Friday: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Meowscarada Raids & Red, Green and Blue Pokémon Outbreaks
28-02-2025 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.
Be sure to check yesterday's update for news on Pokémon Legends Z-A and Pokémon Champions. This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 20:00 GMT
Edit @ 04:18: Pokémon Sleep | Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon TCG Pocket & Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 10:42: Episode Details | Edit @ 14:00: Pokémon GO Season | Edit @ 17:50: Pokémon GO Codes | Edit @ 18:02: Pokémon GO Monthly Schedule | Edit @ 20:00: Pokémon GO Tour | Edit @ 21:00: Powerful Potential
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The latest Tera Raid Battle event is now live in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This is the Mighty Meowscarada event. This event has Meowscarada appearing in 7 Star Raids with the Grass Tera Type. As with all past 7 Star Raid events, players can only catch one Meowscarada from raids per save file
This event runs until March 6th 2024 at 23:59 UTC
We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 00:09: We have updated our section with full details of this Tera Raid Battle Event.
In The Games Department
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
The latest Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Mass Outbreak event has begun. This event causes Mass Outbreaks of Charcadet, Smoliv, and Finizen in Paldea, Applin, Sewaddle, and Poliwag in Kitakami and Porygon, Scyther, and Lapras in the Blueberry Academy; all these Pokémon have got an increased chance of being shiny. This runs until March 20th 2025 at 23:59 UTC.
We have begun adding all the details to our Mass Outbreak Event Page.
In The Games Department
Pokémon TCG Pocket - Triumphant Light
The new Pokémon TCG Pocket set, Triumphant Light is now live in the game and so our coverage of this set is beginning. We're currently compiling full details of all the new additions to the game with this set so be sure to keep checking our section.
Edit @ 07:18: We have full details including the Themed Collections section updated with the new Themed Collections for this set. We're currently working on cosmetics
Edit @ 09:08: We have also updated the Emblems, Coins, Playmats, Sleeves, Display Boards & Binders sections with all the new cosmetics available right now including a new bundle available in the in-game store
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This is the Powerful Potential event and is due to run from March 5th at 10:00 to March 10th at 20:00 local time and adds Kubfu and Shiny Charcadet into the game
Kubfu will be available in the Special Research introduced in the event for the entire season
There will be 50% Incubator distance for the event
Charcadet will be in 2km, 5km, 7km and 10km Eggs
There will be Timed Research to earn items and a Charcadet encounter, as well as the bonus of 25% Incubator Distance
Gigantamx Venusaur, Charizard and Blastoise will be in Max Battles on March 8th - 9th
Gothita, Solosis and Sinistea will be in 1 Star Raids
Alolan Raichu, Hisuian Typhlosion and Sableye will be in 3 Star Raids
Paid Research, Fuzzy Fighter, will be avaialble to give 1 Incense, 2 Premium Battle Passes, 1 Star Piece, Encounters with season themed Pokémon, encounters with Kubfu and more
Alolan Raichu, Hisuian Typhlosion, Sableye, Gothita, Solosis and Sinistea will be in Field Research
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Tour Global event is now rolling out in Asia Pacific regions. This event is running from 10:00 to 18:00 both Saturday and Sunday and features the global introduction of Black Kyurem and White Kyurem.
We are compiling full details in our GO Tour Unova event section
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have fully detailed the next Pokémon GO season, the Might and Mastery Season, starting March 4th through June 3rd and is focused around the Pokémon Kubfu, introducing it to the game
Kubfu will be obtained as a Dynamax Pokémon during the special season long Special Research. For $8, you can buy a second version of the research to get a second Kubfu
During the season, Dynamax Raikou, Entei and Suicune will debut
Nickit and Thievul will also appear during the season
Charcadet will be shiny starting March 5th and will be in the Research Breakthrough rewards alongside Alolan Maroawk, Mawile, Druddigon, Jangmo-o and Frigibax
During the season, Friendship Bonus in raids will be increased, players will get 1 guaranteed Rare Candy XL from 5 Star Raids in Raid Hours and a guaranteed Candy XL when trading. There will also be increased Stardust for the first catch of the day
At the start of the season, to coincide with the GO Battle League changes, the following Pokémon will get moveset changes
Piloswine & Mamoswine will get Icicle Spear
Togetic, Togekiss, Reuniclus and Bruxish will get Psyshock
Venomoth, Lapras and Grumpig will get Psywave
Furret, Linoone and Drampa will get Swift
Grumpig & Dusknoir will get Dynamic Punch
Lapras will get Sparkling Aria
Sableye will get Dazzling Gleam
Ribombee will get Charm
Blastoise, Wailmer, Wailord and Glalie will get Rollout
Cradily & Bombirdier will get Rock Tomb
Swampert & Swalot will get Sludge
Dragalge will get Sludge Bomb
Roserade will get Poison Sting
Furret, Linoone & Florges will get Trailblaze
Mightyena, Bellibolt and Bombirdier will get Sucker Punch
Psyshock, Dynamic Punch and Acrobatics Energy will decrease. Dazzling Gleam's power reduces to 90 and Energy cost decreases
Aqua Jet will get increased in power to 70 with an Energy Cost decrease. Sludge power will be boosted in power to 70. Hex will be boosted to 7, Air Cutter's power will be reduced to 45 but with a chance of increasing the user's Attack. Rock Tomb will increase in power to 80 with an Energy Cost decrease, but will lower opponent's Attack. Rollout will have power reduced to 7. Night Shade will have power reduced to 70. Foul Play will have power reduced to 60 with an Energy Cost decrease and Discharge will have power reduced to 55 with an Energy Cost decrease
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Horizons
The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Liko, Dot, Roy and Friede face off against the Explorers when in Laqua. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO events for March 2025.
From March 4th through 10th, Dynamax Gastly, Beldum, Pidove, Darumaka and Sobble will be in Max Battles. From March 10th - 17th, Krabby, Beldum, Drilbur and Darumaka will be in Max Battles. From March 17th, Machop, Chansey, Scorbunny and Falinks will be in Max Battles and from March 24th, Charmander, Caterpie, Chansey and Pidove will be in Max Battles
Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres will be in 5 Star Raid Battles from March 4th through 13th with Mega Lucario
Tapu Koko will be in 5 Star Raid Battles from March 13th through 22nd with Mega Swampert
Heatran will be in 5 Star Raid Battles from March 22nd through March 31st with Mega Pinsir
Shadow Regice will be in Shadow Raid battles until April 4th
The Powerful Potential event runs from March 5th through 10th
The Festival of Colours will run from March 13th through 17th
Dynamax Raikou will be the focus of a Max Battle Weekend on March 15th & 16th
A Catch Mastery event focused on Archen will be on March 16th
The Deep Depths event will run March 19th through 24th
A Mega Absol Raid Day will run on March 23rd
The Bug Out event will run on March 26th through 30th
The Fuzzy Buddy Research Day will run on March 29th
In The Games Department
Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event
The "Going Beyond Primal Nature" Story Event has begun a run in Pokémon Masters EX. This event focuses on May and Brendan being inducted into the Neo Champions of Pasio. It runs until April 9th 2025
To tie in with that, a new Master Fair Scout is available to get the Sync Pair of May (Champion) & Shiny Primal Kyogre
We're currently compiling all details in our Going Beyond Primal Nature event section
A new Extreme Battle event, Take on Hoenn's Finest Duo is also now live. To coincide with that, a Master Fair Scout focusing on Maxie and Archie is also now live
Finally, the Legendary Adventures stages now have an extra stage that gives the respective Crystal to each of the Legendary Sync Pair to boost them up without need for the Villain Event
In The Games Department
Pokémon GO
The final of the Pokémon GO Tour Unova codes has been released by Niantic. These codes give 50 Fusion Energy to players for each use, giving a total of 100 Blaze Fusion Energy and 100 Volt Fusion Energy. The four codes overall are as follows
Volt Fusion Energy: WJ5DFWASCL65W
Blaze Fusion Energy: RCC4AJPAUCW86
Volt Fusion Energy: ABJXJET8MYW7T
Blaze Fusion Energy: C352CNMG77474
In The Games Department
Pokémon Café ReMix
Pokémon Café ReMix has begun the next event. This event is the Applelicious Gourmet Party event and adds Flapple and Appletun into the game. This event is a One Minute Cooking event to earn points to exchange for items in the store
Alongside this, a new Delivery Focus is live to get Fuecoco (Apple Box) and another to get Tinkaton & Alolan Ninetales
We have begun compiling all details in our Applelicious Gourmet Party event section
In addition to this, a special bundle is on sale to get Sprigatito (Sweets)
A new change has also been made where most features in the game now need you to beat Order 80 to unlock
Finally, the Menu Development has been updated with a new menu item, adding Slaking into the game
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sleep
Pokémon Sleep has announced a myriad of new updates coming to the game soon. These don't have a specific date but will come over the coming months
In the next update, Speed of Help negative modifiers in a nature will be adjusted so the Pokémon are quicker. There will be some weekly missions changed to increase the range of Pokémon Incense available in Greengrass Isle, Cyan Beach, Taupe Hollow, and Snowdrop Tundra. There will also be an adjustment for if you do two or more Sleep Research in a day; if you have over 11 Pokémon in a day, you will just get 1 candy and half the experience or Dream Shards for the 11th and subsquent Pokémon. The candy obtained in Sleep Research will also be increased.
In the update after the next update, the maximum Research Rank, Pokémon Level and Recipe Level will all increase from 60 to 65 and you can have up to 1,200 Pokémon max capacity. Friendship levels will have perks for reaching a certain point. Research EXP Bonus will boost experience by 9% and Energy Recovery Bonus will now boost Energy of the skill's user by 5
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Horizons - News
A new set of episode titles have been revealed for the next saga of the anime in Japan. This episode is due to air on March 21st.
Episode 89: At the End of the Adventures