Pokémon TCG Pocket Themed Collections

Themed Collections are a special kind of missions which activate after you collect certain cards in a set. These collections include things like the First Partner Pokémon in the set, the Pokémon from specific areas in the main series games and more.

As you complete these Themed Collections, you will get a variety of rewards including Hourglasses and more.

Some collections will let you get any card of the species within the set, such as if it requires Pikachu you can use standard Pikachu and Pikachu ex, but others require specific cards.

Pokémon TCG Pocket  Collections


As you go through and complete Themed Collections, you will get rewards such as items. However, there are also sometimes hidden Themed Collections based on your collecting and will show up as you finish them.

All Themed Collections give a variety of item rewards and some collections even give cards as rewards.

Pokémon TCG Pocket  Collections

List of Themed Collections

Name Requirements Reward

Space-time Smackdown

Myths of Sinnoh Resurrected Any Palkia
75 - Uxie
76 - Mesprit
77 - Azelf
Any Giratina
Any Dialga
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 22
Unknown Distortion World 75 - Uxie
76 - Mesprit
77 - Azelf
Any Giratina
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 6
Legends of Newmoon Island and Fullmoon Island 79 - Cresselia
109 - Darkrai
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 5
Giants Unleashed 34 - Regice
87 - Regirock
112 - Registeel
Any Regigigas
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 4
Garden of Smiling Flowers 4 - Tangela
Any Shaymin
63 - Togepi
137 - Buneary
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 4
Manaphy Travelogue 38 - Buizel
40 - Shellos
43 - Lumineon
Any Manaphy
133 - Staravia
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 12
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 2
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 2
Ecosystem of Stark Mountain 26 - Magcargo
81 - Rhydon
111 - Skarmory
Any Heatran
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 4
Spiritomb of Hallowed Tower 96 - Murkrow
97 - Honchkrow
98 - Sneasel
Any Weavile
102 - Stunky
103 - Skuntank
105 - Skorupi
106 - Drapion
107 - Croagunk
108 - Toxicroak
172 - Spiritomb
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 16
Battle with Champion Cynthia Any Spiritomb
Any Lucario
9 - Roserade
Any Gastrodon
Any Garchomp
152 Cynthia
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 4
A Variety of Pokémon Abilities Any Shaymin
32 - Piloswine
Any Mamoswine
34 - Regice
72 - Dusknoir
Any Giratina
87 - Regirock
Any Lucario
110 - Darkrai ex
114 - Bastiodon
Any Garchomp
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 4
Slightly Scary Pokémon 110 - Darkrai ex
187 - Darkrai ex
202 - Darkrai ex
70 - Duskull
71 - Dusclops
72 - Dusknoir
66 - Misdreavus
65 - Togekiss
184 - Mismagius ex
199 - Mismagius ex
73 - Drifloon
165 - Drifloon
74 - Drifblim
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 9
Pokémon Grown Large Any Hippowdon
Any Regice
Any Rampardos
Any Abomasnow
Any Magnezone
Any Dusknoir
Any Tangrowth
Any Magmortar
Any Electivire
Any Rhyperior
Any Bastiodon
Any Lickilicky
Any Probopass
Any Bronzong
Any Mamoswine
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 4
New Discoveries of the Sinnoh Region Any Ambipom
Any Roserade
Any Magnezone
Any Lickilicky
Any Porygon-Z
Any Dusknoir
Any Mismagius
Any Honchkrow
Any Weavile
Any Tangrowth
Any Rhyperior
Any Probopass
Any Gallade
Any Magmortar
Any Electivire
Any Togekiss
Any Yanmega
Any Leafeon
Any Glaceon
Any Gliscor
Any Mamoswine
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 12
Mischievous Shapeshifters 21 Mow - Rotom
30 Heat - Rotom
47 Wash - Rotom
48 Frost - Rotom
62 - Rotom
142 Fan - Rotom
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 12
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 2
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 2
Team Galactic, Assemble! 102 - Stunky
Any Croagunk
Any Glameow
102 - Stunky
Any Cyrus
Any Team Galactic Grunt
Any Mars
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 12
Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown)Emblem Ticket (Space-Time Smackdown) * 2
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 2
Collet 3 Turtwig cards 10 - Turtwig
10 - Turtwig
10 - Turtwig
TurtwigTurtwig (Icon)
Collet 3 Chimchar cards 27 - Chimchar
27 - Chimchar
27 - Chimchar
ChimcharChimchar (Icon)
Collet 3 Piplup cards 35 - Piplup
35 - Piplup
35 - Piplup
PiplupPiplup (Icon)
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 1 156 - Tangrowth
157 - Combee
159 - Shaymin
160 - Mamoswine
163 - Shinx
165 - Drifloon
166 - Mesprit
170 - Lucario
173 - Croagunk
174 - Heatran
177 - Bidoof
179 - Regigigas
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 36
Pack HourglassPack Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 10
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 2 158 - Carnivine
161 - Gastrodon
162 - Manaphy
164 - Rotom
167 - Giratina
168 - Cresselia
169 - Rhyperior
171 - Hippopotas
172 - Spiritomb
175 - Garchomp
176 - Staraptor
178 - Glameow
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 36
Pack HourglassPack Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 10
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 3 196 - Yanmega ex
198 - Pachirisu ex
200 - Gallade ex
202 - Darkrai ex
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 36
Pack HourglassPack Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 10
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 4 197 - Infernape ex
199 - Mismagius ex
201 - Weavile ex
203 - Lickilicky ex
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 36
Pack HourglassPack Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 10
Champion of the Sinnoh Region 161 - Gastrodon
170 - Lucario
172 - Spiritomb
175 - Garchomp
192 Cynthia
Garchomp EmblemGarchomp Emblem

Mythical Island

Untouched Forest Any Raichu
Any Venipede
Any Liepard
Any Mankey
Any Joltik
Any Shiinotic
Any Exeggutor
Any Raichu
Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island)Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island) * 5
Untouched ForestUntouched Forest (Cover)
Tranquil Lake Any Cramorant
Any Magikarp
Any Gyarados
Any Drednaw
Any Rapidash
Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island)Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island) * 12
Tranquil LakeTranquil Lake (Cover)
Scorching Forest Any Geodude
Any Salandit
Any Weezing
Any Magmar
Any Volcarona
Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island)Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island) * 7
Scorching WildernessScorching Wilderness (Cover)
Forgotten Ruins 65 Mythical Slab
Any Stonjourner
Any Beheeyem
Any Serperior
Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island)Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island) * 15
Forgotten RuinsForgotten Ruins (Cover)
Catching Bugs Any Larvesta
Any Joltik
Any Venipede
Any Whirlipede
Any Galvantula
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 12
Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island)Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island) * 2
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 2
Pokémon that Fly Any Cramorant
Any Pidgey
Any Pidgeotto
Any Pidgeot
Any Chatot
18 - Gyarados ex
Any Flabébé
Any Sigilyph
Any Floette
Any Volcarona
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 12
Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island)Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island) * 2
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 2
Attacks with 20 damage Any Morelull
Any Finneon
Any Elgyem
31 - Mew
Any Swirlix
32 - Mew ex
Any Venipede
Any Purrloin
Any Pidgey
Any Whirlipede
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 12
Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island)Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island) * 2
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 2
Small Pokémon Any Joltik
Any Dedenne
Any Eevee
Any Chatot
Any Pidgey
Any Morelull
Any Flabébé
Any Floette
Any Drednaw
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 12
Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island)Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island) * 2
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 2
Tree of Repose Any Mankey
Any Pidgeotto
Any Dedenne
Any Drednaw
Tree of ReposeTree of Repose (Cover)
Flower Travelers Any Flabébé
Any Floette
Any Florges
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 12
Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island)Emblem Ticket (Mythical Island) * 2
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 2
Use pack stamina to open 60 Mythical Island booster packs
Mythical Island MewMythical Island Mew (Playmat)
Mythical Island MewMythical Island Mew (Sleeves)
MewMew (Coin)
Mythical Island MewMythical Island Mew (Cover)
Collect 3 Mew Cards 31 - Mew
31 - Mew
31 - Mew
MewMew (Icon)
Collect 3 Blue Cards 67 Blue
67 Blue
67 Blue
BlueBlue (Icon)
Mythical Island Museum 1 69 - Exeggutor
70 - Serperior
71 - Salandit
72 - Vaporeon
73 - Dedenne
74 - Marshadow
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 36
Pack HourglassPack Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 10
Mythical Island Museum 2 83 - Mew ex
84 - Aerodactyl ex
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 36
Pack HourglassPack Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 10
Mew ex Museum 32 - Mew ex
77 - Mew ex
83 - Mew ex
86 - Mew ex
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 36
Pack HourglassPack Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 10
Mythical Island Tale of Adventure 65 Mythical Slab
66 Budding Expeditioner
83 - Mew ex
85 - Celebi ex
Celebi EmblemCelebi Emblem

Genetic Apex

First Choice Any Bulbasaur
Any Charmander
Any Squirtle
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 2
Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex) * 1
Electabuzz and Magmar Any Electabuzz
Any Magmar
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 2
Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex) * 1
Viridian Forest Any Caterpie
Any Metapod
Any Weedle
Any Kakuna
Any Pikachu
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 2
Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex) * 2
Pidgey Squad Any Pidgey
Any Pidgeotto
Any Pidgeot
Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex) * 7
A Day with the Family Any Nidoran♀
Any Nidorina
Any Nidoqueen
Any Nidoran♂
Any Nidorino
Any Nidoking
Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex) * 14
Pokémon of Ancient Times Any Omanyte
Any Omastar
Any Kabuto
Any Kabutops
Any Aerodactyl
Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex) * 20
The Legendary Flight Any Articuno
Any Zapdos
Any Moltres
Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex) * 17
Triple Power Any Magneton
Any Dodrio
Any Dugtrio
Any Exeggutor
Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex) * 12
A Big Snorlax Nuisance 250 - Snorlax
Any Oddish
Any Bellsprout
Any Venonat
Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex) * 14
Touring the Kanto region Any Doduo
Any Spearow
Any Haunter
Any Rattata
Any Jynx
Any Tentacool
Any Grimer
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 24
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 5
Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex) * 4
The Gym Leaders of the Kanto Region 219 Erika
220 Misty
221 Blaine
222 Koga
223 Giovanni
224 Brock
225 Sabrina
226 Lt. Surge
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 24
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 5
Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex) * 4
Different Journeys, Different Growth Any Bulbasaur
Any Ivysaur
Any Venusaur
Any Charmander
Any Charmeleon
Any Charizard
Any Squirtle
Any Wartortle
Any Blastoise
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 22
Safari Zone Any Tauros
Any Kangaskhan
Any Chansey
Any Rhyhorn
Any Scyther
Any Slowpoke
Any Doduo
Any Pinsir
Any Exeggcute
Any Dratini
Any Dragonair
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 12
Category: Mouse Pokémon Any Sandshrew
Any Sandslash
Any Rattata
Any Raticate
Any Pikachu
Any Raichu
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 3
Pokémon Super Express Any Dragonite
Any Rapidash
Any Zebstrika
Any Arcanine
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 13
Collect 3 Electrode Cards Any Electrode
ElectrodeElectrode (Icon)
Collect 5 Gardevoir Cards 132 - Gardevoir
GardevoirGardevoir (Icon)
Collect 5 Charizard Cards 35 - Charizard
CharizardCharizard (Icon)
Collect 5 Mewtwo Cards 128 - Mewtwo
MewtwoMewtwo (Icon)
Complete the Kanto PokéDex 283
- Mew
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 48
The Immersive 4 280 - Charizard ex
281 - Pikachu ex
282 - Mewtwo ex
283 - Mew
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 48
Pack HourglassPack Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 20
Genetic Apex Museum 1 (Mewtwo) 227 - Bulbasaur
239 - Cubone
242 - Golbat
243 - Weezing
244 - Dragonite
245 - Pidgeot
247 - Ditto
249 - Porygon
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 36
Pack HourglassPack Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 10
Genetic Apex Museum 2 (Charizard) 228 - Gloom
229 - Pinsir
230 - Charmander
231 - Rapidash
234 - Lapras
236 - Alakazam
237 - Slowpoke
246 - Meowth
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 36
Pack HourglassPack Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 10
Register 155 cards in the card dex 232 - Squirtle
233 - Gyarados
235 - Electrode
238 - Diglett
240 - Nidoqueen
241 - Nidoking
248 - Eevee
250 - Snorlax
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 36
Pack HourglassPack Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 10
The Legendary Flight Continues 274 - Moltres ex
275 - Articuno ex
276 - Zapdos ex
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 36
Pack HourglassPack Hourglass * 12
Articuno Zapdos Moltres EmblemArticuno Zapdos Moltres Emblem
The Gym Leaders of the Kanto Region 2 266 Erika
267 Misty
268 Blaine
269 Koga
270 Giovanni
271 Brock
272 Sabrina
273 Lt. Surge
Wonder HourglassWonder Hourglass * 48
Pack HourglassPack Hourglass * 12
Shop TicketShop Ticket * 10
Register 226 cards in the card dex
Mewtwo (Genetic Apex)Mewtwo (Genetic Apex) (Icon)
Charizard  (Genetic Apex)Charizard (Genetic Apex) (Icon)
Pikachu  (Genetic Apex)Pikachu (Genetic Apex) (Icon)