Pics
Sorry for the delay The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, we have done the pictures for today's episode, the Wallace episode. Click below to view. Be warned as they contain spoilers:
Character BIOs Well, I have updated May's BIO with a new Pokémon. Click below to view, be warned however as it does contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Ranch Page & Rumour Crunching
Will continue Ranch Coverage tomorrow, been a bit busy today The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Everyone's Pokémon Ranch - Transferring Pokémon
Continuing our coverage, today we cover process of transferring hte Pokémon in a small page that details this. Thanks once more to SkittyOnWailord for pics. Click Below To View
In The Pokémon Department
New Pokémon Rumour
I haven't reported on this prior to now due to the uncertainty with the possibilities. With the 11th movie coming up in Japan this July, several bits of merchandise have made reference to two hidden Pokémon, by means of question marks. many are speculating these are new, some that these are alternate forms. There is no way of knowing at this point, however from one of the images that have this, one of the Pokémon ?'s (listed as Pokémon A) is situated on a pen that has the inverse colours that the Shaymin Pen has, similar to the colour change between the two Giratina forms, as seen in the big picture below when you click. Over evidence also hints at one of them being an alternate Shaymin form such as it being placed with Grass & Flowers in other merchandise such as Dioramas. This is all speculation at the moment as there is nothing confirmed whatsoever, but you did need to know. We'll bring you news on any new Pokémon forms or new Pokémon themselves as it happens. However, either way, we shall know within three months:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Episode Title & Game News
Will continue Ranch Coverage tomorrow, been a bit busy today Edit @ 22:45 BST: Game News The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Japanese Episode Title
Another Japanese Episode title has been revealed for the episode on May 15th that continues the Wallace Cup saga; Episode 547: Decisive Match! Dawn VS May! In The Games Department
New Game in 2008 The latest CoroCoro that comes out in Japan tomorrow has revealed, rather hinted, that a new game is coming out this year. The way they organised the listings showed a timeline of the original games (Red/Green, Gold/Silver, Ruby/Sapphire, Diamond/Pearl) and then their follow up (Blue, Crystal, Emerald). It then leaves the gap open in 2008 for this new game. This implies that the upcoming game is to be the third version of Diamond & Pearl. This is listed with the information detailling next month's issue so it is likely the first details arrive then so be sure to check back Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Ep Title & Pokémon of the Week
Busy Busy. The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title Well, another dub title has been revealed for the third episode of the new series, which airs in two weeks. Click below to view Mini-Synopsis and Pictures. Be warned as they contain spoilers for the episode:
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on a Pokémon that has a split gender hatching from its egg
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Another Ranch Page
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Everyone's Pokémon Ranch - Yukari's Contributions
Continuing our coverage, today we cover Yukari's contributions to the ranch in regards to Pokémon that she brings and how to get her to bring them. Thanks once more to SkittyOnWailord for pics. Click Below To View
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Another Ranch Page & Episode Title
ok, just one page today, but there will be a steady stream The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Everyone's Pokémon Ranch - The Ranch Levels
Continuing our coverage, today we cover the Ranch itself and the levels it goes with in order to allow for more Pokémon and how to get to that level. Thanks once more to SkittyOnWailord for pics Click Below To View
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title Well, another dub title has been revealed for the second episode of the new series, which airs next week. Click below to view Mini-Synopsis and Pictures. Be warned as they contain spoilers for the episode:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Ranch Section Begins & Episode Titles
Will continue Ranch coverage tomorrow with two more pages The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Everyone's Pokémon Ranch - Trade Pokémon
Beginning our coverage of Pokémon Ranch, the first thing that seems to come into people's heads regading Pokémon Ranch is; "What Pokémon Can I Get?" To this end, I have compiled a page detailling all the trades. Thanks to SkittyOnWailord for the in-game pics again. Click below to view and checkback tomorrow for even more
In The Anime Department
Jp. Episode Titles Well two new Japanese episode titles have been revealed for the next episodes of the new episode arc featuring Wallace & May. These air on May 8th in another 1-hour special: Episode 545: Everyone's A Rival! Wallace Cup!Episode 546: Fierce Battles! Everyone's Respective Rival! Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Dub Episode Title
Will have the first of the Ranch pages tomorrow so be sure to check back for that The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Dub Episode Title Well, another dub title has been revealed for the first episode of the new series that begins on Saturday on Cartoon Network in the US. Click below to view Mini-Synopsis and Pictures. Be warned as they contain spoilers for the episode:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Yet Another Ranger Batonnage Page
Busy & Ill The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Ranger Batonnage - Capture Cards
I have created a page detailling the purpose and effect of the 47 capture cards within the game. Click below to view Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week
Busy Busy. Ranch and more Ranger stuff soon The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on one of seven Pokémon that evolve from Eevee
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Ep Pics
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, we have done the pictures for yesterday's episodes, the Dustox & Pikachu episodes. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Another Ranger Batonnage Page
Still a few more Ranger pages to do. Our Ranch coverage shall begin next week as well, although there isn't too much there to cover The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Ranger Batonnage - Quest Page Part Two
And continuing from yesterday's, I have detailled the other 30 quests within the game, again giving hints in case you get stuck, again with help from Mykas0 on a couple of them. Click below to view Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Another Ranger Batonnage Page
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Ranger Batonnage - Quest Page Part One
As promised, I have done the first part of the Quest Page. This encompasses the first 30 quests within the game to give you hints if you get stuck on them, with thanks to Mykas0 for help on a few of them. I will work on the next 30 and they should be done by the weekend at the very latest. Click below to view Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Nothing
The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Site Department
No News Been rather busy here with a variety of things that have both prevented me ffrom doing site work and also hindered the work when done. So, with that in mind, I have nothing to update with. However, for the update tomorrow, I will try and get the first half of the Ranger 2 Quests section up so watch this space Until Next Time, See Ya
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