Pokémon TCG Coins

Pokémon TCG Pocket includes a number of Coins obtained within the game that can be used to help customise the deck and are used when your cards call up a coin flip. These coins come in a variety of styles and can be added to through in-store purchases as well as through special missions

These become open to you when you open the Battle feature when you hit Level 3.

Pokémon TCG Pocket Coins

List of Coins

Arceus CoinGlaceon CoinLeafeon Coin
Obtained by
6 Premium Tickets
Obtained by
Bundle - 45 Poké Gold
Obtained by
Bundle - 115 Poké Gold
Darkrai CoinCynthia CoinBlastoise Coin
Obtained by
6 Premium Tickets
Obtained by
Bundle - 115 Poké Gold
Obtained by
Event - 5 Tickets
Charizard CoinMew CoinVenusaur Coin
Obtained by
6 Premium Tickets
Obtained by
Complete Themed Collection
Obtained by
Event - 5 Tickets
Pikachu CoinMeowth CoinMewtwo Coin
Obtained by
6 Premium Tickets
Obtained by
Event - 5 Tickets
Obtained by
6 Premium Tickets
Erika AltRainbow ErikaGardevoir
Erika Alt CoinRainbow Erika CoinGardevoir Coin
Obtained by
Bundle - 45 Poké Gold
Obtained by
Bundle - 115 Poké Gold
Obtained by
Purchase bundle
Special Set 01EeveePoke Ball
Special Set 01 CoinEevee CoinPoke Ball Coin
Obtained by
12 Special Shop Tickets
Obtained by
Obtained by