Pokémon TCG Sleeves

Pokémon TCG Pocket includes a number of Sleeves obtained within the game. These sleeves can be attached to your cards in order to change how your deck looks when you play rather than using the generic Pokémon card background

Like all other battle decorations, these unlock at Level 3 when you unlock the battles.

Pokémon TCG Pocket Sleeves

List of Sleeves

Gallery Display
Mythical Island MewVenusaurPikachu
Mythical Island Mew SleevesVenusaur SleevesPikachu Sleeves
Obtained by
Complete Mythical Island Themed Collection
Obtained by
Event - 5 Tickets
Obtained by
6 Premium Tickets
MeowthMewtwoErika and Vileplume
Meowth SleevesMewtwo SleevesErika and Vileplume Sleeves
Obtained by
Event - 5 Tickets
Obtained by
6 Premium Tickets
Obtained by
115 Poké Gold
GardevoirSpecial Set 01Eevee
Gardevoir SleevesSpecial Set 01 SleevesEevee Sleeves
Obtained by
Purchase Bundle
Obtained by
12 Special Shop Tickets
Obtained by