Battle Mechanics

Pokémon Legends Z-A, like past main series games, features a variety of Pokémon battles, but now they work differently to prior games. This page details the new battle mechanics

Battle Changes

In Pokémon Legends Z-A, the battles are different to the traditional battles. Here, the Pokémon will move around the field and can avoid attacks. Each attack will have a different range rwquiring your Pokémon to get up close or keep distance, and Pokémon can dodge moves

When a move is used, there is a cooldown on when it can be used again.

You also have the ability to switch your Pokémon in at will allowing for you to change up how you fare in the battle.

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Mega Evolution

With some select Pokémon, if they are holding the Mega Stone, you will be able to Mega Evolve them. This features different mechanics to past games with the Mega Evolution symbol having four different segments after activation.

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