Name |
Mission |
Time Limit |
Items Obtained Within |
Method to Obtain |
Prize |
Double Score Prize |
The First Berry Search! |
Search for 5 Berries |
3 minutes |
Beginning |
None |
Collect Berries! |
Collect numerous berries
Level 1:3 Berries
Level 2:6 Berries
Level 3:12 Berries
Level 4:25 Berries |
3 minutes |
Complete "Gather Berries" |
 Level 1: 1 Level 2: 2 Level 3: 4 Level 4: 8 |
Find Lost Items! |
Collect numerous items
Level 1:10 Items
Level 2:15 Items
Level 3:20 Items
Level 4:40 Items |
5 minutes |
Complete "Collect the Berries" |
 Level 1: 1 Level 2: 3 Level 3: 5 Level 4: 10 |
Find Lost Boys! |
Find the small children
Level 1:4 People
Level 2:8 People
Level 3:16 People Level 4: 50 People |
3 minutes |
Beginning |
 Level 1: 1 Level 2: 1 Level 3: 4 Level 4: 8 |
*12 |
Enjoy Shopping! |
Find the various trainers who are selling things and buy from them
Level 1:3 People
Level 2:8 People
Level 3:16 People
Level 4:25 People
Provides a 50% discount on items in the PokéMarts after completion of Hard |
3 minutes |
Complete "Find Lost Boys" |
 Level 1: 1 Level 2: 1 Level 3: 2 Level 4: 5 |
Find Audino! |
Look for an Audino in shaking grass and capture it
Level 1:1 Audino
Level 2:5 Audino
Level 3:10 Audino
Level 4:50 Audino |
3 minutes |
-- |
 Level 1: 1 Level 2: 5 Level 3: 10 Level 4: 15 |
*10 |
Search for ?? Pokémon! |
Look for numerous Pokémon
Level 1:3 Pokémon
Level 2:5 Pokémon
Level 3:10 Pokémon
Level 4:50 Pokémon |
3 minutes |
Complete "Find Audino!" |
 Level 1: 1 Level 2: 5 Level 3: 10 Level 4: 15 |
Train with Martial Artists! |
Battle against various BlackBelts
Level 1:2 People
Level 2:4 People
Level 3:8 People
Level 3:100 People |
5 minutes |
Receive in Castelia City |
 Level 1: 1 Level 2: 1 Level 3: 2 Level 4: 5 |
Sparring with ?? Trainers! |
Battle against various trainers
Level 1:10 People
Level 2:30 People
Level 3:50 People
Level 3:100 People |
3 minutes |
Complete "Train with Martial Artists!" |
 Level 1: 1 Level 2: 1 Level 3: 2 Level 4: 5 |
Get Rich Quick! |
Hunt for three treasures in shiny spots of forests and caves
Level 1: 3 items
Level 2: 6 items
Level 3: 12 items
Level 4: 25 items |
3 minutes |
Pokémon Black 2 Only - Talk to Pokémon Ranger in Desert Resort |
*5 |
Treasure Hunting! |
Hunt for six items & treasures in shiny spots of forests and caves
Level 1: 6 items
Level 2: 12 items
Level 3: 24 items
Level 4: 45 items |
3 minutes |
Pokémon White 2 Only - Talk to Pokémon Ranger in Desert Resort |
*5 |
Exciting Trading!! |
Exchange items with numerous people
Level 1:2 People
Level 2:4 People
Level 3:8 People
Level 4:50 People
5 minutes |
Pokémon Black 2 Only - Talk to person in Anville Town |
Exhilarating Trading! |
Exchange items with numerous people
Level 1:2 People
Level 2:4 People
Level 3:8 People
Level 3:50 People
5 minutes |
Pokémon White 2 Only - Talk to person in Anville Town |
Find Emolga! |
Hunt for the Pokémon Emolga and capture it
Level 1:1 Emolga
Level 2:5 Emolga
Level 3:10 Emolga
Level 4:30 Emolga
5 minutes |
Route 5 |
*10 |
Wings Falling on the Drawbridge! |
Collect many wings on the Driftveil Drawbridge
Level 1:5 Items
Level 2:10 Items
Level 3:40 Items
Level 4:100 Items
3 minutes |
Receive from person on Driftveil Drawbridge |
Find Treasures! |
Find items in the shining spots in Relic Cave
Level 1:5 Items
Level 2:10 Items
Level 3:20 Items
Level 4:100 Items
3 minutes |
Receive from person in PWT |
 Level 1: 1 Level 2: 2 Level 3: 5 Level 4: 10 |
Mushrooms' Hide-and-Seek! |
Find Foongus & Amoonguss
Level 1:3 Items
Level 2:10 Items
Level 3:20 Items
Level 4:20 Items
3 minutes |
Beginning |
*5 |
Find Mysterious Ores! |
Find hidden items within the cave
Level 1:10 Items
Level 2:20 Items
Level 3:30 Items
Level 4:30 Items
5 minutes |

Pokémon Black 2 Only - Receive in Chargestone Cave |
 Level 1: 1 Level 2: 2 Level 3: 3 Level 4: 3 |
*5 |
Find Shining Ores! |
Find hidden items within the cave
Level 1:10 Items
Level 2:20 Items
Level 3:30 Items
Level 4:30 Items
5 minutes |
Pokémon White 2 Only - Receive in Chargestone Cave |
 Level 1: 1 Level 2: 2 Level 3: 3 Level 4: 3 |
*5 |
The ?? Lost Treasures |
Find the trainer's specific lost items
Level 1:2 Items
Level 2:4 Items
Level 3:10 Items
Level 4:30 Items
5 minutes |
Complete "Find the Mysterious Stones!" or "Find the Shining Stones!" |
 Level 1: 1 Level 2: 2 Level 3: 4 Level 4: 10 |
Big Harvest of Berries! |
Find a specific amount of berries
Level 1:6 Items
Level 2:12 Items
Level 3:24 Items
Level 4:100 Items
3 minutes |
Speak to Backpacker in Mistralton City |
*3 |
*10 |
Ring the Bell... |
Ring the bell of Celestial Tower. You need to re-enter the tower in order to ring it again
Level 1:1 Time
Level 2:2 Times
Level 3:8 Times
Level 4:10 Times
3 minutes |
Beginning |
*10 |
The Bell That Rings ?? Times |
Ring the bell of Celestial Tower. You need to re-enter the tower in order to ring it again
Level 1:3 Times
Level 2:5 Times
Level 3:7 Times
Level 4:10 Times
3 minutes |
Complete "Ring the Bell..." |
Path to an Ace! |
Battle numerous trainers, who have an increase in level with each battle
Level 1:3 People
Level 2:6 People
Level 3:12 People
Level 4:50 People
5 minutes |
Beginning |
Shocking Shopping! |
Find many men in black and purchase items from them
Level 1:4 People
Level 2:8 People
Level 3:32 People
Level 4:100 People
3 minutes |
Speak to man in black in Undella Town |
*4 |
Memory Training! |
Follow instructions and speak to the correct people
Level 1:6 People
Level 2:10 People
Level 3:12 People
Level 4:50 People
Level 1/2/3: 3 minutes Level 4: 5 minutes |
(Completion) |
Speak to man in Humilau City |
*3 |
Push the Limit of Your Memory... |
Follow instructions and speak to the correct people
Level 1:5 People
Level 2:10 People
Level 3:40 People
Level 4:10 People
Level 1/2/3: 5 minutes Level 4: 3 minutes |
Complete "Memory Training!" |
*6 |
*5 |
Find Rustling Grass! |
Capture Pokémon from Shaking Grass
Level 1:5 Pokémon
Level 2:10 Pokémon
Level 3:20 Pokémon
Level 4:100 Pokémon
10 minutes |
Defeat the Champion |
*6 |
*10 |
Find Shards! |
Find numerous shards
Level 1:3 Items
Level 2:16 Items
Level 3:32 Items
Level 4:100 Items
3 minutes |
Defeat the Champion |
*2 |
*5 |
Forgotten Lost Items |
Find the forgotten items
Level 1:5 Items
Level 2:10 Items
Level 3:50 Items
Level 4:100 Items
2 minutes |
Pokémon Black 2 -Defeat the Champion |
*5 |
Not-Found Lost Items |
Find the forgotten items
Level 1:5 Items
Level 2:10 Items
Level 3:50 Items
Level 4:100 Items
2 minutes |
Pokémon White 2 -Defeat the Champion |
*5 |
What Is the Best Price? |
Talk to the man in black and purchase a rare item
Level 1:6 Items
Level 2:12 Items
Level 3:40 Items
Level 3:50 Items
3 minutes |
Pokémon Black 2 -Defeat the Champion |
What Is the Real Price? |
Talk to the man in black and purchase a rare item
Level 1:6 Items
Level 2:12 Items
Level 3:40 Items
Level 3:50 Items
3 minutes |
Pokémon White 2 -Defeat the Champion |
Give Me the Item! |
Exchange items with various people
Level 1:10 People
Level 2:15 People
Level 3:20 People
Level 4:40 People
5 minutes |
Defeat the Champion |
Do a Great Trade-Up! |
Exchange items with various people
Level 1:3 People
Level 2:6 People
Level 3:80 People
Level 4:100 People
3 minutes |
Complete "Give Me the Item!" |
Search Hidden Grottoes! |
Capture a Pokémon in the Hidden Grotto
Level 1: 1 Pokémon
Level 2: 3 Pokémon
Level 3: 5 Pokémon
10 minutes |
Defeat the Champion |
*10 |
Noisy Hidden Grottoes! |
Capture Pokémon in the Hidden Grotto
Level 1:3 Pokémon
Level 2:5 Pokémon
Level 3:10 Pokémon
Level 4:30 Pokémon
5 minutes |
Pokémon Black 2 Only - Complete "Search Hidden Grottoes!" - Fills all Hidden Grottos with Stunky |
*5 |
Quiet Hidden Grottoes! |
Capture Pokémon in the Hidden Grotto
Level 1:3 Pokémon
Level 2:5 Pokémon
Level 3:10 Pokémon
Level 4:30 Pokémon
10 minutes |
Pokémon White 2 Only - Complete "Search Hidden Grottoes!
" - Fills all Hidden Grottos with Glameow |
*5 |
Fishing Competition! |
Capture Pokémon with your Rod
Level 1:5 Pokémon
Level 2:10 Pokémon
Level 3:15 Pokémon
Level 3:30 Pokémon
3 minutes |
Obtain the Super Rod |
*10 |
Mulch Collector! |
Collect various amounts of Mulch
Level 1:6 Items
Level 2:12 Items
Level 3:24 Items
Level 4:9 Items
Level 1/2/3: 3 minutes Level 4: 1 minute 30 seconds |

Talk to Pokémon Breeder in Abundant Shrine |
Where Are Fluttering Hearts? |
Collect Heart Scales
Level 1:5 Items
Level 2:10 Items
Level 3:50 Items
Level 4:100 Items
5 minutes |
Talk to man in Humilau City after completing the Elite Four |
*2 |
*10 |
Rock-Paper-Scissors Competition! |
Play Rock-Paper-Scissors and win
Level 1:5 People
Level 2:10 People
Level 3:50 People
3 minutes |
Talk to girl in Striaton City |
*10 |
*5 |
Take a Walk with Eggs! |
Hatch Eggs as you walk
Level 1:3 Eggs
Level 2: 12 Eggs
Level 3: 50 Eggs
Level 4: 100 Eggs
10 minutes |
Receive your first Egg |
Search for Steelix |
Hunt for the Pokémon Steelix (Found in Clay Tunnel)
Level 1:1 Pokémon
Level 2: 5 Pokémon
Level 3: 15 Pokémon
Level 4: 30 Pokémon
5 minutes |
Defeat Champion |
*10 |
Special Event Missions |
The Berry-Hunting Adventure! |
Hunt for berries dotted around Unova |
3 minutes |
Show Meloetta to person in Castelia City |
*5 |
*10 |
Women at Pokémon Centers |
Speak to Pokémon Center women in towns and on roads. They might give you a wonderful present!
3 minutes |
Japan: Pokémon Centres - June 30th 2012 - September 6th 2012 |
*10 |
*10 |
Rare Pieces! |
Get rare items that are said to have been made in ancient times. Look for shining places in caves and on roads!
3 minutes |
Japan: World Hobby Fair - June 30th 2012 - September 30th 2012 |
*10 |
*5 |
Pokémon-Quiz Championship! |
Speak to Scientists in towns and on roads, and answer Pokémon quizzes! Your knowledge as a Trainer will be tested! |
3 minutes |
Japan: World Hobby Fair - June 30th 2012 - September 30th 2012 |
*10 |
*10 |
Find Rare Berries! |
Rare Berries have been discovered! Look for shining places in forests and caves, and collect Berries! |
5 minutes |
Japan: Dengeki Anniversay - October 20th 2012 - October 21st 2012 |
?? |
?? |
Gifts from Pokémon Center Women |
Speak to Pokémon Center women in towns and on roads. They might give you a wonderful present! |
10 minutes |
?? |
?? |
?? |
Endless Battles |
Try endless training with Veterans! Defeat ?? or more Veterans within the time limit!
10 minutes |
Japan: World Hobby Fair - July 29th 2013 - September 16th 2013 |
*1 |
*1 |
Find Pokémon |
It has been reported that uncommon Pokémon were found! Visit Hidden Grottoes in different areas, and find Pokémon!
Find Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Glaceon or Leafeon |
10 minutes |
Japan: Pokémon Centre - July 13th 2013 - July 26th 2013 |
*5 |
*10 |
Shopping Impossible |
Again, men wearing black! Buy, buy, buy very rare items! But watch out for the prices!
3 minutes |
Japan: Pokémon Centre - July 27th 2013 - August 16th 2013 |
*2 |
*2 |
Find Pokémon |
It has been reported that uncommon Pokémon were found! Visit Hidden Grottoes in different areas, and find Pokémon!
Find Poliwag, Magneton Chansey, Togetic, Dragonair or Shelgon |
10 minutes |
Japan: Pokémon Centre - August 17th 2013 - September 6th 2013 |
*6 |
*3 |
Berry Festival! |
Rare Berries have been discovered! Look for shining places in forests and caves, and collect Berries!
5 minutes |
Japan: Pokémon Centre - September 7th 2013 - September 27th 2013 |
*3 |
*3 |
Pokédex Quiz |
Speak to Scientists in towns and on roads, and answer Pokémon quizzes! Your knowledge as a Trainer will be tested! |
5 minutes |
?? |
?? |
?? |