Location: Nimbasa City
To get these trades is rather convuluted. You first need to find the Dropped Item in Nimbasa City. From there, you will be called when you enter random areas by the owner of the item. After the 10th call, the person will call you and tell you to meet in Nimbasa to return their Item. When you do, they will be added to your Xtransceiver. Call them to total 30 times, but you can only call from places which fulfill the conditions. On the 30th call they'll tell you they want to meet at Nimbasa City where they'll ride the Ferris Wheel with you. Call them to total 50 times, in the 40th call they'll be 'SOUND ONLY', in the 50th call they'll be wearing their work clothes, and cut the line in a second or so. Call them a 51st time. wait a day and then call them again and they'll meet you in Nimbasa City and offer to trade, willing to have any Pokémon. This can be repeated each day to go through all of their Pokémon. The Pokémon you receive varies based on your gender
The areas are as follows:
- Behind the Pokemon Centre in Nimbasa City
- Near the Officer in Route 16
- Behind the fence on the bottom of Route 5
- Somewhere near the slope to Clay Tunnel in Driftveil City
- Across the first bridge and near the ledges of Route 6
- Around the stairs near the Breeder in Route 7
- On the Airstrip of Mistralton City
- Route 9 near the Hidden Grotto
- Lentimas Town near the stairs.
- Undella Town between 2 rocks
- On the beach in Route 13 near the start from Undella Town which is behind the ledge
Click here for further details
Yancy - If you're Male
Meowth ニャース |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Wobbuffet ソーナンス |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Ralts ラルトス |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Shieldon タテトプス |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Rhyhorn サイホーン |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Shellos カラナクシ |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Mawile クチート |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Spiritomb ミカルゲ |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Snorlax カビゴン |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Teddiursaヒメグマ |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Spinda パッチール |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Togepi トゲピー |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Curtis - If you're Female
Mankey マンキー |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Wobbuffet ソーナンス |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Ralts ラルトス |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Cranidos ズガイドス |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Rhyhorn サイホーン |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Shellos カラナクシ |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Sableye ヤミラミ |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Spiritomb ミカルゲ> |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Snorlax カビゴン |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Phanpy ゴマゾウ |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
Spinda パッチール |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |
トゲピー |  |
Level 50 |
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??? Nature. Date Received. Link Trade. Apparently received at Level 50 | |
Trader requests any Pokémon |