
Replacing the Pokémon Musicals as the alternative Pokémon challenge is PokéStar. PokéStar has a building in which you can participate in Pokémon movies. These movies have you partake in various scenarios to get the best movie. The Icirrus City Gym Leader, Brycen, plays a part in some of the movies

These movies can take up many different scenarios that feature you using your Pokémon and following a script. Initially, you have to use the rental Pokémon dictated by the movies, but once you've finished the scenario, you can enter with your own Pokémon

Below are details on how to complete the TimeGate Traveler Series

The TimeGate Traveler s

PLOT: The greatest discovery of the age! To the yet unseen future...
MISSION: Defeat Set T1 within 4 CUTs.
STRANGE ENDING: Select "Your Mistake" in the first option. Use Trick to get the Choice Specs
Rental Pokemon: Solosis(Lv.25,Male -- Psyshock, Trick -- Magnet)

Line ChoiceOutcome
"Professor [B2W2]: Certainly!"Good
"Professor [B2W2]: Forget it!"Bad
"Professor [B2W2]: Your mistake!"Bad
CUT1: Steal your opponent's item!
CUT2: Attack the opponent!
CUT3: Attack the opponent!
CUT4: Finish it!

Note, Time Machine is used as a Pokémon. Its stats are below

Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Att Def Sp.Atk Sp.Def Spd
てんそうき Motor Drive 100 100 100 100 100 100
Assistant Strange Transport
Level 20
Clear Smog
Flame Burst
Hold Item:

Choice Specs
The TimeGate Traveler 2

PLOT: The shocking future! Pokemon control humans!
MISSION: Survive for 5 CUTs. Beating Set K1 is no good.
Rental Pokemon: Duosion(Lv.35,Male -- Skill Swap, Protect, Rest -- Sticky Barb)

CUT1: Protect yourself from the opponent's attack! The line choice is important!

Line ChoiceOutcome
"Professor [B2W2]: Help!"Bad
"Professor [B2W2]: Can we talk?"Good
"Professor [B2W2]: I'm not lying!"Bad
CUT2: Change the opponent's ability!
CUT3: Watch your HP!
CUT4: Withstand the opponent's attack!
CUT5: Withstand the opponent's attack!

Note, BlackBelt is used as a Pokémon. Its stats are below

Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Att Def Sp.Atk Sp.Def Spd
セットK1 Huge Power 100 100 100 100 100 100
Future Being Ledian BlackBelt
Level 30
Focus Punch
Mach Punch
Hold Item:

Rocky Helmet
The TimeGate Traveler 3

PLOT: Change the future! The final hope is the door to the past
MISSION: Defeat Set T1 with Thunder. Defeating it with any other move is no good.
STRANGE ENDING: Defeat Set T1 with a move that isn't Thunder
Rental Pokemon: Reuniclus(Lv.45,Male -- Thunder, Skill Swap, Trick, Rain Dance -- Magnet)

CUT1: Steal your opponent's item! The line choice is important!

Line ChoiceOutcome
"Professor [B2W2]: All your fault!"Bad
"Professor [B2W2]: You're wrong!"Bad
"Professor [B2W2]: I'll change it!"Good
CUT2: Change the opponent's ability!
CUT3: Make sure to hit the opponent!
CUT4: Make sure to hit the opponent!
CUT5: Make sure to hit the opponent!

Future Being Ledian BlackBelt Transport
Level 40 Level 50
Hammer Arm
Jump Kick
Mach Punch
Signal Beam
Icicle Crash
Hold Item:

Red Card
Hold Item:

Wide Lens