Pokémon TCG Binders

Once you reach Level 6 in the game, you will have the ability to set Binders. These allow for you to put an artwork alongside a variety of cards of your choice. This allows for the creation of themed binders however you see fit, such as a binder of Eevee evolutions

You can purchase new covers in the shop, and covers will come with new sets, in addition to events.

Pokémon TCG Pocket Binders

List of Binders

Gallery Display
Chimchar & Monferno & InfernapeDarkraiDialga
Chimchar & Monferno & Infernape BindersDarkrai BindersDialga Binders
Obtained by
Event - 3 Tickets
Obtained by
3 Premium Tickets
Obtained by
15 Shop Tickets
PalkiaCynthia and GarchompBlue & Blastoise
Palkia BindersCynthia and Garchomp BindersBlue & Blastoise Binders
Obtained by
15 Shop Tickets
Obtained by
115 Poké Gold
Obtained by
Event - 3 Tickets
CharizardMythical Island MewTree of Repose
Charizard BindersMythical Island Mew BindersTree of Repose Binders
Obtained by
3 Premium Tickets
Obtained by
Complete Mythical Island Themed Collection
Obtained by
Complete Mythical Island Themed Collection
Forgotten RuinsScorching WildernessTranquil Lake
Forgotten Ruins BindersScorching Wilderness BindersTranquil Lake Binders
Obtained by
Complete Mythical Island Themed Collection
Obtained by
Complete Mythical Island Themed Collection
Obtained by
Complete Mythical Island Themed Collection
Untouched ForestVenusaurPikachu
Untouched Forest BindersVenusaur BindersPikachu Binders
Obtained by
Complete Mythical Island Themed Collection
Obtained by
Event - 3 Tickets
Obtained by
3 Premium Tickets
MeowthMewtwoErika and Vileplume
Meowth BindersMewtwo BindersErika and Vileplume Binders
Obtained by
Event - 3 Tickets
Obtained by
3 Premium Tickets
Obtained by
45 Poké Gold
GardevoirGenetic Apex CharizardGenetic Apex Mewtwo
Gardevoir BindersGenetic Apex Charizard BindersGenetic Apex Mewtwo Binders
Obtained by
Purchase Bundle
Obtained by
15 Shop Tickets
Obtained by
15 Shop Tickets
Genetic Apex PikachuSpecial Set 01Eevee
Genetic Apex Pikachu BindersSpecial Set 01 BindersEevee Binders
Obtained by
15 Shop Tickets
Obtained by
7 Special Shop Tickets
Obtained by
Pokeball Binders Binders Binders
Obtained by
Obtained by
Obtained by